Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 76 "Udaios"

Chapter 76 "Udaios"

The 18th floor of the dungeon is a special place.

Like the 50th floor, it is a safe floor that will not spawn monsters, and it is also the first safe floor in the dungeon.

However, unlike the 50th floor, which is like a gray wilderness, the 18th floor is a place called "Maze Paradise", which is rare in dungeons like "Big Tree Labyrinth" and "Water Mystery City". spectacle.

There is an endless grassland like nature.

There are wide lakes and forests all around.

There is also a small island located in the center of the great lake, and a huge tree stands tall in the middle of the prairie in the distance. The tree hole in the tree is the entrance to the "big tree maze" on the 19th floor. Everything is a spectacle that can only be seen in this paradise.

Of course, what is most worth talking about here is the blue crystals that can be seen everywhere.

On the 18th floor, there are blue crystals growing everywhere, some are big, some are small, some stand like pillars, some are like bushes all over the roadside, and even the ceiling of the whole floor is covered with blue crystals. Jagged crystals.

These crystals can emit light, and the amount of light will change with time, causing the 18th floor to sometimes be as bright as day, and sometimes as dark as night, just like the ground, there is a difference between day and night.

It is said that there is also a simple town on the island in the center of the lake. That town was established by adventurers and used as a transfer station and rest place on the way of adventure.

Therefore, there are people living on the 18th floor, and there are hotels, shops and other places, but the fees are extremely high. The low price will eventually lead to not selling much.

Thanks to this, the town on the 18th floor can be regarded as a very famous black market in the industry, and almost all the people doing business there are some rough and impolite villains. If you are not careful, you may be severely cheated The last stroke made many adventurers itch with hatred.

It's not that Li Ge has no interest in that small town, it's just that at this moment he doesn't have that small town in his mind at all, and he doesn't plan to go there to do anything.

"Ace must be going down."

With the girl's current mood, it is definitely impossible to stay in the small town.

Therefore, Li Ge didn't intend to stay there at all, and went directly to the big tree in the middle of the prairie, and entered the 19th floor through the tree hole there.

From this layer onwards, monsters are no longer killed indiscriminately.

The terrain of the dungeon is that the lower the floor, the wider the area. The "big tree maze" starting from the 19th floor has a large area on each floor, and there is not only one road that can reach the entrance of the 20th floor. It is not only difficult to kill all monsters without distinction here, but also a waste of time.

Ais obviously also understood this, and finally stopped massacring, and the number of monsters increased sharply from the 19th floor, which could already bring some obstacles to Li Ge who was on his way.

Coupled with the larger terrain and wider area, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to find someone here.

It is possible that Ai Si stayed in a corner of this floor, fighting with monsters.

If Li Ge directly abandons the search at this level and continues down, it is very likely that he will pass by Aisi.


"With her character, at this time, she must continue."

No need to think too much, Li Ge is sure of this.

He could probably guess what Aisi was going to do on this trip.

The night before yesterday, after coming out of Loki's shrine, Ais, who was dissatisfied and saddened by her own growth, had already expressed her goal for the next stage.

That's upgrades.

Ace, ready to move on to the next level.

This was a plan that she had made in the first place, but she was hit in the duel with Li Ge, so she advanced the plan.

In this way, Aisi's destination is much easier to guess.

"In order to achieve the feat required for leveling up, Aiz needs an extremely difficult opponent."

This opponent must be stronger than Ais at this stage.

And Ais's level is the highest level of Lv.5, stronger than that, only monsters with a classification level of Lv.6.

Monsters of this level can't be encountered even if they go deep into the 50th floor, and even on the 51st floor, there is only one strong dragon.

It would take too long to go to the 51st floor, at least five or six days.

This is still the time spent on the expedition. Going alone can only take more time, not less.

Ace definitely couldn't wait that long.

In view of this, there are only two kinds of opponents chosen by Aisi.

Either it is an enhanced species with a general ability much higher than monsters on the same floor or a rare species.


"Floor Master!"

On the 27th floor, there is a floor master with a classification level of Lv.5, Amphispina.

But that super-large dragon-type monster has the same classification level as Aisi, and it may be a threat to the rest of Lv. Just the opponent.

The two-headed dragon can't meet Ais' needs, and Ais will definitely not choose to challenge it to complete the required feat.

That being the case, the opponent chosen by Ais is the floor master who is one level stronger than Amphispina.

"The owner of the 37th floor, Udaios."

This floor master with a classification level of Lv.6 is the strong enemy that Aisi longs for.

Therefore, there is only one destination for Ais.

"Floor 37!"

When thinking of this, Li Ge was in trouble.

You know, his time in this world is running out.

On the day he returned from the expedition, Li Ge had already been in this world for 97 days, and he only had the last three days left to stay.

The next day, that is, yesterday, Li Ge spent the whole day dealing with family affairs, and in the evening he went to hostess Feng Rao to hold a celebration banquet.

And then there is today.

In other words, almost two days have passed since the return from the expedition.

After tomorrow, at this time the day after tomorrow, Li Ge will leave this world and return to the original world.

This is an irreversible process.

The time limit of the dimension shuttle is one day in the original world, which is clearly written in the regulations of the "Dimensional Rubik's Cube Instructions".

Once the time limit is up, Li Ge's conscious body that descended into this world will disband on its own, and will be brought back to the original world by the Dimensional Rubik's Cube.

In other words, if Li Ge couldn't find Ai Si in another day or so, he might not even have the chance to say goodbye to everyone, and would directly return to the original world.

In Li Ge's mind, the face of the blond girl who lacked the ability to express emotions emerged.

"[Wake up (Tempest)]."

Accompanied by a chant like a whisper, a storm rolled up on Li Ge's body.


Li Ge, I can't care too much anymore.

He just wanted to find Ai Si quickly, so as not to have any accidents with that girl.

As for how much load the body bears, it is no longer important to Li Ge.



Naturally, the nearby monsters would not fail to notice the movement here, and began to roar and attack this side.

That monster, as strong and huge as a bear, is a large species that can only appear from the 19th floor --- Berg bear.

Its classification level is Lv.2, and it is a rather tricky monster for adventurers who are also Lv.2.

It's a pity that they provoked the wrong person.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!".
When the storm swept past, the few Berg bears that rushed towards this side seemed to be chopped into pieces, and they were cut into countless pieces of meat on the spot.

The pieces of meat exploded into ashes, and only the magic stone fell to the ground.

Li Ge still ignored this, and galloped towards the entrance leading to the 20th floor.

Dungeon, level 37.

This is a floor called "White Palace".

On this floor, all the walls are white and turbid, and the entire floor is like a castle, consisting of five floors of ring-shaped walls, and the stairs leading to the 38th floor are located in the center of the floor.

If you want to go to the 38th floor, you must go to the center of this floor.

To get to the center of this floor, you have to go through the open passage between the large ring walls, and climb up and down several uneven floors.

However, the scope of this floor is extremely wide, almost comparable to that of the city, and the terrain is also a huge maze structure. If you run around in this kind of place, it will be very easy to get lost, or you may be trapped Here, you can never get out.

Generally speaking, it should take about two to three days to reach this floor.

However, with the acceleration of [Wind Spirit Rush], it took Li Ge about a day to successfully reach this floor.


There was soreness from every part of his body, Li Ge almost staggered and fell to the ground.

Li Ge deliberately ignored the pain on his body, gritted his teeth, and continued to run forward.

The ceiling above the head is so high that it seems to be invisible, and there is a feeling of boundlessness.

The space is filled with gloomy darkness, and only the phosphorescence that lights up at equal intervals on the white turbid wall barely illuminates the road, allowing people to move forward.

Li Ge supported his extremely sore body and rushed to the huge cave in his memory.

However, before Li Ge successfully arrived, he heard the voice first.

It was a ferocious roar that could shake the entire floor, the floor and walls of the entire labyrinth.


Li Ge's heart tightened, he whipped his overstretched body, and forced himself to finish the last section of the road, and broke into the huge grotto.

In the next second, Li Ge finally saw it.

He saw the girl whose back was facing the entrance of the grotto, and who was standing against the wind with her sword drawn.


Li Ge subconsciously made a sound.

This sound was ruthlessly covered up.

By a huge to amazing roar.


The roar of the huge monster resounded through the space.

In front of the girl, a monster gradually broke out of the ground and entered Li Ge's eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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