nonexistent experiment

Chapter 13 Unusual

Chapter 13 Unusual (Part [-])
When I stepped out of the house today, the sun was very bright and the weather was getting warmer. I looked up at the clear sky and thought that spring should be here. When I thought of this, I felt extraordinarily comfortable.

I also had a little fever from time to time in the past two days, but the fever would subside soon. The strange thing is that Chen Song and the colleagues around me seem to be in sync with me, and everyone has such a reaction.Although this is not a big problem, is this kind of thing not taken seriously by the medical and health institutions?What's more, isn't there a lot of such small-probability events of collective illness recently?Why did I use it again?

I shook my head vigorously, feeling that something was wrong with me these days, but I couldn't figure out what it was exactly.
The taxi quickly took me into the urban forest. I looked up at the tall and straight tree trunks and intertwined branches. Every time I passed by, I would feel like a little girl, feeling as if I had entered a fairy tale world.Only here can I feel the relaxation of my whole body, like a bird wandering in the wind, flying freely.

A leaf fell slowly from the branch in front, and it looked like the leaves were still tender green.

This is the first time I have seen leaves fall in the forest, even in winter, I have never seen such a phenomenon because of the energy cells.And now that spring has just entered, it should be the season of growth, how could it be?The taxi did not slow down because of my doubts. My eyes turned from the front of the car to the roof, and then through the rear of the car to watch the leaves fall on the driveway. Soon the taxi took me away from the forest, and I looked back The leaf slowly disappeared from sight.

I received a notice from the company yesterday that the pipeline remote monitoring and maintenance system will be fully upgraded.Today there will be a professional company to introduce the details of the upgraded operation.

When I saw the notification, I felt that it was another day to fish.In fact, this level of upgrade does not require any introduction at all. Even if there are doubts in daily use, the auxiliary artificial intelligence can be called up at any time to help solve them.

The division of the system is very detailed, and there is also a special person to explain it to my department.I sat in the monitoring room in a daze, bored.

Waiting and waiting for no one to come, I got up and prepared to buy a cup of coffee.As soon as he opened the door, he saw a petite voice standing at the door.

"Hello, I am" she didn't continue, but projected her personal work information in front of my eyes with earrings.

Su Runyao, from Chunxiao Software, has a job number of 0X1424.The person in charge of training and liaison of Chunxiao Software and I have basically had work contacts, but I have never met her and I have never heard of her name, so she should be a newcomer.

My sight returned to her face. She was wearing an electronic mask, but she still couldn't see the covered face clearly, so her eyes became the focus of my sight.When I met her gaze, those clear eyes, my time was stopped for a second.

I don't know where the familiarity comes from, as if I can see it every day, right by my side.Every cell and every pore in the body was instantly activated, and an electric current went straight from the top of the head to the whole body.

She blinked in bewilderment, just for a moment, but every detail seemed to be captured by a high-speed camera and played out frame by frame in my mind.Delicately curved eyebrows, slender eyelashes, moist and clean eyes, even if there are fine lines at the corners of the eyes when smiling, every frame is a wonderful oil painting to me, especially her light yellow The charming charm exuded by the pupils made me dazed.Just one frame of this one-hundredth of a second seems to contain countless different details, which makes me fascinated.

I almost don't remember what happened after that, what she introduced, every word seems to have never even entered my ears.In this way, I tried every means to look into her eyes from various angles and through various reflectors, and I was unwilling to leave my eyes for a moment.

What's even more unbelievable is that after she left, every pair of eyes I saw seemed to be replaced by those etched in my mind. I think I must have been possessed, completely lost the ability to think, and my mind was emptied. Forget who I am, where I am, and who I am.

Even the night was very deep, and I couldn't bear to go to sleep, for fear that after I fell asleep, I would never see these eyes again.

With the slow motion that has been played countless times in my mind, and the last frozen oil painting slowly changing from clear to afterimage, I still fell asleep.

"0X563, scanning for detection."

The number in the upper left corner is already 84.

I stared blankly at the system scanning my body, and those weird colors appeared less and less frequently recently.The same tingling sensation in the left arm only happens occasionally.

For a moment, I saw a pair of eyes, which flashed in my mind. It was beautiful. This beauty was more shocking than the first time I saw the white color of this room. Unfortunately, it was only for a moment. Such familiar eyes, Such clear eyes.

After that, I have been digging in my memory, but unfortunately there is nothing, but this familiar feeling is so real.

Could it be her?my manager?I immediately denied myself, it's impossible, she can't be worthy of such beautiful eyes.

what is the problem?

When she woke up, her eyes were still so clear, and I woke up from my sleep in an instant.

When I passed through the forest again in a taxi, the forest was still the same, still so beautiful, but for some reason, the scene in front of me slowly became farther and blurred, and her slightly smiling eyes were faintly blurred. Appearing in the center of this picture, the sun and green leaves have become her support and background, and everything has become so beautiful.

After arriving at the company, I sat in the monitoring room in a daze, letting my thoughts run wild.

The earring system was notified by the superior and asked me to report to him immediately.I knocked on the superior's door. Besides him, there was also the director of the company's external public relations in the room. I couldn't figure out why these two people were combined together.

The supervisor spoke first: "How did you feel about the training yesterday?"

I didn't expect the supervisor to ask this at all, and I replied a little embarrassedly: "Not bad, I basically understand."

"Then can you tell me about the general upgrades?" the supervisor asked slowly, and he and the director of external public relations looked directly at me.

I became nervous all of a sudden, and I thought about whether I had mishandled something, but I had no impression at all, like a fragment after being drunk, I hesitated and did not speak.

At this time, the director of external public relations clicked on the earring projection.A message unfolded in front of him.

"To the director of external public relations of XX Machinery:

Dear supervisor, I am Su Runyao, who came to your company yesterday for a system upgrade training explanation, and my job number is 0X1424.

During the one-on-one explanation, I was confused and even disgusted by the behavior of Sun Jie, an employee of your company.From the first time he opened the door to meet me, until I finished explaining, he seemed to be sleepwalking.In the final questions and answers, I seemed to be performing a one-man show alone, and I didn’t get any normal person’s response at all. This is the greatest contempt and disrespect for my work.

Secondly, Sun Jie watched me intently throughout the whole process. I don’t even know what words to use to express his expression and demeanor at that time. I did wear an electronic mask due to physical reasons, but this did not affect my work. , I feel this is the biggest humiliation I have ever received since working.

I hope your company can verify why Sun Jie has such a prejudice against me.If it is my reason, I am willing to come again to make up for my lack of work. "

The interview lasted for about an hour, and the supervisor also deliberately released the surveillance footage of the day, with that stupid and stupid expression, even I felt that I belonged to the same species as the pervert.

Only then did I realize what I had done yesterday, and I was really ashamed and regretful.I can only explain that I was unwell that day and was in a daze. Fortunately, I was only verbally warned once by the supervisor.

In the earring system, I found the electronic business card that Su Runyao gave me. I have to apologize to her. The most important thing is that I want to see her again, and look at the eyes that make me dream.How should I speak, how should I explain my dreamlike state.After all kinds of entanglement, I put aside all my worries and just dialed her phone.

"Hi, hello, I'm Sun Jie from XX Machinery." I introduced myself first, and the earring reminded me that my heart rate had reached 105BPM.

There was a moment of silence on the phone, maybe I didn't expect that I would take the initiative to contact her so soon.

"Is there something wrong with you?" The girl's inherent angry tone came from the earrings.

"Yes, I am indeed sick." I blurted out without thinking, completely unaware of her sarcasm and sarcasm.This is indeed my truth, and I also feel that the behavior that day is no longer in the category of normal people, and the tone of the speech is a bit depressed and depressed. .

It was silent again, I think she must have not expected my answer, especially because my tone of voice misunderstood her, her tone softened all of a sudden, with a hint of pity.

"Mr. Sun, are you really sick? I'm sorry, I don't know if you are really... serious? I didn't think you were for such a reason."

I was silent too.How should I answer?Tell her she got it wrong?To be counted down by her again?Or is it just going to be wrong?Before I could think about answering, Su Runyao's voice came again, maybe my silence made her feel that she had poked my scar again.

"Mr. Sun, I'm really sorry. I wrote a complaint email to your company before I understood the situation clearly. I really didn't think that you and I were so ill-considered"

This sudden change really caught me off guard. I replied incoherently: "You don't need to apologize and complain. No one will feel comfortable. I should apologize." I don't know what I want to express.

"Then tomorrow, I'll explain it to you again at your company, and apologize to you in person."

I'm broken again.

After that, I only felt that my facial expression was stiff, and I kept a weird smile all the time.Even on the way home, when the taxi AI system greeted me, the first sentence seemed to be teasing: "Sir, you seem to be in a good mood today!"

In this way, once again I lost the ability to think, my mind was emptied, and everything was thrown out of my body, leaving only her eyes and her voice.

I fell asleep with a silly smile.

I just felt a bit stiff and sore in my facial muscles, but for some reason I was in a happy mood, and there was a kind of excitement of anticipation that was always lingering in my heart.

I saw those eyes again, fleetingly, impressed.

The systematic body scan is still going on, and I have no mind to look at those images.This must have something to do with it, I kept hinting to myself over and over again, what exactly is it?

Just as I was thinking and digging for memories, a forest flashed in my mind, a forest full of sunshine and dreamlike
(End of this chapter)

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