nonexistent experiment

Chapter 12 Unusual

Chapter 12 Unusual (Part [-])
I was surprised to find that today's 2 bill numbers and the taxi license plate both contained "0X563".

Maybe it's just a coincidence, I told myself.But I still checked the number of consumption vouchers that our town generates every day, which is about 30, while there are 2 taxis, and the probability of generating 0X563 at the same time is one in a trillion.
Although it is difficult for me to accept such a coincidence, I can't find any reason to doubt it.

In these chaotic thoughts, slowly I fell asleep.

"0X563, scanning and testing." The electronic sound of the system came to mind.

Why are you scanning again?The body lost consciousness again, and I couldn't control my limbs.I can only "see" the three-dimensional holographic image in my mind. Just like the previous physical examination, the image gradually changes from simple lines to green areas of various parts.The slight difference is that this time in the green area, there are tiny orange spots, twinkling, I don't know what this means?
How did I come back here again?I desperately recalled.Blurred freeze-frame photos flashed quickly in my mind. I saw many people, a huge square array, a string of numbers and letters, an incomprehensible form, expressionless faces, men, Women, old people, children, flash faster and faster.

With the passage of time, I regained my ability to control my body, and the momentary fear made me sit up involuntarily from the bed, feeling cold sweat all over my body.

"What's wrong with you, what did you think of?" The voice was no longer the electronic voice before, and I remembered that this was not the system, it should be my manager.

My memory began to slowly clear, I remembered that I had been in this room, it was illusory white, I just lay here for the first physical examination, I remembered that my manager controlled my body easily and casually, I am dressed in imperceptible clothes.In an instant, the photos that were just a moment ago turned into a coherent picture: I seem to have come to a vast space full of people, and the space is full of people standing neatly, and everyone is like the rules of intersections on a chessboard. They were all lined up, all expressionless, like window models whose souls had been drained.

I closed my eyes tightly in fear, and another wave of fear ran through every cell in my body like an electric current.

"I have been here, I have had a physical examination, and I have seen many people in the square, people like me." I am also like a machine, and the words come out of my throat.

"Interesting, what else can you think of?" she continued to ask me.

"I" I searched the depths of my memory hard: "You are my manager, you can control everything about me, you can read my thoughts" I paused.

"Are you thinking, I can read your thoughts, why do you have to say yes now?" When she said this, it felt like she was reading my thoughts, and I nodded acquiescingly.

"I just think it's more interesting this way, otherwise it would make me feel very boring, read it by yourself, say it yourself." She paused for a moment, and then continued with ease: "Don't you think it's more natural now?"

"Well, it's natural and it makes me feel like I'm a human being." Being able to talk does make me feel more like a living person than a controlled marionette.

I still remember her telling me, don't ask too many questions, don't make unnecessary struggles, but I can't restrain my thinking.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked submissively.

"Do you want to know that much?" Her answer was different from last time, which gave me a little hope that maybe she would like to shed some light.

"Yes, I want to know, I don't feel safe, why am I here? What am I going to do? I... I have no memory at all since last time, no way, no way I didn't do anything here! Always been Give me a physical examination, why? Are you an organ trader? Are you going to take my organs?" I asked questions like a cannonball, incoherent and confused.

"You are too emotional!" When she finished speaking, another burst of white light appeared in front of my eyes.

When I woke up, my head was more uncomfortable than when I woke up yesterday, and my limbs were weak. I staggered out of bed and walked to the bathroom.When standing in front of the mirror, I stretched out the five fingers of my right hand and stuck them on the mirror. After a few seconds, the mirror showed that my temperature was 38.6°C, my heart rate was 90BPM, and my blood pressure was 50/90mmHg. It reminded me that I might have a fever. Do I need to call the doctor? .

How come you have a fever?This kind of disease has not appeared for a long time. The health monitoring system of the town should not have such a problem. The last time I heard someone had a fever was three years ago. It was because of an accident in the hospital that caused bacteria caused by infection.I don't know why, but I waved my hand, indicating that I don't need to seek medical treatment.

The earring system connected me to Chen Song's call, and Chen Song's voice was also weak.

"You have a fever too?" I asked Chen Song.

"Also? Could it be you? Is it the seafood from last night? It shouldn't be. When I ate last night, I deliberately read all the information codes. They are all at the best security level, and it is impossible to fake them." Chen Song answered me.

"Really? I'm not as careful as you, but it's a coincidence that we both had a fever at the same time!" When I was talking about this, I felt as if something similar had happened, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Then are you still going to work today?" I asked Chen Song.

"Don't go to work. If you have a fever like this, why do you still go to work? Do you still go? To be honest, if you are detected by the company and you work with an illness, you will be punished and your social credit will probably be deducted." Minute!"

"Well, I know. The probability of both of us having a fever at the same time should be very small, don't you think it's strange?"

"Kind of, I don't really care about that. I kind of enjoy the fever, and honestly, I don't even remember a time when I was sick!"

I hung up the phone with Chen Song, and I went back to the room. Although I was very weak, I still tidied up the messy room.

The blue coat was folded on the back of the chair. This was a casual gesture after I entered the house, and it seemed that I couldn't change it.I picked up the coat and was about to hang it in the closet. At this moment, I saw "0X563" printed on the label behind the collar of the clothes. At this moment, I stood stiffly in place, unable to move at all, as if I was being pressed. Press the pause button.

I tugged at the creases on the dress, and it felt fine, so I hung it up in the closet.All of a sudden, I just felt dizzy, leaning on the edge of the bed and lying down
"How are you feeling now?" she asked me, still flat, but with a little more concern.

"It's nothing, it's fine. Didn't the inspection just now show that everything is normal?" I replied.

"Well, it's normal, I'm just asking you how you feel." She seemed a little different from usual, and I could feel it.

"The orange flash in the last image just disappeared, what does that mean?" I asked her.

"You observe very carefully, you don't need to know." She answered very simply, without any hesitation.

"Where the hell am I? Can you tell me?" I didn't dare to ask like I did before.

"No." There was no pause for a second, and there was no room for a possible maneuver.

I slept very comfortably today, and when I woke up, I was very clear-headed. I haven't been in this state for several days.Trimmed his beard in front of the mirror, and the whole person looked much refreshed all of a sudden.But when I took a closer look, I found that there was something extra on the face. From the base of the ears to the neck, there were many small red spots inexplicably.I touched the spots back and forth with my hands a few times, and I could clearly feel the bumps, and it was a little itchy when I touched it. What's wrong with me?
"And" why is it again, I thought to myself: Did I have such spots before?No!Then why do I use it again!

I found a dress with a stand-up collar in the closet, hoping to cover up the spots on my neck. I looked in the mirror and it looked good. Fortunately, it’s winter now, and it doesn’t look so obtrusive.

Many pedestrians and company colleagues on the road also wore stand collars.

Today's mental state is not very good, I feel that I can't use my strength, I have no choice but to ask for leave and rest at home for a day.
When I went out in the morning, I felt a dull pain in my armpits. When I got off work, my neck and groin also started to swell. I don’t know what’s wrong?
I made a phone call with Chen Song at noon and learned that he asked for leave today. He seems to have been sick recently. Although I have been feeling uncomfortable in one way or another, fortunately, the symptoms are not very serious, so I persisted.I accidentally cut my finger at home at night, and the bleeding continued.
"0X563, scanning for detection." I don't know how many times I wake up in this ghost place, and I am tired of the white that once made me intoxicated.

Facing the holographic image in my mind, I no longer have any desire to see it, and just let myself go blankly.I have absolutely no idea what this represents other than a different color showing up in the body scan area each time, except the last few times, I've seen a detail.

In the upper left corner of the image display, there is a small number, which is very inconspicuous.

The number displayed this time is 29, compared to 28 last time.

44, 4562
Every time I wake up, I look at this number almost immediately, and it increases by 1 every time.Does this represent the number of times I've been here?
She doesn't appear every time, sometimes it takes a long time, and I have given up asking her where I am, numbness is my only performance now.

Thinking is really scary, something you can't control at all, the more I don't want to think about it, the faster it works.I have thought of many possibilities for my current situation.After going through so much, now I think the most likely situation is that I was controlled by some kind of force. They didn't know what technology they used to tamper with my body and control me. Their ultimate goal is to Some sort of experiment was being done on me.

Especially when I think of that huge phalanx and that dull face, I can't help but tremble all over.It's endless testing, not knowing when it's a gimmick.

"How do you feel?" Her voice came again.

I'm already too lazy to talk to her, since you don't see me as a human being, why should I obey.

"Hmm," I casually responded speciously.

"What do you mean?" she asked me.

"Nothing interesting, no feeling, no mood to talk." I imitated her tone of voice.

She was silent for a while, then said: "How about we talk?"

This is the first time she took the initiative to say such a thing to me, I was a little overwhelmed, I was flattered by her attitude, I pretended to be calm and asked: "What are you talking about?"

"Where do you think you are?"

"How do I know?" I didn't want to express my guess, I was afraid that if I guessed right, she would be against me.

"Oh~~Really?" She paused for a moment, then continued with a slight sarcasm: "Then I can only read your mind."

I'd almost forgotten that she could read my mind, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"I'm just guessing."

She said nothing, as if waiting for me to continue.

"I really don't know where I am? This place is very unreal, not like the real world, but it's not reality, so where is it?" I seemed to be talking to myself about my confusion.

"Are you experimenting with us?" I asked suddenly.

"Really? Why?" She asked me back.

"Physical examination, isn't it obvious? And from time to time, I feel numbness in my left arm. Could it be that you are injecting me with some medicine?" I thought my answer shocked her. After a long time, she realized answer me.

"You are making a sacrifice for all mankind!"

"What? Sacrifice? All human beings? What the hell? Please tell me. Please!!!" I yelled hysterically, but there was no more reply.

(End of this chapter)

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