nonexistent experiment

Chapter 11 The Perfect Plan

Chapter 11 The Perfect Plan (Part [-])
The short recess passed quickly, and the teams from various countries returned to the venue with doubts and questions.

"I'm not going to be polite, let me say something first. Xiao Sun's plan is indeed very novel and bold. It is well-deserved No.1 in the Metaverse. Since he joined my team, I have observed that he has been seriously Take notes, I believe that during this period of time, he has been learning about the vaccine development process and biochemistry, but after all, there are still some shortcomings. In the plan he proposed, there are indeed shortcomings, here I Let me make some additions first." After sitting at the conference table, Yu Yunlong seemed to be a different person, and immediately regained the authority of the leader of the leading group, Sun Sijie never thought that his every move would be observed by him.

He went on to say: "Xiao Sun's idea of ​​​​grouping volunteers is correct. As for how to divide and how to group, I think that after the meeting, we experts who specialize in the development of epidemic diseases can discuss it separately and come up with a set of volunteers. A complete plan. The idea of ​​100 people in each group is a bit simple. I think a group must have at least 1000 people. There is no large-scale test and big data collection, and the experiment is not convincing.

Secondly, for the DNA samples collected from volunteers, I personally think that it is necessary to conduct a screening in the human gene bank to mark the genetic fragments that may occur in order to avoid conflicts in experimental results.

Finally, in the clinical stage of the trial, I would like to hear any questions and ideas from the experts here. "

There was no silence or waiting this time, and someone in the venue immediately pressed the projector in front of them first.The speaker was Sanjay Nayi from Tianzhu: "President Yu and all the experts here, hello everyone." He spoke very politely: "First of all, I have to admit that Mr. Sun's plan opened my eyes. I sincerely admire it. I study genetics. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with gene replication on the body, but we also know that there may be mutations in gene replication. Then in your system, How did you restore this?"

Occasional errors will occur during DNA replication, causing deletion, addition, and substitution of individual bases, thereby changing genetic information and forming gene mutations.Sun Sijie was not an expert in this field, he had never thought about such a problem at all, he was blushing and unable to say a word.

"I think I can answer this question." It was Harris Eddie who spoke.

"Your question seems to be a good question, but in my opinion, to borrow a Chinese saying, you are 'picking the bone in the egg'. According to my calculations, even if the number of people in each group is expanded to 1000, the volunteers The total number of people is only nearly 10. I think you should know better than me about the probability of non-beneficial mutations occurring in nature. The occurrence of medium to high probability also requires a specific environment. In this case, we already have a detailed understanding of the work information of the volunteers when collecting information, so in theory, we only need to keep track of this part of the group. The most important thing is that even if it is not a virtual system, use real grams L people, there is also no way to couple such random events, do you think so?" Harris Eddie looked at Sanjay Nai, paused with a half-smile and continued.

"Do you know what we are most afraid of in clinical trials in the pharmaceutical process? SAE, that is, Serious Adverse Events. In drug clinical trials, adverse reactions to volunteers cause illness, disability, and death. What a blow to our pharmaceutical companies and volunteers. Once Mr. Sun's system is successful in this experiment, it can be said that it will completely change the process and speed of drug development in the future, and how many human beings will benefit from it. What a great boost to the field of medicine!" Harris Eddy became more and more excited as he talked, and he did have reason to be excited.Although science and technology are constantly advancing in pharmaceutical research and development, and the incidence of SAE is decreasing, even if the incidence is small, it is 100% for a certain individual. No one can bear this heavy pain and pressure.In order to avoid such incidents as much as possible, some bold research can only be forced to run aground.

Harris Eddy lowered his head. As the chief research officer of a pharmaceutical company, he has signed too many SAE reports.Every time he pretends to be strong, behind it is the torture of the soul again and again. He is not the executive of a black-hearted pharmaceutical company, he is a person with a conscience.Sun Sijie could tell that Harris Eddie's eyes were already tearing up.Isn't this exactly what Sun Sijie wanted? Everyone present was moved by Harris Eddie's heartfelt voice.

"Actually, my original intention is to reduce the error of the experiment. After all, the experiment is related to the survival of all human beings. Our team will make a detailed report on this part, and see how to reduce the error from the genetic point of view. To the minimum. My question is over." Sanjay Nayi closed his notebook and switched the projector.

Sun Sijie did not expect that Harris Eddie would save him. He cast a thankful look at Harris Eddie, and then said to the venue: "I want to follow Mr. Eddie's train of thought and make some additions. In the system, the details of volunteers’ real life will be restored as much as possible, such as eating habits, daily routines, working environment characteristics, etc. The purpose is to maintain the consistency between the environment in the body and the actual situation to the greatest extent, and avoid causing Serious experimental error, this AI system will track and adjust the data in real time. But it is undeniable that to achieve complete consistency and synchronization, as Mr. Eddie said, unless the experiment is done by volunteers , otherwise even a real KL person would not be able to do it." After Sun Sijie finished his supplement, everyone present recorded it carefully.

Yu Yunlong was also reminiscing about the speeches of Harris Eddy and Sun Sijie at this time. He didn't pay much attention to the issue of complete consistency, and he focused more on the technology itself.That's right, the success of this technology is cross-generational. It can not only be applied to the research and development of drugs, but also be able to show its talents in the treatment of patients.He forcibly collected himself, and said to the venue, "Do you have any questions?"

"I have another question. I would like to ask Mr. Sun, how will the system deal with the SAE problems that occurred in the experiment?" It was Asano Okawa who spoke.

"Oh, the problem is this. In the Metaverse, every virtual KL is actually a bunch of digital codes. When an SAE problem occurs, the system will reset the data of the KL and restore it to the original generation state. This does not pose any ethical issues, and of course, if necessary, further observations can be made on such KL people, and the data after SAE can be recorded for feedback and improvement.” Sun Sijie already had a solution for this , so there was no pause in the answer.

Asano Okawa nodded to Sun Sijie, then shrugged to indicate that his question was over.

"Xiao Sun, I have a question. I want to ask. As you just described, the flow rate of time in the system can be controlled. I would like to ask, is there an upper limit for this? Can the flow rate of time be set to the fastest level?" Yu Yunlong asked suddenly.

"Professor Yu, at present, the fastest flow rate of the system is that one day in the system corresponds to three years in our reality. In my test situation, at this flow rate, all calculations are controllable. No matter how fast it is, it may The load of the system cannot bear, resulting in "

"Did it cause the system to crash?" Yu Yunlong followed my words.

"Yes, it may cause the system to crash, so the safest situation is to control the system time flow rate within this threshold." Sun Sijie added.

Yu Yunlong was recording something with a pen, then raised his head and said.

"Go ahead, everyone. Is there any question?" Yu Yunlong just finished speaking when a voice came to mind.

"Hi Mr. Sun, I'm Hannah Hoffmann from Germany. My question is about the content of the system. Is their daily life and work carried out according to the content set by the system? Or Do they have free will in the system?"

Sun Sijie has actually been waiting for this question for a long time, and this is also the enhanced AI function he added to the system this time. "Miss Hoffman, thank you very much for your question. I think this question is simple. You can regard the Ke L as an NPC, but unlike ordinary NPCs, they will be generated according to the settings of real people and characters The same simulated thinking, I don't know if this is what you call free consciousness. In other words, they only have the original setting, their behavior and language thinking are freely generated according to what actually happened, and there is no repeated cycle , for them, every day is a brand new day. Of course, free consciousness itself is a very subjective feeling. Even for us, it is difficult to say that our current thoughts are our free consciousness. Maybe we are also a metaverse product." Sun Sijie replied.

"Well, I think I can understand what you mean. In your system, each KL body actually has its own consciousness, but this consciousness is set and will not break away from its own thinking category" Han Na Hoffman paused thoughtfully, and continued to ask: "If...only if, in the system, the K-L body broke away from the constraints of the system's settings and produced real consciousness, or he's 'awakened' , will he cause harm to the conduct of the experiment?"

This is indeed an interesting question. It's not that Sun Sijie hasn't thought about it, but he doesn't know the answer.He replied: "Your question is very interesting. To be honest, I don't have the right answer. So far I have not found such a situation, nor have I found the possibility of a breakthrough. But one thing I can guarantee is that even if you It is said that the KL body is out of the setting, and the self is 'awakened', so the problem is not too big, we can restore and reset it in the system, or completely clear it."

"So that's the case, so is this a murder?" Hannah Hoffman said to herself in a low voice.

The subsequent meeting lasted for 5 hours, and at the end everyone unanimously approved Sun Sijie's proposal.It will be reported to the Global Federation for review and approval the next day.Experts from various countries have also begun to compile details of the plan.

As expected, the Global Federation quickly approved the plan and appointed Sun Sijie as the special person in charge of the project. Apart from Yu Yunlong, he enjoys the highest authority in the system.But he must obey the expert group in the research and development of biology, gram L, and vaccine.Of course, there was nothing wrong with this, and Sun Sijie didn't have any objections.In addition, with such a huge system, the Global Federation temporarily requisitioned the hardware facilities of Insai Intelligence, and moved the headquarters of the Epidemic M R&D team to the Insai Group.

According to the final plan, the work of recruiting volunteers and collecting information needs to be completed within two weeks. At the same time, Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie still need to conduct preliminary experiments on the "simulated K-L people" within these two weeks.It also takes one week to compare, verify, and enter the data, and after one week for the analysis of the experimental results and the production of vaccines, there are only two months left for the actual experiment.It was urgent, and everyone felt the pressure. Fortunately, at such a critical moment, everyone was working hard in one direction, and the progress of the plan appeared to be orderly.

The two-week recruitment of volunteers was much smoother than expected, and the number of people who signed up was much larger than expected. After layers of screening, those volunteers who did not get the quota seemed a little downcast.Sun Sijie also signed up to be a volunteer, but besides wanting to contribute to the experiment, he still had some selfishness. Hannah Hoffman's question about the self-"awakening" of the virtual K-L has been entwined in his mind. heart.Of course, he reserved his identity for his "KL" person information. Except for biological information, he completely fabricated a new identity. He didn't want his KL body to be too ostentatious in the system, so he gave himself The Ke L people named: Sun Jie.

The collection of all biological information and proofreading of other information also went smoothly.Regarding the confidentiality of volunteers' personal information, the Global Federation specially promulgated a special bill to implement encryption measures at the highest state-level secret level for the personal information of the subjects.

Soon the experiment entered the second stage, the generation link of "virtual subjugation of people".After analyzing the experimental data of the computer simulation KL technology provided by Harris Eddie, Sun Sijie and the team of Insai Group made improvements and upgrades on this basis. After several tests, the "virtual volunteers "The generation time was shortened from 10 hours and 46 minutes to 2 hours and 24 minutes.

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(End of this chapter)

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