nonexistent experiment

Chapter 10 The Perfect Plan

Chapter 10 The Perfect Plan (Part [-])
When Sun Sijie heard for the first time in the report that the production of epidemic vaccines was still in the most preliminary experimental stage, he seemed to feel a kind of mission calling himself.And when he received Yu Yunlong's invitation and successfully became a member of the Huaxia Epidemic M R&D team, he was sure that it must be his grandfather paving the way for him, and all his previous efforts finally had a chance to be put to good use.

Since Sun Sijie joined Yu Yunlong's team, he has been acting as a listener. He has made sufficient notes for every team meeting, and listened carefully to everyone's thoughts and opinions, allowing himself to be in the shortest possible time. He was able to keep up with the development of the epidemic M, and at the same time, in his spare time, he devoted all his energy to the development of the second version of "primitive life".

In this way, a perfect vaccine development plan was gradually formed in his mind.

In his conception, the epidemic M development plan is divided into three steps.

[-]. Recruitment of volunteers.

In order to ensure the reliability and universality of the experimental results, the experimental subjects must be strictly grouped and preset before recruitment, and targeted comparison groups should be formed according to different races, genders, and age groups.Such different combinations will generate nearly 100 groups. According to Sun Sijie's idea, if each group needs 100 volunteers, then the number of volunteers needs to be at least 1.

In the actual recruitment process, it must be carried out in strict accordance with the preset grouping and number settings.

After the recruitment is completed, the personal information of the volunteers will be collected in all directions, including: biological information, life information, work information, and pathological information.

At present, the collection of biological information still needs Etogram L technology, which is also the key to the success of the experiment.Sun Sijie didn't have much professional knowledge in this area. In the original plan, he put a big question mark here. When Harris Eddie happily explained their breakthrough in CL technology, Sun Sijie had the last word in his heart. The suspense has also settled.

Except for biological information, other content is not difficult to achieve. The government's information system and user data collected in the earring business system can already outline the life map of volunteers.It's just that the use of personal information on such a large scale requires the authorization of the global federation and individuals.Sun Sijie expected that this should not be difficult to achieve.

Second, generate virtual volunteers.

The second step is also Sun Sijie's most proud step.In all metaverse concepts, the user enters a virtual world, using a virtual body, the user can set different skins for the virtual body, as long as you are rich enough, you can even create your own virtual world for yourself kingdom.

And Sun Sijie wants to create a "real" world, "real" users, "real" behaviors, and a "real" life for this metaverse.

This step is to put the cells of the volunteers into a system called "Volunteer Generator", and then use Harris Eddy's experimental procedures and methods to generate them in the system A "life" that is exactly the same as that of a volunteer.

In fact, Sun Sijie has no real confidence in this point. Although the Harris Eddy team can provide relevant experimental data, it is also said that the experiment has been successful, but such a large-scale gram L is the first time, and this technology It is not something he can control, and it is completely dependent on others, so it is necessary to conduct a preview of this aspect before officially proceeding with this step.

After generating a gram body that meets the standards, it is necessary to give this "life" the life behavior of all volunteers in reality, that is, the collected information content.Such a living "virtual volunteer" was born in Sun Sijie's Metaverse.

Since the "virtual volunteer" completely reproduces all the real and effective information of the volunteers in reality, the experimental data he conducted in the Metaverse will also represent the experimental data with real volunteers. This is what grandpa wanted to get back then Theoretical conception of "virtual patient".

In addition, Sun Sijie has successfully generated a "primitive life" system that is so detailed that it is outrageous, especially after he entered the Insai Intelligence to further optimize and test this world, he restored this metaverse Real-world scenarios are even more confident.

[-]. Experiment.

In the experimental stage, Sun Sijie was a veritable layman. He had almost no experience in the testing, experimentation, analysis, and production process of the epidemic.And he is not worried about this at all, he has full confidence in his team, especially Professor Yu Yunlong.

At this stage, the only thing he has to consider is how to ensure the operability of the experiment.How to ensure that the experiment achieves the expected purpose and effect within the specified time.

For this reason, Sun Sijie made a lot of ideas, and finally his ideas boiled down to:

The safety and reliability of the epidemic, in addition to ensuring that the experimental data is valid at the moment, also needs to consider the possible side effects of the epidemic in the future, whether it will cause unforeseen harm to the body in the future, or more long-term, which is related to The next generation, after all, this terrible virus has existed for 6500 million years, it is very necessary to consider the longer term.

Because of this, he added time flow control to the Metaverse.One thing that needs to be affirmed is that the flow rate of time can be adjusted, but it cannot be jumped.The purpose of increasing the flow rate is to speed up the process of the experiment, and will not affect the metabolism of the "virtual volunteer" body and the continuity of life.The time jump will change the reliability of the experimental data, allowing the body cells to form breakpoints in the process of change.

How many times the flow rate is used depends on the ratio of the actual time available for the experiment to how long the experiment will be carried out.Therefore, there is no specific regulation on this point, and it is determined according to the actual situation.Of course, the flow rate can be re-set even after the experiment is started.

This plan has been repeated countless times in Sun Sijie's mind, and he has always deeply remembered the words of his grandfather "Don't spend your whole life carrying your ego".Sun Sijie was really conceited for a while. Success made people arrogant and made people lose their correct logical thinking. Fortunately, he realized this in time.This plan is perfect, without flaws, he said to himself again and again.

In this way, Sun Sijie spent less than half an hour at the 8th meeting of the Joint Epidemic Research and Development Center to explain his plan.

There was no sound in the venue, and everyone was shocked. They had never developed such a big brain hole, combining a serious experiment related to the entire human being with something similar to entertainment like the Metaverse.They are all thinking, is this plan really feasible?It is really a bold idea to use a "virtual" "combat person" instead of a real person for the experiment.

It was still Yu Yunlong who broke the silence. When Sun Sijie explained the plan, his brows sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed.At this time, he did not look at Sun Sijie, his first words were to the American Harris Eddie.

"Mr. Eddie, human cells are not tested in a real environment, but are realized through system simulation. Have you ever tried this?" Yu Yunlong was really keen to discover the most critical problem, and pointed to the point. Come out, if there are any mistakes or problems in this link, then all of Sun Sijie's ideas will become empty talk.

"Professor Yu, to be honest, when I heard Mr. Sun's introduction, I almost thought that the most confidential information of us American people was stolen by you at that time. Otherwise, how could Mr. Sun be so confident that he didn't expect our gram-L technology to be able to Use it for such a purpose." Harris Eddie lowered his head, a little lonely and even more frustrated, his original arrogance was gone at this moment.

"Mr. Eddie, can I understand that you have such a simulation experiment? Please answer me directly!" Yu Yunlong's eyes seemed to sparkle, and he stared at Harris Eddie.

Harris Eddie raised his head, he didn't look at Yu Yunlong, but turned to look at his idol Sun Sijie, nodded and said: "Yes, we have indeed done it. In the beginning of the experiment, we used the human body to do the real experiment, and we failed again and again. , Congress lost patience with us and drastically cut the budget of the project. In fact, thinking about it now, it put us on the right track, and we started to use computers to conduct simulation experiments. The generation rate and survival rate of cells reached 99% We only entered the formal experiment at the above time, which actually made us get twice the result with half the effort. So, Professor Yu, you don’t have to worry about this, the simulation degree of our final simulation experiment on the computer reached 99.9999%”

Hearing what Harris Eddie said, both Sun Sijie and Yu Yunlong let out a long sigh of relief.The most critical problem has been solved. In the face of such a critical moment for all mankind, it is impossible for Americans not to provide experimental data. In other words, Sun Sijie's plan has formed a closed loop.

Yu Yunlong took a sip of water, and then looked around the venue. At this time, everyone in the venue had slowly woken up from Sun Sijie's plan. Yu Yunlong cleared his throat and said, "Everyone here is an expert in various fields. I think Xiaosun's plan will more or less involve your research areas. Everyone's brains are probably similar to mine, and they are a little bit unresponsive. Let's take a break for half an hour, and everyone and their respective teams will seriously consider it. Next, we will come back later to ask questions and study the details."

As soon as Yu Yunlong's words fell, there were discussions in the venue. Everyone spoke their own language, and no one cared about Sun Sijie's existence for a while.

Harris Eddie was the first to get up, and he walked towards Sun Sijie with a little embarrassment. When he was one meter away from him, he stretched out his right hand, expecting to shake hands with Sun Sijie.Sun Sijie didn't expect Harris Eddie to act like this. He froze for a moment, then with a smile, he also extended his right hand.

"Mr. Sun, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect to meet you here. In fact, I... I am your loyal idol." Harris Edillo blushed and had no idea that he had said something wrong.Facing an idol who is much younger than himself, he is also a little nervous for no reason.

Sun Sijie was taken aback for a moment, but then he reacted and said with a smile: "Mr. Eddie, you are too polite."

Yu Yunlong walked up to the two of them for some unknown reason, patted their shoulders with both hands at the same time, and said with a smile: "Mr. Eddie, there is a saying in China that goes 'If you don't fight, you don't know each other'. Tit for tat. If Xiaosun's plan can be approved in the end, it will be inseparable from your technical support!"

"That's for sure, it's my honor to work with Mr. Sun!" Harris Eddie also relaxed a lot.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation." The three smiled at each other.

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(End of this chapter)

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