nonexistent experiment

Chapter 9 Small Town Life

Chapter 9 Small Town Life (Part [-])
The unmanned taxi arrived soon, and I got into the car after passing through the waiting room. The taxi entered the dedicated lane after passing through a vertical ascending passage.The lanes are all above the building, and no vehicles can be seen on the ground except for the waiting point.The ground of the whole town is completely free space.

I love the improved style this time around.The pure white body, surrounded by color-changing liquid glass, is very fashionable.The previous generation still used the suspended design, but due to energy consumption issues, it has now changed back to hidden tires, but it still looks like it is suspended.

Another reason I like it is the space design inside the body.The body of this small taxi can only accommodate 2 passengers sitting opposite each other, so the body is relatively narrow, just one meter wide.The system presets three different riding modes: lying, sitting, and standing. The height of the seat and the body will change with the different postures of the passengers. AI will also adjust the speed of the vehicle based on this and the mental state of the passengers.

After getting in the car, the system has adjusted the state of the habitual seat for me.Most of the time, I like to stand up in the morning and the seat will be fully straightened into an arc to support my back.Once I fell asleep because I was sitting, and when I arrived at the company, my mind was still awake.So since then, I like to stand and lean on the back of the seat, change the body to a fully transparent mode, and watch the taxis shuttle back and forth.

Taxi service has been included in government benefits. As long as your social contribution score reaches the most basic minimum score, you can ride for free, and there is no limit on the number.So now few people in small towns buy private cars.

I like to enjoy the scenery on the road while leaning on the seat to enjoy the sunshine and the sweetness of coffee, which makes me energetic.

The earrings began to broadcast some of the news content and schedule that I usually pay attention to. The daily news is very boring, and there is nothing that makes me feel that I need to expand. The only thing I care about is whether the government has new social benefits that are shared by the whole people.

The taxi quickly entered the urban forest.

Every six two-way lanes in the forest are organized into a group, and such a group is neatly arranged in thirty or forty rows, leading straight to the front. Only when the exit is approaching, these lanes will criss-cross and start to divide. Drive to different areas.

Each group of lanes is separated by a row of Huaxia sycamores. This special sycamore was originally a transgenic variety synthesized by Huaxia.Indus can grow infinitely, and the growth speed is very fast.The first batch of sycamores have been planted for more than 50 years. It is said that the fastest growing ones have already exceeded 300 meters. The sycamores covering the sky and the sun have covered the entire driveway.

Every sycamore tree is very tall. Originally, there was no sunshine in the forest at all. Now a sunlight collector is installed on the top of the sycamore tree, and the pipes are connected downwards to the inside of the forest.The inner wall of the pipeline is coated with a layer of total reflection material, and the loss rate of sunlight after reflection in the pipeline of 200-300 meters is less than 1%.In this way, on sunny days, the sunlight sprinkled through these pipes forms a dream world of light and shadow, making the entire urban forest look illusory and real.

The most important thing about the improved variety is not the growth speed.The distribution of each fork and leaf of the branches is arranged according to the Fibonacci sequence. Scientists have studied and analyzed that such an arrangement can maximize the efficiency of plants in absorbing solar energy.

When the sycamore is sown, the soil layer is covered with artificial energy cells. This nanotechnology energy cell will be absorbed by the sycamore along with the water and nutrients in the soil, and enter the trunk, branches, and leaves to form a complete forest cell network.The original idea was to use these cells to analyze the tree growth process and artificially intervene in the uneven distribution of nutrients in the tree.A large amount of data later showed that the energy produced by photosynthesis is actually far greater than the growth of trees, and the excess energy is consumed in the excessive growth of branches and leaves.

Recognizing this, plant and biologists have modified energy cells to create entirely new energy storage cells.These energy storage cells are also sprinkled in the soil, and through layer-by-layer accumulation, all the excess energy stored is finally concentrated and distributed to every corner of the city through grid technology.This forest has become the source of energy for the city.The energy obtained comes entirely from solar energy, which is clean, low-consumption, high-yield, and most importantly, such an energy source is inexhaustible.

Magnetic lines of force are regularly arranged under each lane, and the electromagnetic field energy generated by vehicles passing by provides the vehicles with the electric energy they need for a day.The taxi is also equipped with an air circulation device to exchange the air in the car and the forest oxygen bar, and at the same time compress and store it to keep the car fresh and natural throughout the day.

The nearly 5-kilometer urban forest soon reached the exit, and the taxi immediately entered the bifurcation and intersection center. After a series of horizontal and vertical shuttles, it entered the road to the company.

The company is still some distance away from the town center, and the taxi is driving smoothly on the driveway.Looking from inside the car, you can have a panoramic view of the entire town. Except for a few 5-story buildings in the center of the town, all the buildings are below 3 floors.

The origin of this is the trend of urbanization 70 years ago. The gap between coastal cities and inland cities has become smaller and smaller with the development of marketization. Young people have more diverse career choices, and being away from home has become a minority As a last resort, villages, townships, and towns gradually began to develop.Under such a trend, the population of the original big cities began to shrink extremely, and high-rise buildings and dense housing became out of date.

Small towns began to appear sporadically. At first, they were just dots on the map. In just over 10 years, small towns exploded exponentially.Until now, in the satellite night view, the once bright lights along the coast have turned into stars in the entire country.

I haven't seen the previous cities, only occasionally seen in materials or film and television dramas.Like other young people of this era, we don't like the depressive feeling of this steel city.Unlike the current town, more natural, more comfortable, not so much pressure.

The appearance and shape of the building became synonymous with the whole town, and town design competitions of various levels were also produced for this reason.However, the town I live in is purely AI-designed, more than avant-garde science fiction, but lacks the soul and life of human design.

The taxi finally sent me to the company, and there was a waiting point for the shuttle bus at the door, so I didn't need to walk a few more steps.

Truth be told, the company's work is tedious, just routine inspections and overhauls of pipes everywhere.In fact, such work can be carried out remotely by the system. Even if it needs to be repaired or replaced on the spot, an agent robot can be arranged to perform it.And I just need to watch the mechanical work of the robot on the spot.

Since work, the only time I did it myself was 2 years ago, and it was caused by the company's system failure, but that time I did it myself has always been fresh in my memory. For this reason, the company gave me an honorary title back then. The Social Contribution Rating has increased by 2 levels.

Although the work is very boring, it also gave me more time to study.This company is very humane, as long as it is related to the work content or even related to related fields, it can be done during working hours.Over the past few years, I have used almost all of my spare time to teach myself the theoretical knowledge about robotics and nanotechnology.I am also planning to apply to the company next year to enter the robot R&D and innovation department.

In this way, as usual, I sat alone in the control room and watched the analysis report generated by AI early in the morning.Data as always, nothing to pique my interest.

"Are you free tonight? Let's go eat seafood together. The newly opened restaurant is not bad." The voice of the system came from the earring. Although it is a 2.0 system, the voice system can fully restore the real human voice, so At this time, what I heard was as if Chen Song was talking to me face to face, it was the same.

I completely forgot about the previous drunkenness and the feeling of waking up with a splitting headache in the morning.He readily agreed without the slightest hesitation, and didn't even ask where it was.

Chen Song is my best friend, he works in a company under Urban Forest, responsible for the sunlight collection system.The current distribution, projection effect and visual performance of the sunlight points in my town are derived from his design model.He also received the highest rating for social contribution.

Aside from his superior design and math abilities, he's pretty much useless.The carefree image and whimsical thinking are completely different from his delicate design. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an out-and-out second-hand product.

For a while, Chen Song was madly infatuated with a girl, but he had been suffering from not knowing how to confess.Just a week before the girl's birthday, he "closed himself" and only said to the outside world that he was preparing a special romantic gift that belonged only to her.Everyone including girls is full of anticipation due to his sunny design.

On the day of the girl's birthday, she went to work through the urban forest as usual. When the taxi drove to the middle of the forest, all the sunshine shone on the girl's surroundings at the same time.This spotlight-like brilliance and the romance of the stage effect are every girl's dream. Chen Song imagined that in his dream, even their wedding, he had already imagined it during the "retreat" process.

It's a pity that the girl was not moved, but the girl's family called the police. Due to the high-intensity sunlight stimulation, the taxi AI didn't have time to change color, and the girl's eyes were severely burned.In the end, the girl spent 2 full weeks in the hospital before regaining normal vision.Fortunately, she was a kind girl who finally forgave Chen Song, and he was saved from prison.And Chen Song's social contribution level was directly lowered by three levels, and he was severely warned by the company. At the same time, his authority to control the Sunshine System was revoked, and he became an ordinary manager.

That period of time was the trough of Chen Song's life. He always regretted such a simple and obvious consequence. Why didn't he realize it? What an idiot. "Love makes people stupid" seems to be not wrong at all.He went out to get drunk every night, and the double blow of love and career made him even want to commit suicide.I can only be with him all the time, accompany him crazy and drunk with him, maybe because I am also a failure, and Chen Song's loss just gave me a chance and a way to vent.

One night, Chen Song and I fell on the side of the road after getting drunk, and I vaguely heard him say: "Brother, thank you!".After that night, he returned to his normal life as before.But it took me a long time to get used to it.

After we separated from Chen Song, I still took a taxi home, and the seafood tasted really good.We agreed to meet again next time.

I was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Before going to bed, I always checked the emails of the day to see if there were any important messages that needed to be answered, but most of them were just advertisements or bills.Sure enough, I deleted all the advertising emails, leaving only today's consumption bills, a total of two, one is the morning coffee, and the other is the evening bill with Chen Song AA.

I projected the image of the bill, the coffee cost 4.2 yuan, and the seafood cost 78.4 yuan.Just about to delete the email, a number suddenly caught my attention. I looked back and forth to see 2 emails from different senders that had no connection at all, and the number of the consumption bill contained 0X563
And I still clearly remember that the taxi number in the morning was also 0X563.

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(End of this chapter)

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