nonexistent experiment

Chapter 8 Small Town Life

Chapter 8 Small Town Life (Part [-])
When I opened my eyes again, I was no longer in the original space.I am in a wider and huge venue. The same thing is that the whole space is still white, but the difference is that it is full of people.

I have never seen so many people, and it is difficult to express the scene I saw uniformly.Each row is criss-crossed, and the interval between each column seems to be measured by a precision instrument.The distance between people on the front, back and left and right sides and me is about 2 meters.

If there is a camera looking down at this moment, it must be spectacular. It looks like a Go board without borders. All of us form a huge matrix of people. Where is my coordinates? ? Is 0X563 my coordinates?

I couldn't see the end of the front, back, left, and right queues. There might be tens of thousands of people. I had no idea at all. I just felt so small and completely submerged in the crowd.I cautiously inspected the people around me, their faces were expressionless, and there was no breath of life in their eyes, just like models in a shop window, only occasionally blinking their eyes twice, I couldn't help feeling creepy and getting goosebumps Get up.

These "models" are not the same, there are men, women, young and old, and different skin colors.

Where am I?In such a scene, I have no sense of existence, and my body stiffens involuntarily. I try my best to suppress my nervousness. Perhaps in the eyes of others, I am just a "model" who can blink.

While I was still thinking wildly, before my eyes, to be precise, it should be in my mind, the three-dimensional image of the human figure from the body scan just now appeared again.The difference is that in this video I have an extra set of simple clothes.

Except in the original room where I groped my whole body, there were no mirrors or reflective objects to give me an idea of ​​my true appearance and form.Although during the physical examination, through imaging and reproductive examination, I can already confirm that I am a man, but now when I see men's clothing in front of me, I have a real feeling.

The appearance image shown in front of me is clearer and more refined than the previous body scan. I have short black hair.Judging from the color of my skin, I think I should belong to an Asian. I am not burly, but a little thin. This is consistent with the feeling when I touched my body before. Unfortunately, I cannot judge my height from the video.

Judging from the details of the face, I should be about 25 years old.Very ordinary attire, a blue slim jacket with no other details except 0X563 on the chest, a pair of black overalls, and a pair of white sneakers. I can't guess my identity and occupation based on this information alone .

My appearance is very ordinary, at least in my own aesthetics, there is nothing remarkable and lackluster.Especially in such a crowd, my appearance will be overwhelmed in an instant, and no one will remember it.

Is this me?This is the only time so far that I have felt a little more grounded, although I am still in the dark about who I am and who I am.But who cares?This is already the worst situation, it should get better and better, I comfort myself like this.

While I was thinking wildly, another text appeared on the screen in front of me.

Number: 0X563;

Gender: Male;
Age: 28 years old;
Occupation: plumbing engineer;

Group: Asian Male Youth Group (AMY03)

group?Besides the expected Asian information, why grouping?Moreover, the groups are grouped according to race, gender, and age. What is the need for such grouping?I am a plumber, plumbers should not distinguish between races, not to mention that it is impossible for women and children to do this kind of thing, I am at a loss.

I have never seen such an address, but this combination of numbers and letters makes me feel very familiar, very familiar, and familiar enough to blurt out.

Immediately afterwards, a table appeared under these words. The horizontal and vertical lines of the table listed some symbols and abbreviations of professional terms that I could not understand at all. The table was empty without any information.

When I was still wondering, I suddenly felt a numbness in my left upper arm. I frowned, and the feeling disappeared, and there was an obvious mark on the first row of the table in front of me.
In this world, the least unexpected thing is that accidents always come very unexpectedly.And every accident is accompanied by a dazzling white light.

The reason why I woke up was that I smelled a smell of home, furniture, sheets, pillows, curtains, sofas, all the smells were like the deepest memory taste buds being awakened.

I forcefully opened the heavy eyelids and saw everything I was familiar with. I only felt a pain in my head and groggy.The sun had already shone through the cracks in the curtains onto the bed.

I remembered that yesterday I was overhauling the ventilation ducts of the newly built gymnasium in the town, and it was not completed until after 8 o'clock in the evening.After get off work, I went to the bar with my colleagues for a few drinks. I can't remember what happened after that, maybe it was broken again.

I sighed a long time and wiped my face, it was very greasy.I got up unsteadily from the bed and saw my blue coat lying wrinkled on the ground, I frowned, picked up the coat and put it on the back of the chair, trembling towards the bathroom.

Picking up the toothbrush water, I squeezed it twice into my mouth, and a refreshing taste filled the whole mouth instantly. I like this taste, and it makes me wake up every morning with the toothbrush water.

I still remember the day the toothbrush water sale was being promoted and a new flavor was specifically recommended to me - "Kenya Coffee".It was the first time I heard that there was this kind of coffee, but the salesman said it clearly, saying that adding Kenyan coffee to the water for brushing teeth is a match made in heaven. All are still fresh in my memory.It's a pity that I bought the most common mint flavor in the end. Apart from the low price, I don't like to try new things. Seeing the salesman leave angrily at the end, I find it funny.

I moved my cheeks a few times to let the water flow through every area of ​​my mouth, and then I swallowed it with my head raised.I still remember my grandfather said that everyone used toothpaste at that time, and then used a small tool with bristles on the front to brush back and forth in the mouth, and finally spit out the toothpaste with water.I was very surprised when I heard it. Brushing a tooth is really troublesome. The key is can it be cleaned?Grandpa said that he felt that the brush was not clean, and he had to use dental floss. Until now, I can't imagine what dental floss is like?How do you use it?

Today's toothbrushing water can completely decompose the tartar in the mouth and turn it into digestible protein as long as it is stirred a few times in the mouth.Technology is like this, making life simple and healthy.

I washed my face with water, and when I looked up, I saw myself in the mirror.I'm always dissatisfied with my appearance. It is estimated that no girl will have a good impression of me because of my face. I turned around to get my coat, but at this moment I stopped.

Something flashed through my mind, and I turned around again, staring at myself in the mirror.What is wrong?I don't know, there was a feeling of familiarity and strangeness, I shook my head vigorously, maybe it was indeed because I drank too much last night, which caused a short-term short circuit.

I don't like to take elevators, and I always meet people I don't like, and I don't know what to say, and I have to say hello in a hypocritical and embarrassing manner. Maybe the other party thinks the same way, just out of politeness.I walked into the hallway and there was a freshly painted smell in the hallway, I'm not worried about the environmental issues, but I still don't like the smell, it makes me sick to my stomach.

I thought to myself that I would have taken the elevator today, and I walked down the steps step by step. At the corner, I saw A0B5 painted on the wall. It was obviously newly painted. I covered my nose with my hands in disgust, and accelerated. Footsteps, there are only 3 floors, and soon I got out of the building.

Not far from the downstairs is the taxi waiting point. When it was more than 1 meter away from the waiting point, I heard a familiar voice.

"Good morning, sir! Do you need to call a taxi?" The customer service lady appeared in the holographic image of the system. The voice was very energetic, especially when I heard it early in the morning. I think the system must have set different voices according to different time periods. Serve.

"Of course, thank you" I replied politely.Soon a taxi with the number 0X563 appeared in the holographic image, showing that it would arrive in 5 minutes.

"Please wait a moment." I smiled at the customer service lady.There are still 5 minutes, which should be enough for me to buy a cup of coffee, and the self-service coffee machine is next to the waiting point.

Before I got to the coffee machine, the system had already recognized me and asked if I should have a cup as usual?
The coffee was made soon, and I heard a new email notification in my ears, which should be the consumption voucher for the coffee.

I'm using the Earrings 2.0 system, and still using the original voice control, which always feels a little awkward to me.The earring is an electronic terminal, much like a mobile phone in the last century.The information originally browsed by eyes can now be operated by voice, and it can also interact with the surrounding terminal systems.The reason why it is called earrings is because the design is inspired by earrings, which can be easily attached to the ears, which is convenient, small and beautiful.

The latest 3.0 system can already directly process tasks through the brain through the brain-sensing receiving device on the earrings.It's a pity that my current social contribution score is far from allowing me to replace the 3.0 system.

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(End of this chapter)

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