Chapter 15 Struggles (Part [-])
In this way, Sun Sijie secretly implanted a piece of his code in the system, bypassing all system detection.This is not difficult for him, the underlying code of both systems comes from his own design.

The reason why he didn't give these contents to Insai Intelligence is because he didn't want his system to be just a tool for others to make money. This condensed his grandfather's expectations and last wishes. government.

This set of simple codes can only identify his own gram body, and will not have any impact on other gram bodies. It can communicate with gram bodies in "marginal world" and "primitive life" in real time. Of course, Sun Sijie also Knowing the importance of the epidemic experiment itself, he also set up "permissions" for himself. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never communicate with himself in the "primitive life", only observe.

Just over four hours ago, Sun Sijie had the first "intimate contact" with his KL body in the "marginal world".In the "marginal world", he endowed "himself" with a more open thinking, and this kind of thinking will neither carry his own memory nor the memory of "primitive life".This is exactly the result he wanted. In order to completely cut off any possibility of him making the Ke L body produce memories, he used a voice camouflage treatment, a female voice closer to the system voice.

As for myself in "Primitive Life", since I have disguised the various settings of the G-L body in the early stage, especially as an ordinary plumbing mechanic in the professional setting, it is obvious that such a disguise is very difficult. Success, among all the 10 grams of L people, no one will pay special attention to "self".

The result after the first contact was much better than he expected, and he even found a little pleasure from the control of "self", and felt a sense of God.As long as he is free, he will return to his office and play the role of God, but as the experiment unfolds, some unexpected system problems appear in the "primitive life".

In the experiment, the "primitive life" is not a completely open world, the system has made the original setting rules in line with the experiment, in which 10 people are planned in 5 different virtual areas, according to the approximate distribution of the countries in the world Planning is carried out, and the five areas can pass freely.

A setting like this was directly implanted into the thinking of the Ke L body when the Ke L man was born.

The initial problem occurred on the first day of the system time. In order to facilitate the system to carry out data statistics on the behavior trajectory of the experimental KL people, almost all the life behaviors of the KL people are hidden in the numbering rules. The most typical ones are transportation and consumption. According to the system, less than one ten thousandth of the KL people discovered the connection that day, including Sun Sijie's KL body.In order not to cause systemic problems caused by this, the staff quickly repaired this setting. In addition to changing the numbering rules, the KL people who discovered the problem were uniformly amnesticized.

Afterwards, the large-scale testing of epidemic reagents caused widespread illness, death, and resetting of people in the system, causing the system's own medical system and some people in the system to generate early warnings.After everyone's discussion on this point, considering the stability of the system, real-time thinking suppression is carried out on the human-killing AI that produces such perceptions, while the medical system shields the prevention and response functions for group diseases.

Sun Sijie led the team to make improvements as quickly as possible, but compared with the system, the problem of the epidemic M development experiment itself became much more difficult.

The progress of the experiment was not as smooth as expected. On the contrary, various problems and difficulties occurred far beyond the original plan.

Due to the "virtual gating of L people" used in the experiment itself, the tolerance and safety guarantees during the experiment were greatly reduced. The principle is to conduct broader tests on the original reagents as much as possible, which was originally only for theory The idea of ​​developing the epidemic M in the first stage has also been included in this experiment to the greatest extent.

This is a great thing for scientists from all over the world, but it is also because of this reason that the progress of the experiment has become extremely slow.

On the 80th day of system time (14th day of real time), the development of the epidemic M still has no clue, and the phase I test of the original plan of 30 days has passed halfway.Teams of experts from various countries are improving and configuring reagents almost 24 hours a day, but they are at the end of their strength.

In the central hall, Yu Yunlong was still standing where he stood on the first day. As before, he moved his eyes slowly, looking at everyone's expressions.The difference from before is that almost most of the people's earnestness and efforts at that time have shown signs of fatigue, and the original joy and self-confidence have gradually lost their luster at this time.On the contrary, Yu Yunlong's expression seemed quite relaxed, as if the current situation at this time was within his expectations, and his eyes showed unusual calmness and confidence.

Yu Yunlong informed the teams from various countries to gather in the conference room, which is a daily routine meeting.In each previous meeting, Yu Yunlong mostly just served as the host and observer.He is old, and he knows that he can't keep up with everyone's rhythm in experiments and frontier fields, so he spends more time just thinking and examining.

There were many more people participating in the meeting than before, and each country expanded its team in order to show its strength.Sun Sijie also formed his own team, these people are from the staff of Insai Intelligence, and there are many auxiliary tasks that Sun Sijie can't handle alone.

The atmosphere in the venue was very oppressive, and there were nearly 100 people in the crowded area.Except Yu Yunlong's piercing eyes, everyone seemed to be out of spirits, like a defeated rooster, with their heads downcast.This is not the first time that such a state has appeared in this venue. No one spoke, and Yu Yunlong did not make a sound, deliberately maintaining this atmosphere.

Sun Sijie's mind didn't seem to be here. He kept thinking about the scene of talking with his own KL body. "I" had already guessed that I was doing some kind of experiment. He had a feeling that it would not be long before "I" would After discovering it, how should we face "myself" then?

After almost 3 minutes like this, Yu Yunlong finally spoke. His voice was powerful and sounded: "What? Don't you want to say something? Even if it is the cause of the failure."

To everyone's ears, Yu Yunlong's words seemed to be sarcasm for everyone, as if there was nothing to discuss except the content of failure.

Asano Okawa from Toyo first spoke: "Okay, since this is the case, let's talk about the experimental situation first. After yesterday's meeting, we have made a major improvement to the experimental formula. After passing 2 rounds of testing, there is currently no obvious problem. Adverse reactions, no obvious protein blocking or immune T cell production was found in all tested clones”

"Our experiment is almost like this. There is no clue. The effective data is far less than the failed data."

In this way, all the teams stated their experimental results one after another, which were almost the same as yesterday's content.

"You must be very desperate!" Yu Yunlong said directly without giving everyone any chance to breathe: "I have exhausted all the **** rounds of tests, from hope to disappointment, I have experienced this kind of despair. "At this time, a silent whimper could already be heard in the venue.

"I have also experienced such an experience and state. In fact, I believe that none of the scientists here has not experienced such an experience. It was a dark period in scientific research, and it is also the path that everyone who engages in scientific research must take. The painful journey to overcome
At that time, I had nowhere to go, no helper, no one to ask.Even if it is my competitor, I hope to get a little hint from him, even a little idea and hope. "Yu Yunlong paused, and saw that many people in the venue had already started to look at his former opponents.

"But, what about your current situation? Look around, don't you have the courage to speak up and cooperate with other teams? There is a saying in China, 'Threesomes must have my teacher', I give it to everyone who is doing it now, don't Be stingy and share your experience with others, even if it is the experience of failure! I know that you all have your own calculations and small things in your heart, but I have said many times, now we have no borders, no clans, and we are a whole. " Yu Yunlong's voice became louder and louder, and every word deeply penetrated and shocked these teams.

"Our time is running out. All human beings are waiting for us and pin their hopes on us. Don't let everyone down because of selfishness, and don't spend your whole life carrying your ego!"

Sun Sijie was very familiar with Yu Yunlong's last words. They were the last words his grandfather said to himself before he died.

Sun Sijie followed Yu Yunlong out of the conference room, and asked curiously, "Professor Yu, when did you think of what you just said?"

"It's very early, the third day of the experiment, what's wrong?" Yu Yunlong also asked Sun Sijie curiously.

"The third day? Then why didn't everyone share each other's data until now? Phase I is already halfway through, aren't you in a hurry?" Sun Sijie was very surprised.

"It's impossible not to rush, but Xiao Sun, you are a smart person, think about it carefully, why did I say that until now?"

Sun Sijie didn't speak, but fell into deep thought.After a long time, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "I remember you said at the first meeting that all people are a whole, and everyone should work together and help each other. But all countries must really form a community. , It's really hard, do you think it's meaningless to say it too early, they will do their own way, only when everyone is desperate can they really let go of their airs and regard former enemies and opponents as friends?"

"Well, you are right, especially these experts and scholars, they are no more than ordinary people, they regard their research results as important as their own lives. Don't look at them all superficially polite, they are actually competing with each other , who doesn’t want to be the first to develop the epidemic M, and doesn’t want to fight for honor for his country.” Yu Yunlong paused, then continued with a weird smile on his face.

"One more thing, you may not think that I'm actually using them. Let me ask you, Xiao Sun, what if there is a problem in your system? What will happen to you?" Yu Yunlong looked at Sun Sijie and said.

"Change it, this can't be more normal." Sun Sijie replied without thinking.

"Then can't it be changed?" Yu Yunlong asked immediately.

"Then change it again, change your thinking."

"Can't you change it?"

Sun Sijie was a little caught off guard by the question, and continued: "If you change your mind, there are always more ways than difficulties."

Yu Yunlong didn't continue to ask any more questions, but looked at him with a smile.

"I see. You deliberately give enough time to the teams from various countries, that is, to empty out all their ideas, expose all possibilities, and not leave them any room. This will do more with less for future collaboration." Sun Sijie suddenly realized.

Sun Sijie wanted to ask if he knew his grandfather, but Yu Yunlong patted him on the shoulder, turned around with a smile and walked away.

Sun Sijie stood there blankly, watching Professor Yu's firm steps, he seemed to see his grandfather.

(End of this chapter)

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