Chapter 16 Hold Your Hand (Part [-])
Su Runyao is nestling in my arms at this moment, waiting together for the moment when the life of the star in front of me ends.I looked down at her face, she was staring at the "breathing" star in front of her, completely unaware that I was admiring her.I look at her long eyelashes and think back to the second time I met her
Su Runyao came to my company the next day as scheduled, and it also made me realize that no amount of preparation is superfluous when facing the girl I like.The moment I opened the door and saw her, all the script lines I had prepared were completely forgotten, and all the words were stuck in my throat, and I couldn't say a word.

Su Runyao did not wear the company uniform as before, but changed into a more casual suit, which showed her light and petite figure even more.There is a little playfulness in the faint smile, and the shyness unique to girls is inlaid in the still beautiful big eyes.

I have never had this feeling of blushing and rapid heartbeat. When I looked at these eyes again, I was still deeply attracted by these eyes. I just stared at her eyes like this, her pale yellow pupils were slightly There were some dark spots, which spread from the inside to the outside, and slowly spread out. My eyes seemed to be covered by this color, and I stood there blankly, not wanting to move.

This is the first time I have such a feeling. Su Runyao didn't wear an electronic mask today. Her facial features and face are not particularly delicate, and she is not considered a big beauty, but it is enough for me to make my heart beat. Think it might be love at first sight.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Have you got sick again?!" Su Runyao's voice pulled me back from the misty.

"Your eyes are so beautiful." I blurted out without thinking, without any flattery or hypocrisy, just the most primitive expression in my heart.

She didn't show any embarrassment at all, she looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Really? Then you won't let me in?"

Only then did I realize that the two of us were still standing at the door, and the colleagues passing by looked at me strangely, so I immediately moved away and made a gesture of please.

She still puts work first. As soon as she stepped into the office, she began to explain to me the operation content after the system upgrade. To have any emotional overtones is to get a job done.

I'm a little disappointed. It seems that although she doesn't feel disgusted with me, she doesn't have any good feelings for me. I think it should be. How can anyone be like me when they meet twice?When I was thinking about how to start a new topic with her, I heard Su Runyao say to me: "Mr. Sun, I have finished all the lectures. Do you have any questions?"

This sudden sentence interrupted my train of thought, and I directly expressed my thoughts: "Can we meet again?"

Su Runyao sighed deeply, and said helplessly: "Shall we finish the work first? Let me repeat, Mr. Sun, do you have any questions about my explanation?"

"I, I." I choked for words, but I didn't expect that she was still thinking about work.

"Forget me, mine, you should be fine. Now let me tell you my thoughts. First of all, I'm sure you didn't have any illness last time!" She deliberately emphasized "illness" and strengthened her tone. It didn't make me feel ashamed, I'd imagined her admitting it.She saw my expressionless face, then made a serious expression, and continued: "But."

Su Runyao and I chatted for more than 2 hours. We had a very pleasant chat. From the very beginning, I explained all my thoughts to her without reservation. She blinked her eyes and listened carefully. As if listening to a fool's story, she finally told me seriously: You should have fallen in love with me at first sight.She smiled happily without any shyness. She told me that when she listened to my story, she observed my eyes very carefully. If you show some shrunken look, you will immediately slap me.

She is actually much simpler and purer than I thought, with a hearty and straightforward personality. I am not the first person to be complained by her at work. She does things like this. She does not consider the consequences. As long as she thinks it is right, she will persevere. the completion.I am very fortunate that she has such a personality, otherwise there would be no second meeting today.

In the whole chat, except for my confession, I was basically listening to her telling her story. She was very talkative. As long as I started, even if I didn’t fully explain it, she would have taken over the topic and started talking endlessly. .I was completely attracted by her charm, and I found that she had gotten used to me looking at her with a demented expression since I don't know when.

Finally, before she left, she said to me solemnly: "Mr. Sun, I am very happy to cooperate with your company. I hope this system upgrade will bring convenience to your work, and I hope my explanation can help you. so."

Her sudden transformation left me scratching my head, but my immediate response was, "So, when will we see each other next time?"

"Hey, if you can save a little bit of attention to work, maybe I can feel a little relieved." She looked a little helpless.

"I mean, next time we meet, we can still talk about work!" I forced myself to quibble.

"Really? Are you really sure that if we meet next time, we will still talk about work?" She showed a playful and puzzled expression.

"Hahaha, I hope you can give me a chance, I really want to see you again." I pleaded slightly.

She showed a cute smile, and then said: "To be honest, I have never felt love at first sight, I really envy you"

"All roads lead to feelings, and love of opinion is one road. You can make love for a long time."

"I didn't expect you to be so glib. Let's see you next time. Although I don't have any feelings for you so far, but" she paused, thought for a while and continued: "Have you ever played 'Unbounded'? , or see you next time in 'Unbounded'."

I don't think she's telling the truth, she must have a little affection for me, otherwise, according to her personality, if she doesn't like people or things, she won't be interested at all.It's just that what this good feeling is, to be honest, I can't say it myself.

"Unbounded" is a metaverse game that is very popular recently. The reason why it is called Unbounded is because the game can be freely set according to the player's openness, including the time, space, and scene of the game. It is said that such a combination of settings There are nearly 100 million species.The boundless game settings, game scenes, and game methods are deeply loved by young people. In addition to work, most of the time in daily life is occupied by "boundless".

My only friend, Chen Song, has no interest in the game itself. He prefers to upload game scenes designed by himself. Creating a world is his pleasure. He said to me: the charm of the game is not to try a new one. world?What fun would people like you have if there were no boring people like me.

In the following days, Su Runyao and I would travel together in "Unbounded" almost every day whenever we had time.

We experienced the birth of life together. She became a sperm, and I was asked to become an egg. She started running with the army of billions of sperm, and I could only silently wait for her arrival. Unfortunately, we tried together More than 100 times, I didn't wait for her to appear once, and finally we can only lament the difficulty of life together
We traveled through time together, back to the Cretaceous period. On the ancient land of Gondwana, I watched Tyrannosaurus rex fight each other for courtship; she watched the baby Brachiosaurus burst into tears; we watched together in the sunset Feel the tremors of the earth together with the mighty Pachysaurus migration
Together we crossed space and came to KOI 7711.01, a "super-Earth" 1700 light-years away from the earth, and witnessed the most spectacular waterfall with a drop of more than 3500 meters. With the deep-sea diving instrument, watching the hot sea lava rolling at 4300 meters under the sea, maybe the first life is being created here.
We cross the boundaries of matter together and become two entangled particles, separated by light years, but can feel the existence and changes of each other; we become two electrons in the atom together, experiencing instant movement, what is not Certainty, and how many times our encounter is the result of collapse.
In this way, we never get tired of wandering in various time and space in the "unbounded", to realize various unrealizable possibilities, and to experience various realities that may not exist at all.So we got closer and closer, Su Runyao said that this was the happiest day in her life, and I said to her: You should add it so far.

More than 10 days passed like this. On that day, we participated in a wedding in "Unbounded". Their wedding was on the moon. At the footsteps of Armstrong who was the first to land on the moon, the boy said to the girl: Today is the two of us A big step for you, and I will go forward with you every small step in the future.Tears welled up in Su Runyao's eyes. She said this was the most romantic wedding she had ever attended.

I looked into her shining eyes and thought: I also want to give her a romance that belongs to her.
(End of this chapter)

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