nonexistent experiment

Chapter 27 Abandonment Plan

Chapter 27 The Gambit Plan (Part [-])
"Mr. Sun!" Harris Eddie got up first, walked up to him quickly, and supported Sun Sijie.Ever since Sun Sijie collapsed in the last meeting, Harris Eddie has been very worried about him. He can understand Sun Sijie's mood and state very well. When all the pressure is directed at him, no one can really bear it.

Sun Sijie nodded to Harris Eddie to express his gratitude, and with his support, Sun Sijie sat in his seat.

"Xiao Sun, how do you feel?" Yu Yunlong asked with concern.

Sun Sijie also gave Yu Yunlong a thankful look, and said, "Professor Yu, I'm fine."

"Then I won't be polite to you anymore. We just talked about the next step plan and made specific arrangements for the next step of the experiment, but there is no countermeasure for how the system should deal with it. Since you are here, Just to hear what you think."

Sun Sijie nodded, and then began to speak.

"First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone here. I have failed everyone's expectations, and I am also ashamed of Professor Yu's trust in me. I will bear full responsibility for this incident, and there is no doubt about it. All I have now My hope is that this incident will not cause too much damage to the data of the experiment itself, and the experiment can continue." Sun Sijie said very sincerely, and he really has an inescapable responsibility on this issue.

"Actually, when the leaf falling problem happened for the first time, I already analyzed the possible causes. Let's take a look first." After speaking, Sun Sijie turned on the projector in front of him and projected the analysis report to the meeting table center.

Everyone was very serious, reading the report intently.The content of the report is roughly divided into three parts. The first part is relatively simple, mainly describing the event, including the number of occurrences and the time of occurrence; the second part analyzes the possible causes of the problem; Cause investigation report.In order to facilitate the understanding of experts from various countries, Sun Sijie explained the second step and the third part.

"The above is my report on the abnormal fall of leaves. If I had realized the importance of this earlier, if I hadn't been so conceited, maybe the damage would not have happened." After finishing speaking, Sun Sijie lowered his head, Tears in the corner of the eyes fell involuntarily.

"Xiao Sun, it doesn't make much sense to say these things now. I hope you can cheer up and fight well in the next tough battle." Yu Yunlong said.

"We still believe in you, Mr. Sun!" Harris Eddie said immediately afterward.

Sun Sijie secretly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, pulled himself together and raised his head and continued, "Thank you, Professor Yu, thank you, Mr. Eddie. Next, I want to talk about the solution to the problem in the future.

According to the problem of falling leaves in the initial system, although the internal connection with this incident is not yet clear, based on the analysis of the time before and after and the cost of the invasion, the two should be made by the same group of people.The falling leaves are likely to be testing the code of the invasion, so as to lay the foundation for the subsequent large-scale damage.Therefore, based on this consideration, first find out the root cause of the falling leaves, so as to find the problem of this incident through this clue.

As I said in my previous report analysis, the direction of investigation should be placed on the nanocell company. No matter how the system is invaded, the final implementation must be achieved through nanocell.I want to make such a request in the name of the United Nations and the R&D center, they will not deny permission, so that we can re-analyze the original code provided by the nanocell, although this may not be able to find out the real intruder behind it , but at least it can guarantee the stability of the subsequent system.

According to my preliminary judgment, it may take 2 days for the software and hardware teams to complete the system repair and leak repair. If the verification of the BDV-021-6A reagent data also takes 2 days, then basically everyone can keep in sync. If everything goes as expected, the experiment can still go ahead. "

Many people at the venue nodded in agreement with Sun Sijie's plan. Yu Yunlong looked at Sun Sijie and asked, "Well, we can only do this for now, and the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth. Xiao Sun, do you have anything else to add?"

Sun Sijie's eyes suddenly became firm at this time, he took a deep breath and looked at everyone.

"I have no way to continue to serve as the special person in charge of the vaccine development team. I formally apply and I will withdraw from the vaccine."

Before Sun Sijie finished speaking, there was already a lot of discussion in the audience. Everyone was shocked by Sun Sijie's sudden words. No one thought that Sun Sijie would take the initiative to leave at such a critical moment.

"Xiao Sun, this is not a joke. Please carefully consider what you said." Yu Yunlong seemed particularly nervous. Sun Sijie was trained by him, and the current situation can be said to be embattled on all sides. He was really having a hard time accepting it.

"Yes, Mr. Sun, don't worry about the previous problems anymore. Everyone makes mistakes, but you shouldn't just give up! Mr. Sun, please think about it again!" Harris Eddie also said with concern with.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Sun!", "Think about it again!", "You really don't have to do this!" There were constant voices from the venue to stay.

"I have thought about it very clearly. I am not trying to escape. I am facing my own problems. I really lack such experience in responding to and judging emergencies. The experimental relationship of vaccine development is too important. up
Of course, you can also say that I am just avoiding, avoiding responsibility, avoiding pressure, maybe!I just hope that the experiment can go on smoothly, and I am not the right person. I just want to say that if I had been soberly aware of this in the first place, all of this, the current situation may not have happened.

Young, vain me. I got carried away by the accolades and misjudged my abilities, but I think it's still too late.It is not too late.

I have made a decision, and I hope everyone can understand. "

Sun Sijie spoke every word very seriously, and everyone could see his determination to leave.

"Xiao Sun, I can understand your feelings. Hey! Since you have already decided, I will not say anything, but the position of the special person in charge of your vaccine development team is appointed by the United Nations, and I have no right to revoke it. , I need to report and wait for the final decision of the United Nations." Yu Yunlong said helplessly.

"Professor Yu, I understand that under the current state of emergency, I think the speed of deliberation at the United Nations will be very fast, and you should be able to catch up with the progress of all experiments if you find a new person to take over.

Oh, by the way, I will provide all the core code content of "Original Life" on the system, and the authority authorization will be handed over to the development team to facilitate subsequent inspections and follow-up guarantees. Have a deeper understanding.Of course, if there is any problem with the system, I am always on call. "Sun Sijie stood up and bowed deeply to everyone present.

"Thank you again, it is my honor to work with you, and I wish you all the best in your future work." Then Sun Sijie turned his head to Yu Yunlong and said solemnly: "Professor Yu, you have to take care of your health, it's all up to you here , good luck, goodbye."

After saying this, Sun Sijie turned around and left the conference room silently.All eyes were on this young man, the young man who had introduced the whole plan to everyone in high spirits, now he left with a tired figure, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Although Sun Sijie resigned as the special person in charge of the vaccine development team, he is still a core figure in the Insai Intelligent Group. In order to temporarily calm himself down, he asked for a short vacation while leaving.

When Sun Sijie left the headquarters building of Insai Intelligent Group, it was very deserted. Except for the security system at the gate of the building saying "Please go!", no one spoke to him.

He walked slowly into a newly opened artificial cafe nearby. Artificial cafes like this are rare now, replaced by self-service coffee vending machines everywhere.And Sun Sijie likes this place very much. He enjoys sitting in the store, holding coffee in his hand, watching the pedestrians passing by on the street, the mixed feeling of leisure and haste.

He ordered a cup of hot coffee, chatted with the waiter, and sat by the window next to the street.

Sun Sijie's idea of ​​leaving the development team originated from the moment he saw his tracking code being swallowed by the intrusion code, he only felt a chill down his spine, and the preventive measures he had taken turned out to be an assistant assisting the intrusion .The opponent completely wants to be ahead of him, and what is even more terrifying is not only thinking of being ahead, but even the backhand of how to deal with his thoughts is prepared. What a terrifying opponent this is!
After a while, Sun Sijie calmed down slowly, and he began to seriously think about the whole process before and after this incident.Hardware firewall, quantum encryption, nano-cells... Sun Sijie peeled off layer by layer, and slowly seemed to sort out the clues in his mind, and everything pointed to a possibility.

When Sun Sijie realized this, he suddenly felt a bright light in front of him. He slowly walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window of the office, looked at the street in the distance, and soon a plan emerged in his mind .

Just as Sun Sijie was holding the coffee in his hand and looking at the street scene casually, a powerful big hand patted his shoulder, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he immediately put down the coffee, revealing the clear brand name on the coffee cup—good luck.

"Professor Yu, it's not convenient for me to say something at the meeting, so I used this method."

"I understand, my old bones are not so stupid."

After finishing speaking, both Sun Sijie and Yu Yunlong laughed.

"I heard everything you said to me in the ward. I am indeed too conceited, and I have caused you a lot of trouble." Sun Sijie is very clear that, as the leader of the vaccine development team, Yu Yunlong will be in danger if such a major accident occurs. Definitely will be held accountable.Therefore, his voluntary resignation was actually to share Yu Yunlong's responsibilities, and to minimize Yu Yunlong's decline in the group's status.

"You have already taken on enough, I can understand your intentions, this blame must be carried by someone"

Sun Sijie didn't wait for Yu Yunlong to finish speaking, and took the words: "It is most suitable for me to recite, and it is indeed my fault."

"We don't have to be so polite. You came here to tell me your real plan, right? Come on, I can't wait!" Yu Yunlong deliberately made the atmosphere less tense.

Sun Sijie smiled, and first explained how he implanted the tracking code in the system, and then was swallowed by the intrusion code.After hearing this, Yu Yunlong frowned.

"Professor Yu, I believe you must also understand that our opponent's purpose is definitely not to destroy the experiment of vaccine development, which is not good for anyone. The verification report must be perfect and there will be no mistakes. If this is the case, what is the real purpose of our opponent's painstaking efforts to come up with such a thing?" Sun Sijie asked tentatively.

"Well, I did think about this question, but I didn't figure it out, it's so unbelievable."

"Then combine what I just told you about the tracking code, have you thought of anything?" Sun Sijie continued to ask.

"Tracking code. Destroyed" Yu Yunlong's eyes suddenly lit up, "The tracking code has been fused, if we keep going, we will definitely find this code, and this code is from you, so we will mistake you for the incident As the maker of the siege, you will naturally become the scapegoat, and no matter how you explain it at that time, it will be difficult to explain, after all, you have never told anyone, including me, what you did before."

"Yes, that's it, and then I was naturally expelled from the vaccine development team, and I will be arrested by Interpol and sentenced as a crime against humanity."

"Then why did you do this to you?" Yu Yunlong asked back.

"I don't have a clue about this now. After all, I am in the light and he is in the dark. Only by finding the mastermind behind it can I understand."

"So you just follow the plan and quit on your own initiative?"

"Well, no matter how cunning a fox is, it will show its tail. As long as I quit, the system will definitely return to normal. The top priority must be to ensure the normal operation of vaccine development."

"Then how are you going to find that person next?"

"I already have a plan for this."

"Then what help do you need from me? You can only rely on yourself now."

Sun Sijie took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Yu Yunlong.

"For insurance purposes, I've written all the resources I need here."

Yu Yunlong took the note and put it in his pocket. He saw Sun Sijie's eyes full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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