nonexistent experiment

Chapter 29 The True Face of Lushan

Chapter 29 The True Face of Mount Lu (Part [-])
I could hear the sincerity in his tone, and I actually pictured his anxious face in my mind at this time, and even felt a little joy in my heart.I purposely didn't answer him right away, and after a while, I continued to ask without haste: "Then what good is it for me?"

He seemed to have expected that I would ask such a question, and replied without any pause: "Su Runyao! Don't you want her to be resurrected? Don't you want to see her again?"

I was speechless, the girl I loved so much. And after this short conversation, when I learned that I was just a piece of code, Su Runyao was forgotten by me in the corner , I was only thinking about myself, and I suddenly felt ashamed.

"We are not enemies. I know the facts are cruel. Maybe it was me, and my performance was the same as yours or even worse, but in the virtual world, you own your life. You have your own brother who you confide in, and you To be honest, I am very envious of getting a girl who is like me. The difference between virtual and reality may be very big in your eyes. You will judge yourself by true and false, but who doesn’t live in a hypocritical world like virtual where?"

I don't know if what he said is true, but every sentence of his seems to be knocking in the depths of my heart, I still have my brother, I still have Su Runyao.And for a self who doesn't exist in this world to have the friendship and love that others may want to pursue all their lives, the most important thing is that this relationship is so real.I think back to Chen Song, who accompanied Zeng Jin in the loneliest time, playing around, laughing, and whimsical. I think back to Su Runyao who shuttled through various universes together in "Unbounded". Looking back at her beautiful and charming eyes under the first ray of sunlight in the morning, what else could I hope for?

I fell into silence, I don't know how long it took, I took a deep breath, and finally asked: "What will happen to me?"

Time passed by, he didn't answer me, I think I understood what he meant.
"Okay, that's enough, I promise you. What's your plan?"

There was still no pause. It seemed that he had made sufficient preparations for all the questions in advance. His plan was very detailed and meticulous. He never interrupted the process of telling me, nor did he give me any chance to ask questions.

I listened to his whole plan with a half-knowledge. Although I listened very carefully, I still had no clue about many details.After combing through my own brain, his plan slowly began to take shape in my mind.

For me, the most critical step in the plan is to rescue "Su Runyao".According to his analysis, unlike the gram bodies that died due to the immune reagents in the experiment, in order to ensure that the subsequent experiments can be carried out normally, these gram bodies that died in accidents will not be restarted into the system.

He firmly believed that the cause of the sudden death of Ke L people must be "nano cells".After the opponent implements the sabotage plan, the probability of collecting and destroying all the scattered nano-cells is not high, because once an accident occurs in the system, the security defense system inside the system will be completely opened and all suspicious According to the degree of damage in the system, the number of nano cells scattered outside is astonishing. Recycling at this time is tantamount to self-exposure, which is not worth the candle for their overall plan.

Then according to this logic, these nano-cells must still be in these gram bodies now, but they are currently in a dormant state.And what I need to do is to find Su Runyao and find these nano-cells from her body. As for the rest, that is his own business.

When I thought about this, I asked the first question: "Since nanocells are the key to our plan, I think those who destroy it must be very aware of this, will they just ignore it?" It's not logical."

"That's right, they must also want to clear all the clues and evidence. The system is currently in a semi-dormant state, and it will not officially run until the data of the BDV-021-6A reagent is checked. According to my calculations, once the system resumes It is fully online, that is, the time when they cleared these nano cells, and only at this time, the system's security defense system is the weakest link, and no one will notice at all. If we check later, we will find nothing, and These grams will also be literally flushed out of the system."

I was really cleared out of the system. When I heard this, I felt anxious, and I blurted out: "When? When will the system go online again?"

"It is difficult for me to answer this question. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is almost 2 days in reality. To be precise, there are less than 41 hours left, but it may be faster, and there are many variables."

I carefully recalled his analysis and found that there were still two loopholes, so I continued to ask: "Then why don't they clear the nano cells at this stage? Since the system is not fully online, according to your description, the defense system is also It’s not fully working, isn’t it the best time now? What’s more, even you don’t know when the system will be online, can they know and implement the sabotage plan in the shortest time?”

"The first question, I have actually said it before, the system is now in a semi-dormant state, and any changes caused by any additional actions will be noticed, and the risk will be very high. The best time is to restore the system, everyone The focus of attention is on the system itself, which is the best time to hide yourself. This is why I consider implementing the plan within the system through you. The second question is actually a very important point for me to quit the group. According to this There are too many suspicious points in the system intrusion incident. It is obvious that the opponent knows our system very well, and this level of intrusion is not something ordinary hackers can do, so I believe that there must be some The inner ghost! As for who it is, I don’t know yet, but this person or this group of people must exist!”

I was silent, and I thought about everything he said to me again.He is right, if there is no inner ghost, it will be difficult to break through the firewall system of Insai Intelligence; it is also impossible to understand the system so well that the destructive code can be easily integrated into his correct tracking code; in the end The core thing is that the development process of the epidemic M is absolutely confidential. If such a problem occurs at such a critical moment, it must have obtained internal information.

"In the end, you don't have to worry about whether you and I will be tracked by the system. After all, I am the developer of the system. I have the ability to make the conversation between the two of us, including all your actions in the system, at the data level. Become a complete 'invisible', but the only thing you have to pay attention to is "This is the last message he said to me, after that he was silent, as if waiting for my statement.

"When do you start?" After a long time, I asked the last question.

"Now!" Still without the slightest pause.

There was no preparation, and there was no sign. I think it was more because he was afraid that I would go back on my word, the moment he finished saying "now".In the originally pure white room, a floating ball appeared out of thin air. More precisely, it should be a spherical shell, about the size of a basketball, less than 2 meters away from me.

The inside of the spherical shell is completely transparent, at least from my current angle, I can't see anything inside the spherical shell at all, and the reason why I can still see it is because the surface of the shell is always shining A layer of streamer, the streamer looks very soft, constantly changing different colors on the surface of the spherical shell, like a big soap bubble being blown.

"This is a teleportation device. The marginal world is different from the original life. Each scene is independent without any passages. To get from this room to the room where Su Runyao is, you need to go through different scenes. This teleportation device is Your only channel." His voice came to mind again.

At this moment, a three-dimensional holographic image appeared in front of my eyes.The scene shows where I am now, and the layout is exactly the same as the actual content I see now.I turned my body subconsciously, and the holographic image in front of me was also moving synchronously with my visual direction. At the same time, I also noticed that my body and myself in the image were also rotating synchronously, and in front of me in the image was also moving. Holding a "transfer ball", but this "transfer ball" is red.

"The image you see now is the content that is synchronized with your vision. It is completely controlled by your thinking. You can control the size of the screen at will and see the panorama of the entire edge world. The only thing to note is that only When you are in a certain scene, you can see the internal details of the scene, otherwise you can only observe the external state.”

Before he finished explaining, I had already zoomed out the picture.The first thing I saw was the room I was in. It looked like a yurt, but it was rounder overall. There was a number on the outside of the room: "0X563", which I knew was my own number.As the picture continued to shrink, rooms next to each other appeared one after another. The rooms were arranged in a neat matrix, so dense that it was impossible to count them.

Su Runyao's number is "0X1424", which room is she in?I thought about it, but before I could react, the screen quickly moved to a room, and the number on the top of the room clearly read "0X1424".

Only now did I realize the true meaning of mind control he said. I instinctively wanted to enter her room, but the picture in front of me did not change in any way, but a prompt "No entry!" was displayed on the right side of the picture.I remembered that I'm not in that scene right now, and following his prompt, I can't see the specific situation in the room.

"She's not there, the room is exactly the same as yours, you don't have to"

I didn't pay attention to what he said, and continued to zoom out until the prompt "Can't zoom out!" appeared on the right side of the screen, and the panorama of the entire marginal world was displayed in front of my eyes.

All the content is completely tiled on the map in front of you, and is divided into different areas according to different functions. Each area is close to each other without any gaps at all.The area of ​​the room I was in was marked on the map as the "inspection area" and was the largest in the entire panorama.Adjacent to the "inspection area" is the "assembly area", which looks like a square box, much smaller than the "inspection area".

In addition, there are "generation area" and "reset area". There are 12 areas in total.

"Where is she now?" I asked.

"Clear the area!"

The clearing area is located in the upper left of the entire map, but my location is in the lower right corner. I have to cross the entire map to reach Su Runyao's location.Fortunately, there is a teleportation ball, no matter how far away it is, it will not be difficult.

"Do you think it's easy?" He seemed to see through my thoughts.

"Isn't it?" I heard that there seemed to be something hidden in his tone that I didn't know.

"The transmission distance of the teleportation ball is limited. The calculation of this distance is very complicated, and the system is not a distance unit in our actual sense. Therefore, if you want to reach Su Runyao's location, you need at least 66 transmissions. The best result after the system calculation”

I listened to his description in surprise, and then interrupted him: "Aren't you the creator of the system? Is it so difficult that you can't just teleport me to her side? Does it have to be so troublesome?"

"It must be like this. The transmission program is not the code of the system itself. You can think of it as a virus. Since it is a virus, the system will always be vigilant for a long time. Long-distance crossing can easily cause system disturbances, which increases The possibility of being discovered by the system, of course, once discovered, it will be eliminated immediately, and such risks cannot be taken.

In addition, every cell in your body is truly restored, and the amount of information and data carried by the entire human body is huge. It took you nearly two and a half hours to generate a gram L body in the system for the first time.

During the transmission, you can see it as the data transmission of the original information, so during the separation and reassembly process, you need to maintain a 'rest' state.And the amount of data information contained in your brain is the largest.The recombination process of transmission is to restore your body first, then your brain function, and finally your memory data. Before the complete recombination is completed, you will have no memory, let alone know yourself The mission is just a pure body, so even if you are teleported to her, you won't remember what you are going to do!also."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a red spot appearing in the center of the map. After flashing a few times, the spot quickly spread outwards, turning into a red halo, and a spot appeared every once in a while. New halos, like waves in circles, appear and disappear continuously.

After the halo touched the area it passed through, the area above it immediately flickered.

"In addition, there will be a self-check process inside the system every half an hour, in order to clean up system garbage and unexpected data, which lasts for about 1 minute." He explained to me, his voice sounding serious.

"Will it affect me?"

"You just need to remember two points. During the self-test, you cannot use the teleportation ball, nor can you activate Su Runyao."


"Otherwise, you will disappear in the first case, and you will disappear with her in the second case. Besides, the system self-check will not cause any harm to you!"

I took a deep breath.

"You can start when you're ready." His words were calm, and I couldn't hear any worries for me.

I think he is right, now is not the time to worry about things unfoundedly, worrying about gains and losses will only make oneself daunted.

"Let's get started!" My voice was equally calm, and I also wanted him to understand my determination and courage.

The system self-test has stopped, I walked towards the teleportation ball step by step, I seemed to see Su Runyao's smiling face and her charming eyes on the other side of the ball.

(End of this chapter)

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