nonexistent experiment

Chapter 31 Jem Jonsson

Chapter 31 Jem Johnson (Part [-])
The Global Federation finally accepted Sun Sijie's resignation, and its request to Yu Yunlong is: on the premise of ensuring the safety and stability of the experiment, resume the experiment process as soon as possible, and at the same time find a suitable candidate to replace Sun Sijie as quickly as possible, and authorize Yu Yunlong to do the same. The right to directly appoint candidates does not need to report to the Global Federation for permission.

Just 6 hours after the release of the mission of the Global Federation, in the Insai Building, Yu Yunlong appointed Jem Johnson, the former chief research and development officer of Insai Intelligence, to take over Sun Sijie's position.This is the final decision made by the epidemic M development team after careful consideration and screening. The reason for this result is actually out of helplessness.

First of all, the time is really tight, there are not many candidates for everyone to choose from, and Jem Johnson is already familiar with the entire system structure of Insai Intelligent Group, so there is no need for too much transition period for the work to be started.What's more, Sun Sijie's team was originally an internal member of the Insai Group, and Jem Johnson had worked with these people for a much longer time than Sun Sijie, so that even the running-in period of the personnel was saved.

Second, it is also the result of Jem Johnson's own efforts.Since he was fired, he has always been concerned about the development of Insai Intelligence. He has been seen walking and meditating outside the building many times, and chatting with former colleagues who entered and left the building about the company's situation from time to time.When Jem Johnson learned of the news of Sun Sijie's resignation, he immediately recommended himself and delivered his declaration to the development team through his interpersonal relationship.

So Jem Johnson's appointment is logical from any point of view.Of course, in order to take into account the decision of John Maybury, the president of Insai Intelligence, to dismiss Jem Johnson at that time, Yu Yunlong also informed the other party of this matter in advance.Under the dual pressure of being the leader of the epidemic M development team and the global federation's assurance that the epidemic M will continue to be developed, John Maybury could only temporarily agree and resume Jem Johnson's original position and all rights in Insel Intelligence. authority.

All work adjustments and arrangements were made within one day after Sun Sijie left.As soon as Jem Johnson resumed his duties, he immediately entered the working state.Since Sun Sijie handed over the control authority of his own system, Jem Jonson arranged for the team to conduct a thorough inspection of the security performance, made an overall assessment of possible problems and security loopholes, and responded in the shortest possible time. Improvements have been made, especially in terms of system security performance.

As for Sun Sijie's tracking code, everyone thought it was Sun Sijie's security precautions, so they didn't analyze it too much.As for the intrusion code lurking on the tracking code, it has been automatically destroyed after lurking, so it has not been discovered.

The data verification of BDV-021-6AB was much smoother than expected. The reason is actually very simple. All the experimental data and the simulated data are almost completely consistent without any errors. Just in a rigorous attitude, the teams from various countries will still All data has been verified.

At the same time, through the coordination of the Global Federation and the Nano Cell Company, the research and development team has obtained the full authorization of the Nano Cell.

Under the organization and coordination of Jem Johnson, the original 48-hour restart plan was advanced by 8 hours, and 35 hours have passed since the system entered a semi-dormant state.Everyone in the central hall is nervously and busy doing the final restart work. The hall is crowded with people, and various data are displayed on the central waterfall screen. The most conspicuous one is the countdown time for the system restart.

At this time, Jem Johnson said a few words in Yu Yunlong's ear, and then left the central control room.After Yu Yunlong watched him walk out of the gate, his deeply locked brows opened slightly. He activated the mail function of the earring, "Jem Johnson has returned, and the system will be back online in 5 hours."

The reason why Jem Johnson didn't go back to his office was actually another reason. He was afraid that when he returned to that familiar office and saw the shadow of Sun Sijie who used to sit here and call the wind and rain all over the room, he would definitely be shocked. Let him break down.Therefore, he must first complete his work in front of everyone, and restore his self-confidence while gaining the respect of others.

The way back to the office was extremely long for Jem Johnson. He forced a smile and greeted everyone friendly, but there was an inexplicable panic in his heart, because most of the staff were so indifferent. They only knew that he had been resigned, and he was afraid of hearing a sentence: "Why are you here?" This kind of seemingly puzzled inadvertent words were full of hostility and humiliation to him.

Every night when he left Yinsai Zhizhi, he would inadvertently think of the life he had worked hard here.During the entire 8 years, from an unknown employee to the core person responsible for the entire research and development, every bit of the past is vivid.And the focus of every memory stays on Sun Sijie's vague figure, even from his dismissal to his re-assignment, he never met Sun Sijie face-to-face from the beginning to the end.

"Thank you, welcome back to the office." As soon as Jem Johnson approached the door of the office, a familiar system prompt came, which was the greeting he had set for himself before.It has not been changed for such a long time, he frowned, and then quickly entered the office.

Everything in the office remained the same, and he could find every once-familiar location even with his eyes closed.He only hesitated for a few seconds, and immediately with a smile on his face, he sat back heavily on his seat, put his legs on the desk wantonly, and secretly rejoiced: I am the one who has the last laugh that person.

With 4 hours left until the system resumed operation, Yu Yunlong was sitting in his office, opposite Harris Eddie.As the most outstanding research and development personnel in the largest pharmaceutical company in the United States, although he also has a strong businessman's treacherous temperament, but in terms of academic and research attitudes, he has the same characteristics of not admitting defeat and not afraid of losing like Yu Yunlong back then.Coupled with his unconventional admiration for Sun Sijie, he and Yu Yunlong naturally became friends both inside and outside of work.

"Mr. Sun left, I firmly believe that there must be a reason for him. He is not the kind of irresponsible person." Harris Eddie said firmly to Yu Yunlong.

"You're right, that's why I came to talk to you!" Yu Yunlong's eyes were smiling.

Harris Eddie suddenly became excited, as if he had found a hidden level in the game, and his eyes showed abnormal excitement.

"After Sun Sijie left here, he had a detailed talk with me. As you expected, his purpose of resigning voluntarily was to let the mastermind behind the scenes relax their vigilance, and make a switch between us in the light and him in the dark. .”

"Sure enough! I knew that Mr. Sun must have someone behind him! Then why are you looking for me?" Harris Eddie couldn't wait.

"Sun Sijie gave me a note. There is a point on it that we need to find a way to find the ghost in the group. I think you should also feel this point!"

"Yes, I have privately communicated with Sanjay Nayi, Van Dyke and other experts. It is almost impossible to break into sleep on this scale without the help of insiders, but this How to track it down? The ghost must have hidden himself very well!"

"You're right, but no matter how well the inner ghost hides itself, it will leave clues. It's just playing tricks. In this regard, I think Mr. Eddie, you must be superior!" Yu Yunlong's eyes are still smiling , but the meaning of laughter is very different from before.

"Professor Yu, you're overwhelmed! To be honest, in our group, in terms of scheming, I rank second, and no one dares to say first! To use your Chinese idiom, this is called 'do your part'! Don't worry Yu Professor, tell Mr. Sun that this matter is on me, Eddie, and no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely find him out. Hahaha." Harris Eddie smiled brightly, and the previous difficulties have long been forgotten. Get it clean.

Yu Yunlong not only lamented that the differences between Chinese and American cultures are still so different today, he had to laugh with embarrassment.

While the two were still talking and laughing, Yu Yunlong received the investigation report from the Interpol. He couldn't wait to turn on the projection screen on the table, and said to Harris Eddie: "Come on, let's see what the Interpol has done. Nothing to gain!"

According to the preliminary analysis of Interpol, the intruder may have two criminal motives at present.

One is anti-social elements, who carry out acts of revenge out of dissatisfaction with society, but this motive is difficult to hold water. Such a difficult and high-tech invasion must be done by social elites. Ordinary anti-social Molecule does not have such technical capabilities at all, and it is impossible to obtain so much internal technical support;
But the second purpose is much more reasonable - to make Sun Sijie look bad and let him step down.Judging from all indications, Sun Sijie's rapid popularity and gaining such a high status and power aroused the hatred of the intruders, so he carried out an act of revenge.If this motive is correct, then the starting point for the police investigation is clear: to find out those who benefited from Sun Sijie's own interests, or those who benefited from Sun Sijie's being kicked out of power, of course, it is not ruled out Zeng and Sun Sijie had a personal grudge.

Based on the second motive, Interpol listed the main suspects.

The first and most obvious one is Jim Johnson. He was dismissed because of Sun Sijie, and the biggest beneficiary of Sun Sijie's withdrawal is also him. No matter from which point of view, Jim Jones Sen is the most suspicious.His motivation was so great that he almost announced it directly to the world.

In second place is NanoCell's Jeff Dunham, Chief Technical Engineer at NanoCell.Interpol questioned the main personnel who hold the nano-cell authorization, as well as all the staff who participated in providing technical support during the initial creation of "primitive life".During the investigation, the Interpol found that Jeff Dunham had a fierce dispute with Sun Sijie during a job, and Sun Sijie accused Jeff Dunham of being stubborn in front of other staff members of the nanocell company. Will not keep pace with the times in technology.And according to Jeff Dunham's colleagues, he is known to be self-willed in the company. With his position in the company, no one will listen to what he says except the boss.Because of that humiliation in public, Jeff Dunham went berserk in the company for two whole days, and no one dared to approach him at all.In the end, John Maybury, the president of Insai Intelligence, intervened to mediate the matter, and Jeff Dunham never appeared in Insai Intelligence again.

During the routine questioning of Jeff Dunham by the police, although he said that he had put down the dispute, his eyes and expression clearly showed anger. Regarding the system intrusion incident, he was on the spot has denied any association.

The suspects cited later are all irrelevant personnel. From Yu Yunlong's point of view, they are not worth mentioning at all. It may be because the Interpol forcefully included these personnel in order to highlight their hard work. of.

The second part of the investigation mainly expounded that the incident was identified as an organized case rather than an individual act, which made Yu Yunlong scoff again. Such an obvious thing is really boring.

At the end of the report, it was mentioned that at the most recent meeting on the development of the epidemic, that is, at the meeting after the incident, the criminal police detected a video communication signal sent from the venue. It is not possible to know who the recipient is.But one thing is certain is that there are indeed ghosts within the development team.

The two carefully read the contents of the report. Harris Eddie looked at Yu Yunlong, frowned and said, "Professor Yu, what do you think of Jem Johnson?"

"My intuition tells me that it should have nothing to do with him. He does have reasons to hate Xiao Sun, but I can only see hard work in his eyes, not murderous intent!" Yu Yunlong said slowly.

"I don't think so. From the moment he entered the group, I could feel his hostility towards Mr. Sun. Now he has mastered all the authority of primitive life, and he is like a fish in water. There is I remembered how to put it in one sentence, soldiers are not bored, and placing themselves in the center of the eye of the storm has become the safest."

"I said Mr. Eddie, your Chinese dialect is really good now!"

"That is! That is!"

Hahaha. Both of them laughed, and gradually the laughter froze, and the expressions on their faces became serious again.Who is the enemy so far?How many people are there?Who is the ghost?And what is their real purpose?

(End of this chapter)

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