nonexistent experiment

Chapter 32 1 game

Chapter 32 A Game (Part [-])
Through Sun Sijie's description of me, I finally knew my true "identity". Regarding this cruel fact, I had already given up the idea of ​​facing life.But in this virtual non-existent world, there are Su Runyao and Chen Song whom I am nostalgic for. They have become my belief and motivation to live, so I reached an agreement with Sun Sijie.Of course, for me, the most important thing is to "activate" Su Runyao back to the virtual world where we live together.

After that, I resolutely took the first step towards saving Su Runyao.

When I was less than one meter away from the "Teleportation Ball", the "Teleportation Ball" in the holographic image changed from red to green, and the words "Enter the Teleportation Range" appeared in the upper right corner of the image.

I approached the "Teleportation Ball" step by step pretending to be calm. Just when I was thinking about how to start the teleportation, the soft streamer on the original spherical surface drifted away from the "Teleportation Ball" and quickly spread out in front of me until it covered me. The whole person was wrapped up, forming a larger streamer bubble, and like this, the "teleportation ball" and I became a whole in the bubble.

After the bubble was completely closed, I saw the world on the other side through the "teleportation ball", just like a mirror image, and I saw a transparent "myself" that was also wrapped in the bubble and only had a phantom silhouette.

At the same time, a translucent light blue thin line quickly extended from the surface of the "teleportation ball", and it was connected to my forehead in a blink of an eye.I subconsciously wanted to pull the thin line, but when I slid my hand, the thin line passed directly through my palm, and I didn't feel any obstacles or touch.

Just when I was still surprised, this thin thread instantly split into countless same thin threads, just like a growing neuron cell, constantly splitting into new dendrites.

I don't have any time to react, these dendrites are already connected to every part of my body.

Although I know that this is the process of teleportation, such a scene still makes me very nervous.I was afraid that my unnecessary actions would cause transmission problems, so I suppressed the fear in my heart, and kept the posture that my whole body was "swallowed" by a huge neuron cell, and remained motionless.

A system prompt sound appeared: "Connection complete, start transmitting, 54321"

The moment the system countdown ended, the huge neuron cells began to flash yellow light. This sudden strong light made me close my eyes unconsciously, and I lost control of my body.

I slowly lost consciousness and only felt as if I was born in a world of nothingness. The body and soul have been completely separated. Except for the faint yellow light that keeps flickering, everything seems to have never existed. over average.

I don't know how long it took, I slowly opened my eyes, the light in front of my eyes has faintly weakened a lot, and there are not many dendrites connected to me left.But as if I had just been awakened by a nightmare from a deep sleep, I lost my awareness of the surrounding things, and I didn't know where I was?Don't even know who I am?
The holographic images in front of my eyes still exist, but to me they are just meaningless lines and symbols, and my mind is blank, like a baby, with only an inexplicable sense of freshness.

But soon the lines and symbols in the image suddenly had meaning, the lines formed graphics, and the symbols became numbers and words, and various functional information and knowledge were gathered.Although I know every word, I still don't understand what these words mean.

Immediately afterwards, my ability to perceive and control my body also recovered. I was so nervous that I dared not move, and I still maintained the original posture. Even when I moved my head or controlled the rotation of my eyes, I was very careful.

At this time, between me and the "Teleporting Ball" is only the thin line that was originally connected to my forehead, and the bubbles of streamer surrounding me have disappeared, and the surface of the "Teleporting Ball" has returned to its original color .

I moved my body slowly, trying to take a few steps back and forth, left and right.When I walk around, the transmission line connected to my forehead also extends or shortens, and such changes do not feel any sense of restraint.

Everything is so new to me, I don't even have a sense of fear, how the images in front of me are produced and what they represent is not so important to me.

I looked around, there was nothing there, not to mention people like me, there was not even a thing, which made me suddenly a little nervous and uneasy, and the inherent fear made me open my mouth and speak loudly Shouted: "Hey~~Hello~~, is there anyone?".I don't know if it's because the hearing in my ears hasn't recovered, or there is no sound here at all. I can clearly feel the vibration of my vocal cords, but I can't hear anything, and everything is so quiet.

The fear became stronger and stronger, I sat down on the ground and cried like a baby.But as before, even if I cry louder, I still can't hear anything.I stopped crying and began to look at this strange environment by myself.

This is an empty pure white space. The whiteness of the eyes makes it difficult for me to distinguish where the boundary of this space is, and the top of the building and the ground have lost their boundaries.Therefore, a very peculiar imaginary space is formed in my thinking, as if the space can change size at will according to the focus of my eyes.The farther I look, the farther the dividing line between the imaginary roof and the ground is, and the larger the space is; conversely, the closer the dividing line is, the smaller the space is.

Just as I was constantly changing the focal point of my eyes, my memory began to slowly wake up, and these memories were continuously injected into my brain. In this process, I began to gradually understand the true meaning behind the words in the hologram.

The process of memory splicing is very slow, and the spliced ​​content is basically fragmented and not coherent, so that every complete memory event is completely pieced together at the end, when all the memories are fully recovered When I was there, I also fully understood why I was here and what kind of mission I was going to perform.

The transmission time was finally fixed at 00:21:05, and the system prompt sounded: "Transmission complete!", and the "transmission ball" disappeared instantly.

The prompt information in the holographic image in front of you shows:

Complete teleportation: 1 / 66
Task time-consuming: 00:21:05
Restart countdown: 40:27:46
According to the transmission time, I made a rough estimate. In order to avoid transmission during the system self-check, I can only perform one transmission every 30 minutes, and it will take 66 hours to complete 33 transmissions.This is nearly 8 hours ahead of the estimated system restart time, which is enough time for me.

My eyes returned to the image, and the picture was gradually reduced. With the change of the picture, a "assembly area" appeared on the top of the building where I was. The actual size of the "assembly area" far exceeded my original estimate. Standing in the building at this time, I recalled in my mind the scene of all the "people" standing here, and my eyes slowly scanned the empty building. As I watched, faces like "window models" seemed to appear in front of my eyes, and I felt sore in my heart. A virtual world that did not exist was created in this way.In the blink of an eye, the figure in front of me disappeared again, and now I am the only one left in the entire building.

Thinking of this, the original sense of loneliness is gone, but the sense of fear arises spontaneously.

While I was still immersed in my own thoughts, the system prompt sounded again: "The system self-test is about to start, 321"

A red light flashed across the white building, I sat down on the spot instinctively, and at the same time curled up into a ball, buried my head between my legs, closed my eyes, and silently counted down in my heart 1 minute.

When I counted down to 1, the red flash disappeared. I let out a long breath and slowly relaxed my tense body. As Sun Sijie said, nothing happened.I stood up and looked aimlessly at the white space around me, a world of one person, a world without sound, wishing she could accompany me at this time.

In an instant, I remembered the task I was about to perform and Su Runyao's eyes. I immediately cheered up and issued an order to the system: "Turn on teleportation!"

The "teleportation ball" in front of me appeared again, and without any hesitation, I walked straight towards the direction of the "teleportation ball", and soon the glowing bubbles wrapped me and the "teleportation ball" together, forming a into one.

Complete teleportation: 6 / 66
Task time-consuming: 03:53:10
Restart countdown: 36:55:41
By the time the third teleportation was completed, I had fully understood the entire process of the teleportation, and it followed the same pattern every time.

The first stage is the transmission of my physical structure. Since the brain function has not been restored, the eyes can't "see" anything, so how the body is reconstructed is unknown.It was not until the second stage of brain function was fully activated that various senses and basic cognition appeared. I could control body movements and recognize text and image information, but for me without any memory, the information I obtained was unprecedented. In the past, "I" can only understand the superficial meaning of the information, but it will not form any waves in the brain, without any associated content.It's like I'm just an empty shell with an adult body and brain at this time.

The first and second phases last approximately 6 minutes or so.Then came the third stage—memory recovery. This process took a relatively long time, basically about 15 minutes each time. This should be what Sun Sijie called the "rest" time.

Apparently, for 15 minutes, my giant "baby" has been in a state of doing nothing, or rather being at a loss.In order to allow myself to quickly understand the purpose of my actions during the period of memory recovery, after the fifth teleportation, I started to play games with "myself".

In the thinking system provided by Sun Sijie, there is an information recording function. I can record important information as needed, and when it is entered by the system, it will be directly displayed in the information column of the holographic image in front of me.I just need to write down my mission summary, then when I complete the teleportation in the second stage, I can read the information, and I can know the mission in advance even if I have no memory.

I happily left a message in the system.

"I'm in a computer system, and I'm on an urgent mission. After 66 teleportations, I need to reach the cleanup area and rescue my favorite woman, Su Runyao."

But when "I" saw this line of description information, I was still very at a loss, "I" didn't know why it was in the computer?Don't even understand what is teleportation?Where is the cleanup area?Who is Su Runyao?This information does nothing for "me" other than to add to "me's" confusion.

Obviously, the information I thought I was smart didn't help "me", but this "game" inspired me a lot of fun.After thinking about it, I decided that I first need to let "myself" understand what is happening in front of me, including teleportation balls, holograms and how to use them.

(End of this chapter)

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