nonexistent experiment

Chapter 34 1 game

Chapter 34 A Game (Part [-])
Complete teleportation: 65 / 66
Task time-consuming: 32:22:51
Restart countdown: 00:26:00
Sun Sijie and I calculated the time for the last time. After the system self-inspection is completed, if I have started the teleportation at the fastest speed, then I still have 17 minutes and 51 seconds in the end, excluding the nearly 6 minutes of the first and second stages of teleportation. I actually had less than 12 minutes to complete the task.

In the last test, "I" successfully completed all the instructions for the first and only time.And Sun Sijie and I can only hope that "I" will have another miracle.

During the process of waiting for the system self-inspection, Sun Sijie and I remained silent. He could still observe the course of "me" from outside the system, but I really became a complete outsider. Su Runyao and I Life and death have been controlled in the hands of "I".

"It will definitely succeed!" Sun Sijie said to me.

I didn't answer him, my heart was beating more violently than ever, I didn't have any expectations in my heart, although I hoped that when I regained full consciousness again, I would see Su Runyao appeared by my side intact, but this Can it really be achieved?I don't even have 10% hope.

When I was still alone, the system prompt sounded: "The system self-test is about to start, 321"

Complete teleportation: 65 / 66
Task time-consuming: 32:36:54
Restart countdown: 00:11:57
The scene in front of me suddenly became clear, a completely strange world, surrounded by a piece of white, I don't know why "I" like this white world very much, and I have an inexplicable sense of security in my heart. "I" looked around aimlessly, and felt that everything I saw was so fresh.Huh~~ "I" suddenly discovered that there was a neatly arranged human-shaped phalanx right in front of me in the distance, and they stood there one by one, motionless.Fortunately, this makes "I" feel more secure, at least it makes "I" feel less lonely, otherwise "I" will definitely burst into tears.

Task time-consuming: 32:37:34
Restart countdown: 00:11:17
"I"'s attention fell back to the video screen created out of thin air in front of me, and the content of the screen that was completely incomprehensible before seemed to be understandable at this time. This world is really full of strange things everywhere.

The content displayed on the screen is exactly the same as what "I" sees in front of my eyes, which I discovered before.There is also a person in the image, although "I" don't know who this person is, but what is interesting is that this person seems to have been imitating my every move.Maybe this is a certain kind of game, but after playing for a while, "I" finds it boring. He is just imitating me, and has no intention of interacting with me at all.

Perhaps when "I" was looking around just now, an orange straight line stretched out in front of him in the image, leading straight to the front square. When did this straight line appear?Obviously not just now, "I" was full of doubts. "I" looked to the right side of the image, which displayed some numbers and text, one of which read "follow the orange path".

"I" turned my head to the front of the path. In the world of "I", I didn't see any colored road strength on the ground. "I" took a few steps forward cautiously, and the person in the image followed suit, and "I" also noticed that where "I" walked, the original path in the image disappeared. "I" suddenly understood that this should be a game, let me follow the path in the image.It was funny, and then "I" moved my legs in the direction indicated by the path.

Task time-consuming: 32:38:46
Restart countdown: 00:10:05
Along the orange path, "I" finally reached the edge of the phalanx. To be honest, "I" was so tired.These people still stood motionless as before from a distance, with no expression on their faces, and "I" was curious and a little scared.

"I" carefully walked up to the person closest to me. This person had black skin and was much taller than "me". I slightly raised my head and looked up at his face, his eyes didn't even blink , didn't care about the existence of "I" in front of him at all, and still had no expression at all, just staring straight ahead.

"I" stared at his face for a while, but there was no response. "I" was a little bored, so I could only walk forward to the person next to him.

This is a woman with long hair and snow-white skin. "I" shook her hand in front of her eyes, but she didn't respond at all, just like the previous one. "I" tentatively pushed her arm with my hand, but she remained motionless. Although her skin was elastic, where "my" hand touched, there was only a cold feeling without any warmth. I pushed her with both hands with all my strength, but it was still the same as before, she seemed to be nailed to the ground, this really scared "I", "I" quickly took a step back, hugged my head and squatted He got down and closed his eyes.

"I" squatted on the ground, after an unknown amount of time, "I" slowly opened my eyes again, looked at the image in my eyes, and the person in the image was like "I", squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, why did he It's interesting to learn how "me" looks all the time. "I" saw the path in front of me again, which reminded "I" of the past, "I" must reach the finish line before him, "I" got up suddenly, ran towards the direction of the path, and Completely forget about those "people" standing in place like puppets.

Task time-consuming: 32:42:21
Restart countdown: 00:06:30
He followed "me" all the time and couldn't get rid of it. "I" was so anxious that he ran faster and faster. Fortunately, the finish line was ahead. In order to win the final victory, "I" rushed across the finish line.

"I" doesn't know who is the first to cross the finish line, but in the heart of "I", "I" thinks that "I" should win, because "I" has already surpassed the finish line by many steps, the only pity is The marker for the end point in the image is no longer there.

At this time, "I" has been completely submerged in the crowd of "people" without knowing it. When "I" realizes this, I realize that "I" is surrounded by people. up.

"I" turned to face the person closest to "me" on the right. Like the person I saw before, he was also completely expressionless. "I" was taken aback again, and moved a few steps to the right involuntarily, and then "I" felt that I had bumped into something, and when I turned my head, it was another person like this.

"I" was so frightened that I unconsciously squatted down again, holding my head in my hands and buried it between my knees.

Slowly, "I" calmed down a bit, and only then did "I" realize that some pictures were constantly flashing in my mind.Suddenly, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed through "my" mind, so beautiful!As if frozen, "I" was fascinated by looking at these eyes, and the fear in my heart was completely dispelled by the gentleness of these eyes.

Whose eyes are these, so beautiful?Why is this happening in my head at this very moment?Thinking of the game of racing with him just now, "I" can't help but think that this is another game, let "I" find these eyes among these people?

"I" cheered up immediately, "I" looked at the person in front of me carefully, no!Not this person!His eyes are so small!
"I" moved a few steps to the right, this person is not, her eyes are blue! "I" tilted my head and glanced to the right at the person next to me. It looked pretty similar from the side, although I couldn't see the side clearly, but it gave "I" a premonition.

Task time-consuming: 32:45:37
Restart countdown: 00:03:14
Just as "I" was about to move my body to the right, I saw that he was imitating me again in the video. I was so angry, why did I have to compete with "I" for everything.Just for a moment, "I" forgot the idea of ​​moving to the right just now, and took a few steps forward inexplicably.

I looked for several people along the way, obviously none of them were the eyes I saw in my mind just now.

Task time-consuming: 32:47:11
Restart countdown: 00:01:40
"I" was a little disappointed, how could I find so many people? "I" looked back, and my eyes fell on the position where "I" came before, and suddenly remembered the eyes of the person I saw before.

"I" immediately walked back along the road I came over just now, and he actually followed "me" again, this person is really annoying.At this time, "I" saw that the words in the information column on the right side of the screen kept beating, which attracted the attention of "I", and "I" took a closer look: I took out the small ball in the pocket.

"I" walked and found the ball from the pocket of the clothes. What is it?Why use it?Fortunately, this time "I" did not forget the original intention of going back. "I" was thinking, and at the same time, I had already reached the original point. "I" thought that this should be here, and "I" stopped. , looking at the person who made "I" have a premonition before.

Task time-consuming: 32:47:36
Restart countdown: 00:01:15
These are really a pair of beautiful eyes, really similar to the eyes in the brain, but there seems to be something missing, "I" can't tell what is wrong, just staring at her eyes.

After looking at it for a long time, "I" shook my head slowly, still not sure if these were the eyes I saw, her eyes had no vitality, lifeless, without any brilliance, but only on the surface looks like.

Suddenly, another picture appeared in my mind, "I" don't know what it is, maybe it is a golden sun, looking at the sun from a distance, it looks like a light yellow pupil, just like her eyes Generally beautiful.

Task time-consuming: 32:47:51
Restart countdown: 00:01:00
While "I" was still looking into her eyes, "I" heard the system prompt: "The countdown to system restart is 1 minute."

At the same time, golden lights flickered throughout the room. This sudden change made "I" close my eyes nervously.

Task time-consuming: 32:48:06
Restart countdown: 00:00:45
Through the closed eyelids, "I" can still feel the light shining outside, and "I" timidly squinted and opened one eye.

"I" saw her eyes, under the flickering golden light, like the pupils shining in the golden sun.

In that instant, her eyes came alive!That's her! "I" knew that this was the pair of eyes I was looking for.

Task time-consuming: 32:48:31
Restart countdown: 00:00:18
"I" seemed to feel that I had shed tears, and "I" raised my hands, wanting to touch her cheek.But I found a small ball in my hand, what is it?
This small ball prevented "I" from touching her, and in a panic, "I" swung my arms and was about to throw the small ball vigorously.

Task time-consuming: 32:48:37
Restart countdown: 00:00:14
Just when "I" was swinging my arm, I saw two words jumping on the information bar in the image, and I silently read it out in my heart: "Activate".

The ball just left my palm at this time.

Task time-consuming: 32:48:37
Restart countdown: 00:00:10
"System is about to restart: 10"

The ball just thrown didn't fly forward very far. As I said "activate", the ball turned and flew in front of her. All covered up.


The ball continued to approach her and stopped at a distance of about 10 cm in front of her nose. The color of the red laser kept changing, reflecting the flashing golden light around her. Her eyes seemed to be slowly "living".


The color of the laser became more and more red, and then the laser disappeared completely. Just when "I" wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, the red laser suddenly lit up again, like a pulse, and flashed 3 times continuously .


With the disappearance of the last flash, the ball also disappeared before her eyes, and she also fell down weakly

"I" supported her fallen body with both hands, and held her in my arms.


She looked at "me" with eyes piercing "my" heart; "I" looked at her with tears dripping down her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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