Chapter 35
Sun Sijie's hanging heart finally let go. After seeing the small ball collect the nano-energy cells in Su Runyao's body, he finally relaxed his tense nerves for 18 minutes.

When "I" appeared in the clearing area, Sun Sijie immediately obtained the data in the clearing area.According to the automatic calculation results of the system, the complete map of the cleaning area was displayed in front of his eyes. He kept changing the image of the cleaning area in front of him, and suddenly Sun Sijie jumped up from his seat excitedly.

Sun Sijie had imagined many possible scenarios, especially regarding the arrangement of the KL in the clearing area, and he had planned the most concise path for almost every possibility.But for the two most terrifying scenarios, Sun Sijie could only pray that they would not appear.

One is to be arranged in layers. Originally, in the test of "I", the routes were all flat, without the dimension of height.Even if "I" can understand this dimension, the most difficult thing is that it is impossible to know the manifestation of this dimension. Are there stairs?Or an elevator?And the biggest possibility is that there is no channel at all, because for the grams that are about to be cleaned up, there is no need for that at all.Therefore, if Su Runyao is not on the ground, then this task can be said to be inherently impossible to complete;

The second situation is that all people are arranged very closely together, and there is no passage between people at all. Even if the end points to Su Runyao, but there is no effective path to her, it means that there is no path. .

But in the end, even if the above two situations occur, Sun Sijie has his own ideas.If these two or other unpredictable situations really happened, he could only plan a path arbitrarily, and choose an object to suppress people arbitrarily.Because for Sun Sijie, what he wants is only the nano-cells hidden in the body of the K-L people. As for who to activate, it is not the key point for L himself. In the depths of my heart, it didn't penetrate into me at all.

Fortunately, it is the simplest and most direct arrangement in front of Sun Sijie's eyes in the video. For such a regular rectangular array, the path is very easy to plan, 2 straight lines plus a corner.Soon Sun Sijie locked on the location of Su Runyao, and the path clearly appeared in the image in front of him.

However, Su Runyao's location is about 5 minutes' walk away from the teleportation point of "I".

It takes less than 12 minutes to activate and act, and it takes 5 minutes just to walk, and this is still on the premise that "I" can completely follow the path without any mistakes, but if "I" does not follow the path , or any unexpected problems occurred during the movement, the operation may face failure.

After all, in all the previous tests, it was just a simple simulation path, and the environment was extremely single. Now it is completely unpredictable whether it will affect "me" with the addition of the phalanx.

How to do?Sun Sijie hesitated. The closest Ke L man to "me" was only a minute's walk away in a straight line, and his position was on the edge of the phalanx. This position should have the least impact on "me" theoretically.Is it worthwhile or should I abandon the love of "my" in that world in order to complete my own tasks?

But when Sun Sijie thinks of "I", this is just a piece of code, and the only spiritual sustenance is Su Runyao. If the last remaining fantasy is also deprived, it would be too cruel, and the current situation is far away. Not to the point where the end cannot be reached.

After thinking twice, Sun Sijie still kept the original plan.But Sun Sijie also prepared a second backup plan. In addition to letting the system trigger an information prompt when "I" reaches the end point, Sun Sijie also turned on the timing trigger function. If "I" fails to reach the end point within 5 minutes, then It will automatically prompt the next task information.As for whether Su Runyao can really be activated, it all depends on "I"'s own performance.

In any case, at least from the psychological level, Sun Sijie thinks that this is worthy of me, and he has not broken his promise, and at the same time, he can guarantee the acquisition of energy cells.

During the entire mission, Sun Sijie stared at "me" every move almost with his breath held.

Unexpected and unexpected are hard to describe Sun Sijie's mood at that time.Except for the first step "I" was able to follow the path step by step, every step after that was completely out of Sun Sijie's expectation.He had envisioned many ways for "I" to complete the task, some of which were well-behaved, some of which were flexible and witty. But unexpectedly, "I" chose the most brainless and stimulating way.

Fortunately, the final task was completed "perfectly", "I" rescued Su Runyao, and Sun Sijie also got the energy cells.

The activation ball Sun Sijie gave to "me" not only activated Su Runyao who was in a dormant state, but also collected the energy cells hidden in her body.For Sun Sijie, this was enough, and it also verified that his guess all along was correct.

In the end, the full boot of the system took nearly 10 minutes, during which "I" recovered my memory.Sun Sijie retransmitted Su Runyao and me into the "primitive life", and restored the previous memory data of Su Runyao and Chen Song.At the same time, he found a KL body similar to Su Runyao in the system, successfully replaced the identities of the two, and forged the false image that Su Runyao was cleared by the system.

After Sun Sijie finished these, he sent a message to Yu Yunlong: "Energy cells were found in Ke L's body."

Number of virtual grams: 100864
Current trial phase: I/III
Real-time system flow rate: 1 day in the system / 4 hours in reality
Phase I test duration: 180 days for the system/30 days for the real world

当前试验时长:系统131天 10:23:00 /现实21天 21:43:50
Test progress: 73.02%
Due to the impact of this emergency, the idea that the first phase of the experiment might have been completed ahead of schedule was shattered. Fortunately, the experimental data was confirmed to be reliable after multi-party demonstrations. Therefore, after the system was restarted, the experiment continued as originally planned. It went on as normal.

Although the system has entered a semi-sleep state, the system time has been stopped during this period.After the system is restarted, the time is restored to the normal operating state.

At the most recent meeting of the Epidemic M Development Team, Jem Johnson was awarded a special contribution medal by the Global Federation for his outstanding performance in handling the incident.The medal was awarded by John Maybury, president of Insai Intelligence. Strictly speaking, the award of the medal should be carried out by Yu Yunlong, but Yu Yunlong considered that Jem Johnson was John Maybury's abandoned general. , In order to bridge the gap between the two, such an arrangement was made.Of course, Yu Yunlong also considered that due to the great assistance provided by Saizhi in the development of the epidemic M, John Maybury was able to attend important occasions, which is also a big favor.

After John Maybury presented the medal to Jem Jonson, the two shook hands and hugged friendlyly. In everyone's eyes, the two had gone through this running-in and it was considered to have settled down.But at such a close distance, only the two of them understood the meaning expressed in each other's eyes.

Jem Johnson: How is it?I'm much better than that kid, you've misjudged me.

John Maybury: You're still trash!
Just as the two embraced each other, John Maybury whispered in Jem Johnson's ear with a smile: "You will never be able to compare with Sun Sijie, you just got the permission of 'primordial life', but his core algorithm You and your team will never learn, rubbish!"

Throughout the meeting, Jem Jonson kept a smile on his face, especially when John Maybury mentioned his contribution as an honor to the entire company, which should have made him proud For a moment, his mood dropped to a freezing point, because he heard the deep meaning behind John Maybury's words, which was a great irony and insult to him.

Jem Jonson is like a child who is full of confidence and waiting for his parents to praise him. Instead of receiving the expected praise, he is greeted with further derogation.His heart was broken, and he couldn't accept this unfair treatment.

What great thing did Sun Sijie do? Ever since he appeared, he has been beaten to the bottom. Now even though he has left Insai Zhizhi, he is still trampled under his feet. Jem Jonson's chest is like Being crushed by a boulder is like being hard to breathe, and I can't figure it out. I have worked so hard to perform, but in the end, what I get is worthless in the eyes of others.

As soon as the meeting was over, Jem Johnson hurried back to his office, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed
Jem Johnson was slumped beside the sofa. He could no longer use any strength. The office was in a mess, and there were almost no intact objects, especially the medal he had just won, which was smashed in half by him.

"I must defeat you! I will make you forever!" Jem Johnson cursed silently in his mind, and he vented all his dissatisfaction and anger on Sun Sijie alone.

The next day, Jem Jonson called his team immediately and announced his next plan.In addition to ensuring the normal operation of the system on a daily basis, he selected the most handy members of the team and put all his energy on cracking the basic algorithm of Sun Sijie's "primordial life".

But Jem Johnson's plan was secretly questioned by team members on the spot.

The most questioned question is why it takes a lot of effort to crack it?If you want, you can ask Sun Sijie himself. Judging from the current situation, he will definitely announce it without reservation.Although the current system has temporarily maintained a stable state after restarting and has not suffered further intrusions, it cannot be taken lightly. It is almost a foolish behavior to focus on cracking an extremely difficult algorithm, let alone a very It is possible that it cannot be cracked at all.

Although Jem Johnson knew this very well, he didn't explain it, and he didn't need to explain it. He didn't even give everyone a chance to ask questions. He just glanced at them with his cold and bloodshot eyes. through everyone's eyes.

At this time, Jem Johnson seemed to be a completely different person, and his reason had long been drowned by revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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