Chapter 36
Sun Sijie began to analyze the underlying data of the nano-cells after receiving the authorization of the nano-cells provided by Yu Yunlong, but after several hours of hard work, he realized that this was not an easy task, because he Even the first step-entering the nano-cells is not possible.

In addition to the authorization of the nanocell itself, the intruder even added encryption to the rewritten code. It was this layer of encryption that stopped Sun Sijie's data analysis.

Sun Sijie himself is not familiar with encryption and decryption technology, he can only read a lot of relevant information, but no matter what kind of theoretical technology he uses, he can't crack this layer of shell.

He deeply feels that this opponent has a good ability. To some extent, his spirit of researching a certain field may be comparable to his own. So from this perspective, Sun Sijie can't help but have a little praise for this opponent. meaning.

In the cracking process, the easiest way to restore the "ciphertext" to "plaintext" is undoubtedly to obtain the secret key, especially after testing, Sun Sijie found that the other party was still using an asymmetric key, and the intruder used a What kind of decryption private key, Sun Sijie finally gave up after a series of attempts and efforts.

Of course, it seems to be the easiest way to directly hand over these obtained energy cells to the development company to crack, but according to the current situation, there is also a risk of exposure in doing so, and it is easy for opponents to find that they have discovered the truth in the system destruction .

After struggling again and again, Sun Sijie could only and had to use the simple and direct method of brute force cracking. Fortunately, he had enough nano cells in his hand. If he started at the same time, he might be able to crack it successfully in a short time.

In the end, the brute force cracking took a full 40 hours. When the first nanocell was cracked, Sun Sijie was still asleep, and he was really tired.Since Yinsai Zhizhi came out of the medical department, he has hardly closed his eyes again, coupled with his already weak body, the continuous work has almost emptied his body.

"Successfully cracked! Successfully cracked! Successfully cracked!." The system's prompt sound has been playing.

Sun Sijie rubbed his eyes, and first glanced at the time. A full 42 hours had passed, but the system prompts for two full hours did not wake him up from his sleep.He braced himself up, and then focused on the cracked image in front of him. The "plain text" of the cracked code was completely displayed in front of his eyes.

He is not familiar with the codes that control nano-cells, and he doesn't care about them. What he wants to obtain is the authorization code information that authorized the control of nano-cells at that time. Everyone's authorization code is different. In other words, through this authorization code, you can follow the vines and find the real behind-the-scenes.

Soon Sun Sijie discovered the key information of the authorization. He wrote down the authorization code, and when he was about to send it to Yu Yunlong, his eyes were attracted by another line of strange code in the image.

"// Help me!"
First of all, he noticed that this is a commented line of code. It is totally unreasonable to add such a useless comment to such a small-capacity code program, although some coders like to add their own special code to their own code blocks. mark, but isn't it exposing yourself by doing so?No matter from any point of view, there is no need to show off like this, not to mention the meaning of this line of comments is too confusing!

Then Sun Sijie randomly checked dozens of decrypted energy cells, first checked the authorization code, it was always the same, and there was no second different authorization code; secondly, he also found in each of the decrypted codes This is the same comment.

Could it be? Sun Sijie didn't think about it any further, he immediately sent a message to Yu Yunlong, and made an appointment to meet at "good luck" coffee.

An hour later, Sun Sijie and Yu Yunlong met as scheduled, and to Sun Sijie's surprise, Harris Eddie also appeared.He intentionally hid behind Yu Yunlong, and suddenly came out, and deliberately made an exaggerated body movement unique to Americans in front of Sun Sijie. This majestic chief research officer of the largest biomedical company in the United States still looks so handsome in front of his idol. Low intelligence, but this kind of behavior also made the slightly tense atmosphere when the three of them met instantly relaxed.

"How is it? Is there any major discovery?" As soon as the three of us were seated, Yu Yunlong first cut to the point.

"Well, there are two important discoveries." Sun Sijie replied.

"Oh~ is that so? Our investigation here also has some clues. After you finish speaking, let Eddie introduce you." From Yu Yunlong's words, it can be heard that their relationship is indeed closer, and it is more official from the original mouth. "Mr. Eddie" is now called by his first name.And Eddie also nodded to Sun Sijie, and his serious expression had returned to his face.

"First of all, the authorization information was found in the nanocell. The authorization code is not the same as the one you provided me. It can be seen that someone must be behind the scenes. This is beyond doubt. Of course, this is also proved from the side, the intruder It is indeed the use of nano cells to carry out the attack, which is also in line with my initial assumption. As for who this authorization code corresponds to, I think it is still up to you to investigate."

After finishing speaking, Sun Sijie took out the note with the authorization code in his pocket and handed it to Yu Yunlong.

"Well, I'll get in touch now." Yu Yunlong connected the phone with the earring system, and sent the authorization code to the other party without too many instructions and explanations. It seems that each leader has his own huge network of relationships.After hanging up the phone, Yu Yunlong signaled Sun Sijie to continue talking about his discovery.

"I originally thought that the authorization information was my biggest discovery, but it was unexpected." Sun Sijie projected the image data through the earring, and enlarged the commented line of code.

"Help me!" Yu Yunlong and Harris Eddie read out at the same time.

"This sentence was found in the embedded code of the nanocell. You can clearly see that this is not a real code, but just a commented content. But that is the problem, even if we Regardless of the capacity of the embedded code, what does such a meaningless statement mean to the code itself?" Sun Sijie frowned, looking at Yu Yunlong and Harris Eddie.

"Could it be that he gave his own code a name? Don't ordinary virus software have a name? This code has caused the death of so many clones in the system. Maybe help me is a metaphor from the side? said Harris Eddy earnestly.

"I don't think this is very likely. This is different from ordinary virus software. It is not aimed at individual users or corporate users. What this software destroys is an experiment of human life and death. There is a big difference in nature. No matter what kind of From a standpoint, I don’t want anyone to remember the existence of this code, and it won’t become a talking point for me to show off in the future. This kind of crime against humanity should be held accountable for life.” Sun Sijie retorted.

"I think what Xiao Sun said makes sense. If it were me, I would not leave any possible clues, even a single symbol would not be redundant." Yu Yunlong added with a nod.

"Then what is the meaning of this sentence?" Harris Eddie became more and more confused as he thought about it.

"Did you say it was purely literal? Is it a distress signal?" Yu Yunlong asked thoughtfully.

In fact, from the first time Sun Sijie saw this code, he had a premonition that it might be a distress signal, but he couldn't figure out why a person who caused such damage in the system would still ask for help.And Yu Yunlong and Harris Eddie may have thought of this as early as the beginning, but because it is so illogical, everyone has never wanted to accept such a speculation.

In the end, the only possible logic that Sun Sijie could get was that the opponent who wrote the nano-cell destruction code was forced to do so under a state of coercion, which was not his original intention.

"Well, I've thought about this too, but I don't understand. Why did you ask for help? Could it be." Before Sun Sijie could finish speaking, Harris Eddie took the words directly: "Being coerced, it may be Coercion related to life!"

"If it's really some kind of distress call,'s just that this sentence doesn't make any sense. If there are no other clues, how can we help him? The existence of this distress signal loses any value!" Sun Sijie Frown tightly.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, with heavy expressions on their faces, each thinking.In this way, everyone remained silent, Yu Yunlong sighed, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, let's put this question aside for a while, if it is as we expected, at least it may be an opportunity for us. The caller could be an entry point."

Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie nodded silently.

(End of this chapter)

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