Chapter 37
"Let me tell you about the situation." Harris Eddie took a sip of coffee and continued: "Since Mr. Sun left, Jem Jonson, the former Chief R&D Officer of Insai Intelligence, has taken up his post again. After taking office, he solved some problems that were not a problem in itself, and inexplicably won the commendation of the Global Federation. It’s really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. I have to say that this kind of villain’s face makes me disgusted.”

Sun Sijie looked at Yu Yunlong with a surprised expression, when did Harris Eddie have such a big prejudice against Jem Johnson again.Yu Yunlong just shook his head self-consciously, allowing Harris Eddie to vent his emotions.

"According to my investigation, in the past two days, Jem Jonson has started to secretly engage in tricks again. He gathered the best members of the team and spent most of his time deciphering Mr. Sun's 'primitive life' In terms of the algorithm, it is obviously an idiot. The act of infatuation and infatuation is known to everyone. He is afraid that after Mr. Sun returns, if he cannot crack your algorithm, he will still be driven away or downgraded. From now on, the top chair will always be like sitting on a steamer."

Sun Sijie couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing. For Harris Eddie, who is half-Chinese, his favorite thing is to quote some common sayings or idioms. I can't laugh or cry, but this is the first time Sun Sijie has laughed so happily in recent days.

Yu Yunlong seemed to have gotten used to it a long time ago, but kept shaking his head while laughing.

Harris Eddie laughed regardless of the two of them, and continued to say to himself: "Don't laugh, to be honest, I have always suspected Jem Johnson, don't you think this incident is too coincidental? Mr. Sun just left, and he appeared. His motive is the most obvious. Don’t think that if the motive is too obvious, it is impossible to be the object of suspicion. I told Professor Yu last time, Bing is not annoying, you guys You should read more books on the art of war written by the old patriarch himself!" He said clearly.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Eddie is right." Sun Sijie was a little out of breath from laughing.

"Right, I'll just say it! In addition, according to the investigation report provided by Interpol last time, I also conducted an investigation into the clues that there may be inner ghosts in our epidemic M development team." He slowly picked up the coffee cup, as if Mingcha generally took a sip from the sip of the cup, and said solemnly: "I really found something, and it has something to do with Jem Johnson."

This was something that even Yu Yunlong hadn't expected. He didn't expect Harris Eddie to keep a hand on him.

"Mr. Sun, you must know Johnny Kelly." Harris Eddie looked at Sun Sijie.

"Johnny Kelly? Of course I know him. At that time, a very good programmer in our team was also the team leader. I heard that the relationship with Jem Johnson was quite tense before, and the private relationship was not Very good, what's the matter?"

"That's right, the relationship between the two of them is not good, but" Harris Eddie pretended to be mysterious, and glanced at the two people in front of him, as if he was about to tell a shocking secret.

"However, regarding the fact that Jem Jonson wants to crack your algorithm this time, there are almost one-sided doubts in the software team, but only Johnny Kelly has become his supporter, He also used his status as the team leader to urge the team members to work overtime to solve the problem, and because of this, the people below complained even more." Harris Eddie didn't go on talking, and looked at the two people in front of him with a slightly proud look.

Sun Sijie and Yu Yunlong were still waiting for him to continue, but unexpectedly he stopped abruptly. Yu Yunlong asked suspiciously: "And then?"

"Then? Don't you realize that it's abnormal? Isn't it suspicious that a pair of people who were originally incompatible with each other are now congenial?"

"Suspicious? Why is it suspicious?" Yu Yunlong was still puzzled.

"Is this not suspicious? Professor Yu, think about it carefully. If the two of them had disagreements before, what would Johnny Kelly's attitude be towards Jem Jonson's return to power? It must be the meeting of enemies." Extraordinarily eye-catching! How could it still be like this? Unless Jem Johnson bought Johnny Kelly, he could also use the original discord between the two to dispel other people's suspicions. If so, Johnny Isn't Kelly his accomplice?" Harris Eddie confidently stated the reasoning in his heart.

"Accomplice? Who is the murderer?" Yu Yunlong opened his eyes wide and finally understood Harris Eddie's logic: "You mean Jem Johnson is the murderer, and then Johnny Kelly walked with him, So you became an accomplice?"

"That's right! Isn't it obvious?" Harris Eddie was puzzled this time.

"Obviously, it's obvious. It's obvious that you have preconceived ideas. You first regarded Jem Jonson as the murderer, so you have such logic." Yu Yunlong was a little helpless. He didn't expect to talk so much, but it was such an invalid dialogue. Can't help shaking his head secretly.

"Professor Yu, you just don't believe me, Jem Johnson must have a big problem!" Harris Eddie tried his best to maintain his judgment.

During their conversation, Sun Sijie remained silent. He frowned deeply, thinking about Harris Eddie's words.

"Professor Yu, I don't think Mr. Eddie's words are useless. If his preconceived ideas are correct, then Johnny Kelly may be a bit suspicious; if on the contrary, Jem Johnson is not the real mastermind, then Why would Johnny Kelly do this?"

"Why do you think it is?" Yu Yunlong asked urgently.

"Is there a possibility that although Johnny Kelly and Jem Jonson are not the same people, they have the same purpose and want to crack my algorithm. Maybe Johnny Kelly is the ghost you mentioned earlier?"

"According to your reasoning, if Jem Jonson wants to crack your algorithm to secure his position, is it also for the purpose of Johnny Kelly's attempt to sabotage the experiment?" Harris Eddie ask.

"I can't say this right now, it's just a possibility." Sun Sijie was thoughtful.

"Anyway, there's something suspicious about Johnny Kelly, and I'll tell Interpol about it later." Harris Eddy was eager to express himself.

"Don't worry, now we are in the dark, they are in the light, don't startle the snake too early." Yu Yunlong said.

The three of them looked at each other, and it seemed that today's conversation was quite fruitful.

"By the way, there is another point about the issue of the Interpol discovering video transmission signals in our previous epidemic M development meetings. Recently, we in the United States have a new technology that can deduce different signals in the video through the original video. Source, although the specific signal content cannot be analyzed at present, it should not be a problem to find out the source of the signal emission. I have sent the videos of our previous meetings to relevant scientific research organizations in our country. There should be news in the sky." Harris Eddie added.

"Very good, this is indeed good news." Yu Yunlong said happily.

"Slow down, you mean to find other signal sources in the video from the original video?" Sun Sijie seemed to think of something suddenly, and asked anxiously.

"Yeah! What's the matter? Isn't it awesome?" Harris Eddie was obviously very proud.

"That's right, why didn't I think of it? The other information about that Help me! must be hidden in his private key." Sun Sijie stood up excitedly from his seat.

Yu Yunlong and Harris Eddie looked up at Sun Sijie, completely confused.

The private key data content of energy cell brute force cracking is very short, only 8 bytes, which is limited by its own capacity.The content of these 8 bytes obviously cannot reflect any information content, but Sun Sijie discovered that there are 8 different versions of the private key of the energy cell. After analyzing the short data chain of 64 bytes, he finally obtained a coordinate location, which was within this city as expected.

The difference between programmers and other types of work is that when a secret is cracked, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is beyond words.He didn't tell Yu Yunlong the news, but was going to go to the location of the coordinates alone, and meet him in person. From his code and his notes, Sun Sijie had a hunch that he was not a heinous person.

The coordinates point to a simple apartment in the remote west of the city. It can be seen that his social contribution is not high, Sun Sijie conceived in his mind.

It wasn't until Sun Sijie arrived downstairs in the apartment that he suddenly remembered if he was imprisoned?Is there any danger in going to the door recklessly?He looked up at the windows of the apartment building, only to see dim lights and no moving figures.Sun Sijie stood downstairs and did not press the surveillance door for a long time.

Finally, a toddling old man came out of the building. After seeing Sun Sijie, he asked politely, "Are you looking for someone?"

Sun Sijie was a little at a loss, and replied awkwardly: "Yes, I'm looking for someone, B0184."

"Oh, it's that young man. I live next door to him. I should be at home. I haven't seen him go out for many days. He's very introverted."

"That's a coincidence, isn't there anything unusual in his family recently?" Sun Sijie asked evasively.

"Strange? What's strange? Oh, yes, before, he had an older brother, and the two were basically inseparable. His older brother hasn't appeared recently, and I haven't seen him go out since then. He doesn't seem to have any other friends. I have never seen anyone else come, you are the first guest I have seen besides his brother."

"So that's the case, thank you, old man." Sun Sijie nodded in greeting.

"Young man, come upstairs with me."

"Then excuse me." Sun Sijie thanked him again.

Standing in front of the door of B0184, Sun Sijie hesitated and pressed the doorbell.

"Who?" came a low and listless question from inside the room.

"a friend."

"I have no friends, you have found the wrong person!"

"help me"

There was a dull sound of objects falling from inside the room.

The door opened, and a thin face appeared in front of Sun Sijie.

(End of this chapter)

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