nonexistent experiment

Chapter 38 Virtual Reality

Chapter 38 Virtual Reality (Part [-])
When I opened my eyes, I was lying on my own bed. For a moment, I felt as if I had passed away, forgetting who I was and where I was, until I saw Su Runyao who was still sleeping beside me. The illusory life is filled with a real sense of existence.

Caressing her smooth black hair, looking at the slightly trembling eyelids, the olfactory cells in my nose greedily plunder her elegant body fragrance in the air, and through the transmission of the nervous system, activate the The most primitive instinct for exclusive possession and protection.The fingertips passed through her layers of hair, slightly lining her cheeks, and the entire palm seemed to be filled with a weak current that was connected, continuously sending and activating all the cells in the whole body, and the delicate movement of the thumb across her back and forth The skin makes this electric current gain infinite vitality.

I felt the touch of regaining my true love after losing it, and my eye sockets were already wet before I knew it.

I thought: Even if I am a life that does not exist at all, so what?Illusion and reality, reality and illusion, there is no more meaning than this real feeling.

Love, an inherently complex and pure emotion, is like two intertwined DNA double helix strands, tightly combining Su Runyao and me.

Seeing her slowly waking eyes still fascinates me like this, like a black hole exuding charming brilliance, there is a mysterious impulse that makes people want to go into it to find out, which makes me unable to move anymore The longer you stare, the closer you get, and time seems to be frozen on the visual interface of her black hole-like eyes.

"what happened to you?"

"Look at you, look at your eyes, look at your face, look at everything about you."

"A fool?"

"A fool who loves you."

She smiled, so happy, so real.

In the next two days, Su Runyao and I hardly stepped out of the room. We were inseparable and entangled together, enjoying the days when it was just me and her, until I received a call from Chen Song.

"Are you feeling better?" Chen Song's opening remarks made me confused.

"I'm so good, I've never been better!"

"Don't be like this, I haven't dared to call you these few days, for fear that you will be too sad." Chen Song's tone was slightly serious, which made me very uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about? I'm really fine and happy?" I was still in my own world.

"The more you say that, the more uneasy I feel. Don't suppress yourself too much. Just look at some things. After all, you have such good memories."

I suddenly woke up. Ever since I went to look for Su Runyao together with Chen Song, I haven’t contacted him until now. He still doesn’t know what happened afterwards. He must think that I’m dying because of the loss of Su Runyao. Desperate for life, he shut himself up at home and sank.

"Hahaha, Su Runyao has come back to life, you can't believe what happened!" I told him urgently.

"Hurry up and wake up, the dead cannot be brought back to life, if you continue like this, your spirit will collapse." He began to yell loudly on the other end of the phone.

"Why don't you believe me? You wait"

Su Runyao is tidying up our room, the indulgence of these two days has made the room look messy.Seeing me rushing in, she stared at me with wide eyes in bewilderment.

I lowered my voice and said to her mysteriously: "It's Chen Song, say hello to him."

She didn't understand what I was doing at all, and said to my earring system noncommittally: "Hi, great designer!"

I lost Chen Song's response in the earring, and then the phone was cut off. I guess at this time, Chen Song was coming towards me with lightning speed.

"What's wrong?" Su Runyao had a puzzled expression on his face.

"You'll know later, I have something very important to tell you two!" I put on a serious look.

I have never told Su Runyao about this matter. First, I don't want to destroy the atmosphere of this two-person world. Second, I am also waiting for the opportunity to tell the whole story together when Chen Song is present.

As expected, within half an hour, Su Runyao and I heard an impatient knock on the door.

I deliberately asked Su Runyao to open the door, and it was also expected. When the door opened, Chen Song couldn't believe his eyes. If he hadn't supported the door frame with his hands, he might have knelt down for Su Runyao on the spot .

And Su Runyao also seemed to be frightened by Chen Song's expression, and instinctively threw his fist at Chen Song.

"You lunatic, what are you doing? It's like seeing a ghost!"

"You, aren't you?" As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Song was punched firmly again.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, have you changed from technology to witchcraft? What the hell is going on?"

"Sun Jie, Sun Jie, did you create some new technological bionic man? This is too realistic!" Chen Song shouted at me outside the door.

Seeing these two people messing around at the door, I walked out quickly, put my arm around Su Runyao's waist, and made a gesture of inviting me in with the other. With a mysterious smile on my face, I said, "Let's talk when you come in. If it is a new technology, I will definitely tell you first."

Until we sat down one after another, Chen Song's eyes never left Su Runyao, and he kept sizing her up and down, almost swallowing her alive. I looked at him helplessly, and said angrily, "Enough is enough. Your sister-in-law, do you have any basic manners!"

But Chen Song seemed to ignore my words at all, and just stared at Su Runyao's face, with his hands raised in the air, as if he wanted to touch her face.Subconsciously, Su Runyao stepped back a bit, and slapped his hand hard again.

"Ouch!" Chen Song let out another strange cry, and withdrew his hand, rubbing the back of his hand that was beaten red, while still feeling the blow just now, looked down at his hand, and muttered to himself : "It's so realistic!"

I looked at him, then at Su Runyao, she was already dizzy by Chen Song.They both raised their eyes to look at me at the same time, I sighed softly, and turned to Su Runyao.

"Haruka, do you remember what happened two days ago before you woke up?"

Su Runyao frowned, a little surprised by my question, she thought thoughtfully: "The three of us went for an outing, I still remember that I went rock climbing, which stunned both of you, after that .By the way, I saw Zhiyihua later, a very special kind of flower. This is the first time I have seen such an incredible flower."

Both Chen Song and I looked at her, waiting for her to continue, but she didn't speak for a long time.

"And then?" Chen Song asked impatiently.

"Then? And then? I don't remember!" Su Runyao tried hard to think back.

"How did we go down the mountain? Did we eat together? How did we get home? What about these? Do you remember?" Chen Song asked several questions like a cannonball.

"Going down the mountain? Going home? I can't remember at all! I just remember waking up from the room afterwards and seeing your face." She looked at me, no matter how much she thought, there was no clue, her eyes A little bit of doubt.

Chen Song also turned his face and looked at me with the same doubt, as if he was waiting for my explanation.

The hardest thing to understand and the hardest to accept in the whole thing must be when we learn that the world we live in is just a virtual world that doesn't exist.All of us, whether lovers, friends, relatives, colleagues, or passers-by, are just a combination of 0 and 1, and what we see and hear is a section of artificial programming or AI running in the computer Created code only.

I sorted out what I wanted to say in my mind, although I had already thought about it many times in the dead of night.Then he asked them a question that made them scratch their heads: "Do you believe in free consciousness?"

The two of them originally thought that I was going to tell some shocking secrets, but they didn't expect that it was a seemingly philosophical and meaningless "freedom consciousness", which made them even more confused.

"Then change the question, what do you think is real existence?"

"Is there any difference?" Su Runyao asked.

"Can you be more straightforward? Why do you want to do all these things?" Chen Song couldn't bear it anymore.

"To clarify what will happen next, you must first answer this question! Please be more patient." I said seriously.

Although the two of them didn't know what the connection was, but seeing my serious expression, they could only think about it out of helplessness.

"Descartes once said 'I think, therefore I am'. He believed that thinking is the root of self-existence. Whether it is self-doubt or affirmation, it all comes from my thinking. I think he is right. My thinking represents The consciousness of freedom represents my objective existence." Su Runyao spoke first, and she spoke more seriously than usual.

"Descartes? If I remember correctly, he was from the 16th and 17th centuries. His theory is outdated." Chen Song retorted.

"Obsolete? You are discriminating against the ancients. Which one of our current thinking and technology is not built on the shoulders of our ancestors?"

"You misunderstood me. It's not that his theory is meaningless. Yes, there is no previous thought, and there will be no subsequent progress, but any thought and theory is developing, constantly reshaping and Correction. Copernicus’s heliocentric theory opposed the church creed that lasted for thousands of years, and Einstein’s theory of relativity pointed out that gravity is only the appearance of space-time curvature, which seems to overthrow the previous theory, and is actually based on the previous thinking progress.

Therefore, the existence of thought cannot prove the existence of 'self'. For example, now, my thought may be an inherent program that has been implanted. It is impossible to disprove whether my current thoughts come from my true self, like a 'brain in a vat'. "

Chen Song's words sound plausible and convincing, Su Runyao was a little unconvinced, and continued: "Then according to what you say, there is no free consciousness, and any consciousness may be just what you call 'in the vat'. brain', you have no way of knowing if it's your own mind."

"What you said is absolutely right, that's it, because there is no way to prove it. Consciousness is consciousness. If you are not free, you will be"

"Isn't that tragic?"

"Miserable? Isn't everyone living a good life? It's because free consciousness can't be falsified, so you can think that all your thoughts come from yourself. Besides, even if you know it's not your own consciousness, as long as you pass it happy, so what?"

"What you said seems to make sense." Su Runyao nodded, while Chen Song looked very ordinary, just staring at me suspiciously, as if asking me "Are you satisfied?"

I ignored his eyes, and then asked: "Since thinking is not the basis for judging existence, then what is?"

(End of this chapter)

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