Chapter 41
Following the hidden coordinates deciphered from the private key, Sun Sijie came to a simple residential area on the edge of the city. After a period of inner struggle, he finally knocked on the closed mysterious door.

The door was only opened with a small slit, through which Sun Sijie saw a haggard face, bloodshot eyes full of fear.

"Who are you?"

"Sun Sijie, I think you should know my name." Sun Sijie calmed down a lot at this time, and directly reported his name.

His eyes changed from panic to shock. It may have been unexpected that Sun Sijie would appear in front of his door in such a way, and he immediately realized that Sun Sijie had unlocked his secret words.

With the creaking sound of the door hinge, the door was opened. He was still hiding behind the door, but his eyes fell on Sun Sijie's back. After confirming that Sun Sijie was alone, he finally left behind the door come out.

He looked so thin that he was out of shape. Under the reflection of the lights, his face could almost be described as skinny, which made people feel shuddering.But this image seems to be in line with what he wants to express in the distress signal. If it is a rich and oily image, then Sun Sijie will definitely show an extremely nervous expression. After all, no one wants to work hard to crack a secret. , but was drawn into a trap.

The room is very messy, which is more in line with his image at this time. Sun Sijie didn't pay much attention to these things, but kept looking around the room, hoping to find some usable clues from the details or personal items in the room .

Before he closed the door, he cautiously glanced left and right in the corridor. This behavior clearly showed that he had a premonition that he was in danger.

"My little person's room can't be compared with your mansion, I'm just an inconspicuous nobody!" Sun Sijie's move of looking left and right obviously caught his attention, but what everyone thought was completely different.

Sun Sijie turned to face him, and he lowered his head deliberately to avoid Sun Sijie's eyes that wanted to see through him.Immediately afterwards, Sun Sijie directly asked the question he wanted to ask the most: "Why did you comment that sentence in the code!"

"Huh? What?" He didn't seem to expect Sun Sijie to be so direct.

"Don't be stupid, you know what I mean, the phrase Help me! What do you want to express?" Sun Sijie pressed on step by step.

He didn't answer Sun Sijie, but turned around and walked to the dining table, poured two cups of tea, and motioned to Sun Sijie to sit down.

"Mr. Sun, I think since you have already come, you must not be short of time. You have a lot to say, let's sit down and talk slowly." After finishing speaking, he sat down first.

On the contrary, this sentence made Sun Sijie a little embarrassed, thinking that the other party must have made the best preparations for this meeting.But Sun Sijie did not come unprepared, he immediately put away his impatience, sat down opposite him, then picked up the tea cup that seemed to have not been fully washed, took a sip casually, and said leisurely: "Sorry, it seems I'm in a hurry, what's your name?"

"My name is not worth mentioning, they all call me No. 7." There was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Number 7? The number is quite large." Sun Sijie asked tentatively.

"It's not big, it's the youngest." He seemed to know what Sun Sijie meant.

"Oh~ really? Then should I call you that too? I don't think that's very respectful. After all, I admired you very much after reading your code before." These words really came from Sun Sijie's heart.

A smile quickly crossed his face, and then he immediately regained his previous calm: "You are overrated. When it comes to program code, I dare say that your level is definitely above mine. As for respect, you are too serious, as As I said before, I'm just nobody being led away, so you don't need to have any worries."

Sun Sijie carefully understood every word he said, and as long as he thought about it carefully, he could figure out some hidden meanings from his words.First of all, he said that he is number 7, and it is also the smallest number, which means that their organization has a total of 8 people at most, and Sun Sijie did not rule out the possibility of number 0.In addition, he has repeatedly emphasized that he is nobody, which means that in this organization, the status of other people is definitely above him. He is just a pawn who obeys orders, and is definitely not a real behind-the-scenes boss.

This was indeed an excellent phenomenon for Sun Sijie. He thought that he had not knocked on the wrong door, and that his visit this time was definitely meaningful. Although he appeared to be sophisticated and deep on the surface, in fact Information is being revealed to Sun Sijie.

Based on such a dialogue, Sun Sijie reconsidered the question in his mind, and after a little thought, he continued.

"Even if you are nobody, it is not necessarily insignificant. Maybe you are too modest."

"If I could really have such energy, I wouldn't need to leave that sentence, don't you think so?" His eyes were dim.

"There's a question that I've always been confused about?" Sun Sijie asked straight to the point.

"Please speak."

"Your intrusion program perfectly lurked on my tracking code, and also used this to successfully break through the firewall, did you predict so accurately?"

He seemed to have been prepared for this question a long time ago, without thinking at all, he blurted out: "Mr. Sun, have you ever seen the processing line of a modern factory?"

His rhetorical question made Sun Sijie completely puzzled, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he continued: "With your identity, I will never have seen it, and I have participated in such a job after I lost my job.

In order not to disclose their commercial secrets, these enterprises completely isolate the work process on the production line. The workers in each link only process the raw materials they get to make parts that meet the standards.In addition, workers do not know which step of the entire production line they are working at, and they do not know what the things they make are used for.

As for where the raw materials come from and whose raw materials will be the content produced, only the business owner knows.Can you see what I mean? "He deliberately elongated the tone of the last sentence.

This is an obvious example. He didn't even know that I wrote the tracking code, or even if he knew, it was just the so-called raw material in his mouth.

Sun Sijie asked after a little thought: "Then according to the virtue of the business owner, logically speaking, the workers in each link should not be able to know each other, so that the communication between the workers can be completely eliminated, and the possible leakage of secrets caused by this can be avoided. .”

"Mr. Sun, you are really smart!"

"That's where the problem comes in?" Sun Sijie continued to follow his example, "Under what circumstances would the workers on the production line feel insecure?"

When Sun Sijie asked this, his expression darkened in an instant, and the previous calm state disappeared in an instant. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his thin neck made the protruding Adam's apple look particularly obvious.Sun Sijie knew that there must be a painful experience hidden in it, he didn't want to do any hypocritical consolation under the current situation, but just stared at him intently.

A few minutes later, he may have made the final preparations, looked up at Sun Sijie, and then recovered a little bit of his previous calmness and said: "Because of my ignorance at the beginning, I was lured into the inner circle of the company by the temptation of the business owner. Layer, I was completely dazzled, I don't know what the consequences of what I did mean. The most terrifying thing is." He stopped abruptly, took a deep breath, his eyes were red: "I sent my best brother The referral went into the company, but it didn't take me long to regret it, I saw the business owners and others inside the company do anything to achieve their ends, and I was afraid that they would be doing unforgivable sins, I really”

His voice was choked. Perhaps before Sun Sijie came, he had simulated how to explain to himself countless times, so he deliberately pretended to be so calm in front of Sun Sijie, and he couldn't see the expression of wanting to "help" at all, but he always Still can't hold on to this last line of defense.

The choking had turned into tears, and he kept beating his trembling legs. Sun Sijie could see his remorse, self-blame, and perhaps more anger at himself.Sun Sijie stood up, refilled the water in his glass, picked up the tissue box on the table, walked to his side, put one hand on his shoulder, and passed the tissue box over with the other hand.

Without looking up, he took out a tissue to wipe away the tears on his face, and said, "Thank you."

Sun Sijie pressed his shoulder hard, and said to him like a friend: "It's okay, everyone has a cowardly side, and I am the same. The brother you mentioned should be your brother."

He lowered his head and nodded slowly. His mood had stabilized a lot. He raised his head with a half-smile expression and said: "I don't have the guts to propose the idea of ​​quitting, but my brother understands my thoughts, and he resolutely helped me out."

He didn't go any further, but Sun Sijie could already foresee everything that happened afterwards.

The two talked like this, from the heavily fortified hearts until they opened their hearts to each other, and the night outside the window turned into dawn.
After Sun Sijie left No. 7's apartment building, he went home alone. Along the way, he kept thinking about the conversation between him and No. 7. He never thought that the reason why No. 7 came to where he is now is because of himself. In Insai's position, he never expected that his elder brother would be involved.Sun Sijie was very depressed, and even began to doubt whether what he did for his dream was right.

This conversation gave Sun Sijie a lot of information, which should be extremely important for finding the real culprit later. Although No. 7 said that the second phase of the plan had started within the organization, since he was not assigned any tasks, So there is no way to know the content of the plan.

First of all, what he determined was the number of people in this organization. No. 7 learned that there were 5 other people besides him; Entanglement; finally, the mastermind behind the scenes must have an extremely extensive network of contacts. It is not easy to win over and organize these people to complete this task together, and at the same time, this person's methods are extremely vicious.

But because the mastermind behind the scenes acted cautiously and flawlessly, many confusions in Sun Sijie's heart were still unresolved. Who are the other people besides No. 7 and his brother?How exactly did your own tracking code get leaked?And most importantly, what is their purpose?
In this way, Sun Sijie was analyzing and thinking all the way, and returned home without knowing it.As soon as he stepped into the house, he felt dizzy and dizzy. The almost non-stop running and mental exhaustion these days made his body extremely overdrawn.

Lying on the sofa, Sun Sijie sent the video of the meeting with No. 7 to Yu Yunlong through the earring system. After making an appointment to meet in the afternoon, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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