Chapter 42: My Life Is My Life (Part [-])
When the three met again, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. As soon as Yu Yunlong saw Sun Sijie's thinning face, he took out a small box from his arms and handed it over.

"This is the 'meal replacement capsule' I asked a friend to bring to you. It contains super-concentrated nutritional compound food, which will slowly release food ingredients and nutrients you need in your body 24 hours a day. You have a sense of satiety. This thing was originally for aerospace, field exploration and special occupations, and now you can be regarded as half a special occupation. I see that your diet is irregular now, remember to take one pill every day." Yu Yunlong His tone of voice and eyes were like that of Sun Sijie's grandfather, which gave him a warm feeling all over his body.

Sun Sijie was not polite either, took the small box, took out one pill, and swallowed it directly.

"Both Eddie and I have watched the video you gave me. Your behavior is really too risky. Fortunately, the other party didn't set any trap for you, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." Yu Yunlong spoke in a very serious tone.

"Well, I see, there will be no next time."

"The video itself contains a lot of information, and Eddie and I have also carefully analyzed it. It turns out that our opponent is stronger than we thought." As far as I know Yu Yunlong, he is the kind of person who becomes calmer the more he encounters difficulties, and this kind of pressure and challenge can also arouse his fighting spirit.

"Mr. Sun, the last time you gave us the nano-cell authorization code, after investigation by the Interpol, it was an old code that had been discarded long ago, but in the previous incident of falling leaves and this system attack, it was discovered by people. It was reactivated and used, and the time coincided with the time in the system at that time.

Interpol then questioned who carried out such an operation, and it turned out that it was a newly appointed software engineer who had just arrived, but this seemed to be in line with their always cautious style of doing things.Afterwards, the Interpol conducted a background investigation on the engineer, and it seems that there is nothing unusual at present. According to him, he did some operations just because of his curiosity and in order to grasp and familiarize himself with the relevant business knowledge as soon as possible. He thought it was just some old data, so he didn't take it too seriously.

At present, Interpol is conducting further investigations on his personal relationship and recent financial information. "Harris Eddie explained the investigation situation to Sun Sijie in one breath.

"So coincidental? Even if it was a misoperation, how did others know? Besides, the authorization code must have been confirmed in advance. It is impossible for a temporary misoperation to cause the authorization code to be used. This... This is obviously contrary to cause and effect." The relationship is not logical!" Sun Sijie said while thinking.

"You're right. We also find this inconceivable. Although this is obviously a pre-fabricated statement, there is currently no evidence. In addition, the Chinese team is still deciphering the meeting video. Up to now Haven't heard anything yet," Harris Eddy added.

Yu Yunlong glanced at Sun Sijie, and then said: "What do you think about this No. 7? He has been completely exposed to us now. After discussing with Eddie, we haven't notified Interpol yet. We want to hear your opinion." .”

In fact, Sun Sijie had already been mentally prepared for this point. Ever since he sent this video to Yu Yunlong, he knew that this was an unavoidable topic.

"If... I'm just saying that if it's possible, can I not notify the Interpol before this matter is over? I have two reasons. First, from the incident itself, if he is exposed now, Then the other party will definitely be more cautious. Now we may still be able to grasp a little clue. Once the incident on the 7th is announced, then we may really lose all the clues. On the contrary, if we can make good use of the fact that he is still in the organization , there may be unexpected gains; second, from a personal emotional point of view, he is actually a poor person, and he has already expressed repentance. Essentially speaking, he is completely different from those people, and I am talking to him During the chat, I had a strong premonition that he would be able to help me in the future." Sun Sijie spoke out his truth completely.

"Help you? What do you mean?" Harris Eddie asked.

"I just have such a hunch. I can't say what it is exactly."

Yu Yunlong glanced at Harris Eddie, then nodded to me, and the three of us reached a consensus.

"Professor Yu, what should we do next?" Sun Sijie asked.

"As far as the clues we have so far, only the number of people in their organization provided by No. 7 is reliable and valid information. Based on this, we can conduct a character analysis on the remaining five people to see if they can be related to other clues. associated."

Both Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie agreed, and this was the only thing they could do at the moment.

"Generally speaking, No. 1 is the biggest mastermind behind the scenes. He will not be directly involved in the sabotage incident. He should be responsible for calling and planning the entire operation. I don't think there is any problem with this, and everyone can understand it.

Then besides him, there are 4 other people. The first one I can think of is the lurker of Nano Cell Corporation. The role of this person in the incident is to provide the authorization code and maybe some technical support.According to previous Interpol intelligence, the most likely one is Jeff Dunham. This man is self-willed and has a personal grievance with Xiao Sun, so he is easily bewitched by people with ulterior motives;

The second person passed No. 7's description. No. 7 actually knows nothing about your tracking code. The specific information is completely provided by a third party, and this person has no knowledge of the internal software and hardware systems of Insai Smart. Very familiar, so as to ensure that the 'raw materials' given to No. 7 are absolutely accurate and effective.And this is most likely an internal employee of Insai Intelligence, and this person has a relatively high level.

Do you still remember the Johnny Kelly we talked about last time? His background fits the characteristics of this character very well, and based on his abnormal behavior now, I think this second person is likely to be him.

And the third one should be the inner ghost we suspected before, through whom to transmit intelligence and information. "

Sun Sijie nodded while raising his doubts: "Before we suspected that Johnny Kelly was the insider, so is it possible that the third person who delivered intelligence and information was also Johnny Kelly, the second and second person you mentioned? The third person is actually the same person?"

Before Yu Yunlong could answer, Harris Eddie took my question: "I don't think it's possible. According to the characteristics of the division of labor in their organization, what each person does only accounts for a very small part, so although the increase It reduces the difficulty of implementing the plan, but ensures the confidentiality of the tasks, and this method can easily realize the replacement of a single function, once it has several functions, it will be more difficult to replace."

"You're right, I also think that these should be two different people. And the third person will have to be dug out by watching Eddie's video cracking here." Yu Yunlong nodded.

"Well, that makes sense. Then there is one person left, what role does he play?" Sun Sijie asked.

Yu Yunlong thought for a moment, then looked at Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie, showed a mysterious expression, pointed at himself, and then at them.The two were confused and looked at each other awkwardly.

"It seems that you two are usually very smart, why are you missing a muscle now?" Yu Yunlong said with a smile.

Sun Sijie suddenly thought of something, and immediately said: "I probably understand what you mean, if you are the boss behind the scenes, then there must be a staff member or cronies beside the boss, firstly to help analyze the situation, and secondly to act as a big boss Dude's third eye."

After listening to Sun Sijie's words, Harris Eddie suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes, it's the 'dog head army division'."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Harris Eddie knew something was wrong, but it made everyone laugh.

After rough speculation, the three people analyzed the possible images of the five people. Although it seems that such an analysis does not have much practical significance for us, it is enough for the only clue now.

Afterwards, Harris Eddy continued his intelligence gathering work, while Yu Yunlong put his main focus on the progress of vaccine development. No matter how he said it, he had to put experiments first.Sun Sijie's main job is to keep in touch with No. 7 and listen to their movements at any time. Once he finds any troubles, he will report immediately, and evaluate and improve the system loopholes exploited by No. 7 and possible risks in the future to prevent the system from being hacked. Break through again.

After arranging these, Sun Sijie showed hesitation, looked at Harris Eddie and asked: "How is Jem Johnson, is there any progress in his 'cracking' plan?" Although Sun Sijie had confidence in his code , but still couldn't help asking.

"Hahahaha, I just want to laugh when I say this. As the saying goes, 'shoot yourself in the foot with a hammer', it should describe his overreaching behavior. I also heard this morning that he was crying and howling in the team meeting again. Yes, the reason may be that the ability to blame the team is too weak and the progress is too slow. Hey, in my opinion, he is just a wolf."

Sun Sijie is now used to Harris Eddie's Chinese, and listening to him speak it has a different feeling.

Although Harris Eddie's information was within Sun Sijie's expectations, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Sijie suddenly looked down at his stomach, touched it again, and said to Yu Yunlong in surprise and surprise: "Hey, I really feel full!"

(End of this chapter)

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