Chapter 43: My Life Is My Life (Part [-])
Jem Johnson was sitting alone in the office, still secretly regretting his furious behavior at the meeting in the morning.As an executive of a super-large enterprise like Insai Intelligent, he knows that such behavior is definitely a taboo in the workplace, and it is undoubtedly an external manifestation of extreme incompetence. Not only will it not gain respect from others, but it will only Being criticized behind the back.

From being expelled to being re-elected, from being smugly commended by the Global Federation to being devastated and shocked again, Jem Johnson could no longer keep calm, he couldn't calm down his mood.

He thought that he did not miss a single thing from the beginning to the end, but Sun Sijie who appeared out of nowhere disrupted his originally comfortable career and life.The sad thing is that until now he has never had the chance to face Sun Sijie head-on. He is not afraid of competition. What he is afraid of is that he will not even have the chance to compete with the opponent. It is like a trick of fate, being pressed to the ground and rubbed back and forth , one time is not enough to do it again.

Even a powerful soul cannot withstand such ups and downs.He even began to regret returning to Insai Zhizhi. He might as well be a bystander and watch other people's jokes, instead of turning himself into a joke now.

After three days of cracking, Jim Jonson has also realized that such behavior is meaningless. Until now, these elites in the team still have no clue about Sun Sijie's algorithm, just hovering on the periphery, even the most basic logic He didn't get a little bit of the doorway, so he realized that if he went on like this, he would just continue to do futile work.

But for Jim Johnson now, it seems that his life and work have long deviated from the norm, and all the focus is on Sun Sijie and his algorithm, as if he has lost his initiative and is completely pulled by an invisible rope. Go nose to nose.

He sighed, let the intelligent robot make a cup of coffee, and lowered his head in thought.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the office. Before he could ask, the door was opened. It was Johnny Kelly who entered. He was about to scold him for being so rude. When he saw him Then the opened mouth closed again.

"It's you? What's the matter?" Jem Johnson asked angrily.

Johnny Kelly didn't care either. With a smile on his face, he walked forward and said, "Morning meeting."

Before Johnny Kelly finished his speech, Jem Jonson interrupted: "Don't talk about the morning, I'm very annoying."

"Then I'm sorry, I won't bother you." After Johnny Kelly finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Now it was Jem Jonson's turn to look a little embarrassed, and he didn't expect Johnny Kelly to answer like this.

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's not a big deal, the most important thing is to greet and care about you." Johnny Kelly turned back again.

"Don't be hypocritical, there is no one else here, just speak up if you have anything to say."

Johnny Kelly glanced at the intelligent robot next to Jem Jonson and asked, "Can I have a cup of coffee first?"

Jem Jonson snorted and gave instructions to the robot. At this time, Johnny Kelly also walked back, came to the chair in front of the desk, and glanced at the chair. Jem Jonson She reached out her hand knowingly, motioning for him to sit down.

"To be honest, I hope you don't mind. There was indeed a little quarrel between us before, but that was all in the past. Since you came back to office, I have also communicated with you from the bottom of my heart, whether you still hold me or not. I have prejudices, and I still have the same attitude as before. I don’t want Sun Sijie to come back from the bottom of my heart. I can’t understand this kind of villain’s self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction. So many years of hard work, so in a way, we have a common ground, so after this, you can also see that I am completely on your side."

Johnny Kelly spoke in a leisurely manner, and every word seemed to enter Jem Johnson's heart, standing in his position.

Jem Jonson did not show any expression, thinking about the meaning of his words.The robot made coffee and put the coffee on the table. Johnny Kelly reached for the coffee cup, looked at the robot and said, "Hey, your treatment is really good. One person can enjoy the intelligent robot alone. I can also enjoy it anytime." It would be nice to have such a working environment.” After speaking, the robot returned to Jem Johnson.

"Aren't you here just to tell me that?" Jem Johnson asked, staring at Johnny Kelly.

"Of course, I think you can see the current situation, not to mention reaching a dead end, but basically there is no way to go, and it doesn't make much sense to continue like this." Johnny Kelly took a sip After coffee, he put down the cup in his hand.

"Need you remind me again? Can't I see it myself?" Jem Johnson squinted at him.

Johnny Kelly ignored it and changed the question directly: "Do you remember the other plan I told you last time?"

"What you said is completely unfeasible. First of all, let's not talk about whether the code of your so-called stealing algorithm can really be realized. The most critical question is, have you thought about the risks of doing so? This is not an experimental test. If there is any problem, what should we do? It will have a completely unpredictable impact on the entire system. If there is an adverse accident to the vaccine development at that time, then you and I will not only bear the responsibility of being dismissed So easy!"

"Well, what you said is very reasonable. It is true that as you said, no one knows what the result will be, and there may be many possibilities, but have you ever thought that at least one of these possibilities can be Foresaw." Johnny Kelly's seriousness betrayed slyness.

"What? What could?" asked Jem Jonson at once.

"The algorithm was successfully stolen."

Jem Johnson was silent. Yes, this was indeed the biggest temptation for him. He got the algorithm, which meant he could secure his current seat. He also got rid of the CEO's contempt for him, and even completely dumped him. Without the devil Sun Sijie, he doesn't want to be led by the nose, he wants to return to the confident and decisive self he used to be.

"But what if it doesn't succeed? What do you think is the probability of success? What if it's not what we expected?" He still maintained a little rationality.

"If? There is no if, only the result." Johnny Kelly's eyes were very flat: "We can imagine, situation [-]: it is the best result we imagined, the system is running stably, and we have also obtained the algorithm. From then on, you and I Sitting on Taishan, Sun Sijie is completely out;

Situation [-]: slightly worse, the system runs stably, we did not get the algorithm, but it did not cause any loss to us;
Situation [-]: Worse, we got the algorithm, but the system is disordered, but we have got the algorithm, are we afraid that the system will not be repaired?

Situation [-]: In the worst case, the system cannot run stably, and we have not obtained the algorithm. This is indeed a bit difficult, and you and I may be unable to escape. But then again, we just want the algorithm, how big it can be for the system damage?
Let's be more objective, this is the worst result we can think of, maybe it's not as serious as we thought? "

Jem Johnson was completely silent, he thought carefully about Johnny Kelly's analysis, and he couldn't think of any flaws, "Maybe it's not as serious as we think?", he kept repeating in his heart.

When people are driven to a dead end, they tend to be lucky. Even if the possibility of success is very small, they will be infinitely magnified because of their gambling psychology, just like the current Jem Johnson.

Johnny Kelly's analysis seems to be sound, but in fact there is no mathematical logic at all.At this time, he took advantage of Jem Johnson's eagerness for quick success and a little bit of guidance in speaking skills, which blinded him.

First of all, Johnny Kelly specifically emphasized the four situations and described them one by one. Only the last one is the result they are most worried about. It is easy to create the illusion that the worst result is only a 25% probability. In fact, there is no complete test. Acting rashly on the premise of feasibility and predictable consequences analysis, the probability of occurrence of the fourth situation itself is already above 99%.The probability that the so-called first best outcome may occur is only a logical possibility.

Secondly, in terms of speech, Johnny Kelly used "objective", "worst outcome", and "not as serious as he thought" to guide Jem Johnson and let him relax his vigilance against the possible serious consequences of the situation .

In normal times, Jem Johnson would have discovered the problem, but now.
"Even if you're right, then we don't have such stealing technology!" Jem Jonson began to look a little anxious.

Johnny Kelly smiled at Jem Jonson, reached into his inner jacket pocket, took out a mini data stick from it, placed it gently on the table, and pushed it towards Jem Jonson .

"Everything is in your own hands."

Jem Johnson stared wide-eyed, picked up the data stick, and repeated silently in his heart: "It's in your own hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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