nonexistent experiment

Chapter 45 Virtual Superman

Chapter 45 Virtual Superman (Part [-])
In the past few days, Chen Song and I have been hanging out almost whenever we have free time. We disassembled the earring system and cracked it.Fortunately, I learned a lot of cutting-edge knowledge about robotics and nanotechnology by myself during my work, so I can also provide Chen Song with a lot of help in this regard. Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the two of us, we completed the previous Conceived - to effectively connect and control the earring system and nano energy cells.

Of course, for our two engineering men, we will not stop here. We have also modified and enhanced some functions of the energy cells and earring system.

First of all, we strengthened and upgraded the energy cell tracking function. This function is available in the energy cell itself, but the original design was only for Huaxia Wutong, but now after our improvement, it can be carried out in any organism. Effective tracking.

In fact, it is not difficult to realize, the key lies in the first step to be able to map the environment in the organism.After the energy cells enter the living body, they will automatically enter the blood circulation system of the living body and enter every detail, and then complete the drawing of the internal structure diagram of the living body through the tracking program, only due to the difference in the size and internal complexity of the living body , there is only a difference in drawing time.

Secondly, we also added different groups, different divisions of labor, and new functions of different abilities to the energy cells. The realization of this function will allow these energy cells to complete different tasks in different areas of the body at the same time, and the grouping and cooperation can be effectively improved. Improve the efficiency of energy transportation and distribution, making things more efficient.

Finally, based on these functions, the earring system has been transformed. We have upgraded the hardware and software in terms of command arrangement, image display, and function realization. To be honest, it took us a lot of time and effort, but this success The sense of accomplishment at the end is difficult to express in words.

All the renovation work took us two full days, of course the two of us were sane and not that aggressive.It is impossible to be like those crazy scientists in the movie, who have not completely passed the experiment or test, so they directly try rashly on themselves, at least on this point, Chen Song and I have maintained sufficient rationality.

Chen Song did not know where to get some small white mice, there were more than 10 of them, looking at these cute and pitiful little creatures, Chen Song and I both sighed silently, soon you will become "super mice" up.

Test [-]: Functional test.

The purpose of this test is to test whether Chen Song and I have successfully improved the energy cells and earring system.

Less than 10 seconds after the energy cells entered the mouse, through the earring system, the complete internal structure of the mouse can already be seen, and the position of the energy cells is also marked in different colors.

Chen Song and I are not medical students. When we saw the images in front of us, we were shocked by the structure of the living body, and we couldn't help but lament the magic and greatness of life.

Then we made 4 different groups of energy cells, and control cells entered the limbs of mice respectively.

Test Two: Energy Test.

This is also the test content that excites us the most.

First of all, we installed a simple fiber rope on the body of the mouse, and bound a heavy object behind the fiber rope to test the limit weight of the object that the mouse can drag.After several rounds of testing, it can basically be determined that the weight limit of the dragged object is 3-4 times the weight of the mouse.

Afterwards, we used energy cells to locate the limbs and the back of the mice bound by fiber ropes respectively, and used the energy cells to quickly concentrate the sugar, fat, and protein in the mice in the areas that need to generate ATP molecules.After many experiments, we found that the weight carried by the mice reached an astonishing 8 times their own weight, and what surprised us even more was that the mice also showed excellent endurance, and the dragging distance was twice as much as before. several times.

However, such an operation method of concentrating energy obviously brings a huge burden to small-sized organisms such as mice. Due to the dispatch of nutrients in other parts of the body, if the mice are under a long-term load, they will suffer from physiological collapse. problems, and may even result in death.

Therefore, after complex calculations and tests, we have come to the conclusion that if we want to perform energy-concentrating operations, our own load cannot exceed 2 times its own load, and at the same time control the time within 5 minutes, and then pass through the energy cells. Transportation and coordination functions, rapid processing of metabolites and redistribution of energy, allowing organisms to restore their previous physiological state in the shortest possible time.

Test [-]: Other auxiliary function tests.

Due to the limitation of the function set by the energy cell itself, it can only transport energy in the living body, and cannot directly participate in the synthesis of biochemical energy, so the two of us have also made some improvements in this regard.

For example, in test two, the transport of metabolites produced by the body, the same applies to the processing of metabolites in the brain.In this way, the organism can maintain a clear mind without rest for a long time under extreme conditions, and at the same time, it will not feel drowsy at all.

In addition, due to the concentrated processing of energy, the full potential of the organism's cells is fully utilized, so there will be gains in vision, hearing, touch, etc., but the effects of the gains are different, depending on the organism. It depends on your own basic ability, but this is considered a windfall for us.

In addition to conducting such tests on mice, we also conducted experiments on animals of different shapes with the same process. Of course, all the experimental results show that our transformation measures are very successful.

After many tests, we have full confidence in the improved effect of energy cells.

If I hadn't been restraining Chen Song all the time, he could not wait to apply this system to himself, and now he is ready to try it himself.

In order to ensure that he has protective measures when operating, we have synchronized the operation of the earring system, that is, I can see the real-time content in his earring system at any time, and can also perform auxiliary or emergency operations when necessary.

After everything was ready, Chen Song took out the sealed box for energy cell storage, inserted the slender end of the box into his nasal cavity, and after a strong inhalation, 100 million energy cells instantly entered his body.

The process of drawing the internal structure of the human body took a little longer than we thought. Since the energy cells entered Chen Song’s body, our earring imaging system received his human body structure map in real time. The entire drawing process took nearly 1 minute time.

As a normal male, the pursuit of speed and strength is an innate instinct, so Chen Song's first test is naturally these two items.The final result made me and Chen Song very excited. Of course, after Chen Song, I also experienced the feeling of becoming a "superman". We two big men had a great time playing.

In the end, both of us came to the same conclusion. Before becoming a "superman", we must have a full meal, especially high-protein, high-energy food. If possible, it is best to store the necessary food with us in case of Recharge at any time when needed.

Of course, we told Su Runyao about this gratifying thing that night, and Su Runyao looked at us two playful big men like children, and could only put on a look of dumbfounding.

The process of Su Runyao's attempt was as expected by the two of us, it must be rock climbing.

It’s just that in order not to attract the attention of others, the three of us deliberately chose to come to the former Zhiyihua Cliff Rock Climbing Area in the dead of night.Due to Su Runyao's previous experience, she still experienced a period of inner struggle when inhaling the energy cells, but in the end, with the encouragement of me and Chen Song, she bravely let these little things enter her body.

After setting in advance, after a few minutes, Su Runyao could clearly feel the changes in her body, and she was full of strength. After doing some preparatory activities on the spot, she couldn't restrain her impulse at all, and went to the hospital without hesitation. I chose the hardest climbing track No. 5.Under the effect of energy cells, her strength, speed, agility, and judgment have been multiplied, and her night vision has also become extremely sensitive to the analysis of surrounding stepping and grabbing points. She climbed to the top in less than 30 minutes of a 10-minute climb.

She shouted and jumped excitedly on the cliff, seeing her unprecedented ecstasy, Chen Song and I couldn't help being happy for her and our own efforts.

The two of us also want to experience rock climbing with the blessing of this ability cell. Even so, the two of us still have self-knowledge, and we chose No. 2, which is relatively simple.Finally, for the two of us who tried rock climbing for the first time, we both completed the summit within the standard time. It can be seen that energy cells have indeed significantly improved various functions of the human body.

The next day, Chen Song prepared a box of energy cells for each of us, and Su Runyao jokingly named the three of us "Three Heroes of China".

(End of this chapter)

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