nonexistent experiment

Chapter 46 Virtual Superman

Chapter 46 Virtual Superman (Part [-])
In this way, another four days of happy days passed. The three of us seemed to have opened the door to a new world in the past few days. We began to haunt in the middle of the night. It is a pity that there are no crime scenes in movies in this world. , so there are no chances for us to show our "superman" ability, and it is more of our own self-entertainment.

until the morning of the fifth day.

"Sun Jie! Sun Jie! Wake up!." When I was still asleep, I heard someone calling me in my head. I tried to open my heavy eyes and glanced at the window. I closed the curtains, but my intuition told me that it must not be dawn yet, it just felt a little weird.

Just when I was still sleepy and thought I was dreaming, a voice rang in my head: "Sun Jie! Sun Jie! Don't sleep, wake up, there is a problem with the system!" This time the voice let me know I became sober, and I recognized that it was Sun Sijie's voice. This was the first time he talked to me in "Original Life". He once told me that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the experiment, he would not Could it be that something really happened to those who contacted me in this world?Has the system been attacked again?

"What's wrong? Is something serious going on?" His anxious voice also brought me to my senses. At this time, Su Runyao beside me was also woken up by me. I didn't turn on the lights, and the room was pitch black. I couldn't see at all. On her face, she could only feel that she was rubbing her eyes, and she asked, "So early, who is it?"

"Sun Sijie! It seems that something serious has happened!" I replied.

"Sun Sijie? Sun Sijie!" She suddenly changed from blank to astonished, and I could see from her expression that she was also obviously surprised.

At this time, Sun Sijie's urgent voice came again in his mind: "Listen to me carefully now, you don't need to know the ins and outs of the matter. Due to the misoperation of internal personnel, your world is now collapsing. There is no way to prevent the collapse from proceeding, only you can save it within the system."

"What? Misoperation, why do you do some messy things in the real world, and you are always unable to handle it yourself, and you need me to help you save the virtual world!" After listening to Sun Sijie's words, I was very angry.

"You are right. There are indeed many problems in our external world. It is too late to explain these to you. The most urgent task is to save the world you are in. After all, you have to continue to survive!"

"Save? What you said is grand-sounding. Isn't saving our world just saving your own experiment?!" The more I thought about it, the more irritable I became: "For such an experiment, we were created, and now we are still shamelessly using it to Blackmailing me, isn't the real purpose of saving yourselves?!"

Sun Sijie must have been unexpected, I was so tough and decisive, I didn't know what to say for a while.

I just felt that my arm was pushed by Su Runyao. Her eyes were very gentle, and she obviously understood what happened through my words. She said to me in a very soft tone: "Think about our future, we There is still a lot of time, don't be impulsive!"

Looking into Su Runyao's eyes and listening to her whispering to me, I calmed down a little, but my tone to Sun Sijie remained the same as before: "Then you have to tell me what happened, I need you doing what?"

Sun Sijie saw that there had been a change in my words, and immediately answered, "You guys open the window and take a look at the outside world."

Su Runyao straightened her clothes, got up from the bed, walked quickly to the window sill, and opened the curtains.

Su Runyao and I looked out of the window at the same time, and the outside world came into our eyes under the unglamorous sunlight.

Green, eyes full of green.

Or more accurately, I can only see green, and besides green, only black is left.

In the dark environment of the house before, I couldn't see Su Runyao's appearance clearly at all. Now that the curtains have been drawn, Su Runyao standing in front of the window looks like nothing but the light green pajamas on his body. A black outline, completely unable to distinguish any facial organs.Not only that, but everything I see is the same. Except for the green objects in my impression, everything is black and connected as one. I can’t tell the original position, have no sense of distance, and lose A sense of depth.

Su Runyao was also a little at a loss. From her outline, I could feel her head turning, maybe she was looking at my position. From her voice, I heard obvious panic and trembling: "You Where are you? I can't see anything!"

Only then did I realize that none of our beds, quilts, and pillows, including my pajamas, were green. If we could only see green, then from Su Runyao’s eyes, the place where I was was now black ,Nothing at all.

I immediately spoke comfortingly: "I'm here!" Hearing my voice, Su Runyao immediately groped in my direction.Maybe it was because she lost her sense of direction in the pure darkness, or maybe it was because of fear. The position from the window to the bed should be familiar to her, but against the backdrop of the green sunlight, Su Runyao's black shadow proved that at this moment she was Swinging hands, slowly groping forward step by step,

I also sat up from the bed and moved towards her position.I grabbed her hand, her palm was cold, and it seemed that she was really frightened, she took my hand and immediately leaned over, and said to me in a still terrified tone: "What's wrong? What happened?"

I held her tightly in my arms, feeling that she was trembling all over, and while stroking her shoulders, I asked, "Sun Sijie, what happened here?"

"Due to misoperations outside the system, the electromagnetic waves at the microscopic level of your world have suffered a serious frequency band loss. In other words, it is what we call the visible light band. Now there is only the range of 480-580 nanometers, and in Visible light bands outside this range are all lost, so can only see green now, maybe with a little yellow and cyan mixed in."

His voice became softer and softer, and he himself knew how serious the consequences would be if such a problem happened.For the "people" living in this world, what kind of situation will they face?

"But the good news is that in addition to the visible light band, infrared and ultraviolet bands still exist. So you can see the world by wearing an infrared night vision device."

"Infrared night vision?" I asked.

"Yes, that's it. I don't know if you have this device on hand."

"Yes!" I said categorically. Just two days ago, when the three of us were haunted like night owls, we specially equipped the best infrared night vision device so far in order to see objects in the dark. Unexpectedly It was actually useful so quickly.

I said to Su Runyao in the dark: "We need an infrared night vision device, I'll get it right away!"

"I'll go with you, I don't want to be separated from you, this world is too scary!" Su Runyao held my hand firmly.

The two of us cuddled together, slowly moving our steps, my hand kept swipe left and right in the air, and soon we found the cabinet where the infrared night vision device was placed, and I groped to take out the night vision device. Yi, first took one and gave it to Su Runyao, and then put it on for herself.

The infrared night vision device is said to be an instrument, but it is actually similar to the glasses decades ago, perhaps thinner and lighter than that, and it hardly feels any weight when worn.Just after wearing it, the night vision device has been automatically connected to my earring system, but I still can't see Su Runyao, only some green objects, I asked Su Runyao: "Can you see it?"

"I can't see it, only the green one, the cleaning robot on the ground behind you, can I see it?" Her tone was also very puzzled.

I turned my head and looked at the ground. I also saw the green cleaning robot. I suddenly understood that the infrared night vision device performs imaging based on the infrared band radiated by the object's own temperature. The higher the object's own temperature, the better the imaging. The display in the instrument tends to be more purple-red, and vice versa, the lower the temperature, the white-gray.And now the world can be seen in green, so we can't see other imaging content in the imager.

I immediately used the earring to control the night vision device, and displayed all the imaged toners through green, and the higher the temperature, the darker the color.Immediately the picture in front of me appeared, and I finally saw Su Runyao, a green Su Runyao.

I immediately instructed Su Runyao to do the same operation. Judging from her expression, she must have seen this "new world". He looked at me with wide eyes and said, "You are so green!"

"Can you see it?" Sun Sijie's voice came from next to his ear.

"Yes!" I answered cleanly.

"That's good."

"Okay? Do you call it okay? What kind of mess did the misoperation of your world make us here? You still say yes? I'm really surprised. It's hard for me to imagine what your so-called misoperation is. What kind of system actually uses the visible light spectrum as a parameter for variable settings in the original design, is the designer a fool?" I am really angry, I just want to be safe and secure in this world with Su Runyao Through this life, even if we are just digital codes that do not exist, various inexplicable changes in the outside world are always affecting this world.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Both our world and your world need your salvation!" Sun Sijie seemed to have completely ignored the sarcasm and sarcasm in my words, and now he was only thinking about how to end all this.

But I still didn't hesitate: "Save? What do we use to save? This world was created by you. I don't understand that since it was a misoperation, shouldn't it be a simple operation that can be completed by restoring the original settings? Our great Designer, aren’t these all your masterpieces? Is there nothing you can do?! Need our rescue?”

My series of rhetorical questions and doubts made Sun Sijie speechless. After a while, he said slowly: "'misoperation' is just an excuse for me. In fact, this is another form of attack. Our The system is completely disrupted now. To be precise, we cannot control the system now. The specific reason is currently being investigated and dealt with urgently, but the time is not allowed. We are worried that if the problem cannot be solved, your world may disappear completely. It's no good for you or me."

"What about restarting?" I asked smartly.

"Impossible, as I just said, we cannot operate the system, and a soft restart is impossible. If it is a forced hard restart, it is currently impossible to estimate what kind of harm it may cause to the system, so I dare not act rashly .” Sun Sijie explained.

"Then it will be ruined! Anyway, the system is yours, and the world is gone, so why not do it again?" Now I am just blindly resisting Sun Sijie, without thinking about my own life at all.

"The experiment. All the experimental data will disappear, and all the efforts will be burned!" Sun Sijie's voice was helpless.

"Actually, having said so much, you are only concerned about your own experiments! I, our world, are just tools to you, and now you need us to save you? It's ridiculous!" I no longer think about it Say one more thing.

"I beg you." Sun Sijie's voice was very painful, and the tone of no choice and helplessness was evident.

(End of this chapter)

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