Chapter 47 A Thought Becomes a Demon (Part [-])
Jem Johnson held the data stick in his hand, and his heart was never calm all day long.

In his heart, he had never really trusted Johnny Kelly so far.He didn't believe what Johnny Kelly said: he couldn't understand Sun Sijie, and he helped himself in order to prevent him from being re-elected.

This point is obviously untenable. After Jem Johnson himself returned to Insai Smart, he had already conducted research through his previous relationship network.I learned from others that during Sun Sijie's tenure as a senior software engineer, not only did Johnny Kelly not show discord with Sun Sijie as he said, but because of Sun Sijie's usual way of dealing with the world at work, the two have always been together. maintain a more harmonious relationship.

As for Johnny Kelly's prevarication that it was just a false performance in front of people, Jem Johnson scoffed.It was precisely because of the countless open and secret battles between Johnny Kelly and himself that Jem Johnson firmly believed that Johnny Kelly was definitely not the kind of person who would pretend and hypocrisy in front of others.

Based on the above reasons, Jem Jonson still couldn't figure out what kind of conspiracy was hidden behind Johnny Kelly's obedience to himself now after thinking about it.

But Sun Sijie was always a thorn in his heart and a thorn in his side, and he remembered the last words Johnny Kelly said to himself: "Everything is in your own hands." Perhaps this is indeed an opportunity to get rid of all Sun Sijie The shadow is the best time to put yourself on the company's "stage".

In this way, Jem Johnson took the data stick, threw it into the trash can angrily again and again, and picked it up from the trash can reluctantly.His struggles and entanglements kept haunting him throughout the day, his eyes were bloodshot, and his mind was already in chaos.

At this time, Jem Johnson was like a note in a drifting bottle. It seemed that the future was bright, but he still couldn't escape this small glass bottle and couldn't find a way out.

He didn't know that he had already stepped into the abyss with one foot at this time, and he only needed to be pushed again, even if it was just a little external force, he would plunge into the abyss headlong, and he would never recover.

In the scene of "Unbounded" 212817, it was still on the beach, and a round of Emei Moon hung in the dark night sky, appearing and disappearing behind the clouds, revealing the strangeness.

"How is the plan going?" It was still the mask, and the voice was still slightly deep, but it had the power of inexplicable fear and deterrence.

"According to what you told me, I have handed over the data stick." Just as No. 6 was about to say his name, he suddenly realized that the names of any task-related personnel could not be mentioned in the meeting, so he stopped immediately and changed his words: "Give it to the recipient, he should be hooked soon." Number 6 said.

"Take the bait? It's not that easy. Don't think he's a fool. He's being manipulated by us. Although he's already very confused at this moment, it's not as simple as you think." Number 1 said coldly.

"Then what else do you need me to do? I will do my best!" No. 6's desire to make a contribution was clearly revealed.

"No need, if you go again, it will only deepen his suspicion of you. You just need to continue to do your part, and put on a very anxious and helpless look." After finishing speaking on the 1st Turning to face No. 4: "It's time for you to appear!"

"Well, I can't wait for a long time." No. 4 showed a cunning look under the mask.

No. 1 did not reveal any specific task details to No. 4, and then turned to look at No. 2: "I heard that the rumors in your place are a bit tight recently!"

Even in such a dark night, the eyes of No. 1 are like a sharp sword piercing through the icy seaside air, piercing straight into No. 2's eyes.

"I don't think there will be any problems. We have already done all the cover-ups before implementing the plan, and there will be no results." No. 2's voice is very loud, and it sounds like there is no worry.

"Oh~~Really? But as far as I know, it doesn't seem to be optimistic! Those people are not vegetarians, after all, this is the only clue left in their hands. The clues are relentless, not to mention they have already found it. Isn't it?"

"Don't worry, I can assure you that there will never be any information leaked out. This person is just a person who works for money. Even if he can't bear it in the end, it is impossible for him to reveal any information about me. Me and He has never met formally, even if I pass by him, he doesn't know that I am that person." No. 2 is still confident, without the slightest worry.

"That's the best thing, it's just that 'there is no impenetrable wall', no matter how well hidden it is, it's not as good as one. You know what I mean!"

"I understand, don't worry, I know the discipline of the organization, even if the worst happens, I will not be a burden to everyone!" No. 2 said decisively.

No. 1 did not speak, but looked around at everyone coldly, perhaps he wanted to remind someone that they would always remember the oath they made when they joined the organization.

"Do you have any questions? If not, let's end today's meeting." Number 1 said.

After a long time, No. 7's voice sounded silently from the corner, slightly trembling: "I, I have a question!"

Before he spoke, he was struggling in his heart. After listening to the conversation between No. 1 and No. 2 just now, his sense of fear continued to increase.But since he chatted with Sun Sijie, he really wanted to restore the current situation, and he also knew what Sun Sijie's purpose behind looking for him was to hope that he could get information from the organization, so as to give himself a chance to redeem himself.

"Oh~~ it's No. 7, what's your problem?" No. 1 obviously had such a reaction to No. 7, which was unexpected.

"I... don't know what the future plan is. Of course, this shouldn't be something I should care about. I also know the organization's regulations. Don't inquire about the content of actions that have nothing to do with me."

"Then why do you still ask?" What No. 1 said to No. 7 was unclear, so everyone looked at No. 7 inexplicably.

This made No. 7 even more nervous: "I just want to remind you whether our next plan will cause problems in the experiment, because everything we do is based on the premise of not destroying the experiment itself."

No one spoke, everyone remained silent, and maybe few people knew about the future plans.

Suddenly a burst of laughter broke the dullness: "Hahahaha, you actually thought of this! Hahahaha" Although No. 1 laughed heartily, in No. 7's ears, it was like hearing the laughter of an owl , and weird and terrifying.

"Yes." Number 7 replied tremblingly.

Number 1's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Number 7 with meaningful eyes.For No. 1, No. 7 may be the most reliable member, because in his cognition, the loyalty born of fear is the most real, and he himself is an extremely arrogant person, and he enjoys it very much. Planting others' fear of him is like enjoying delicious food.

"Since you asked this question, I might as well tell you the truth. It is impossible for the experiment to be destroyed. They can always come up with a way to save mankind, but there may be a delay in time, just like the first step plan, Do you think I really trust your code so much? I have already been mentally prepared. If sabotage actions cause irreparable consequences to the system, then there is no problem. Do you think the Epidemic M development team and the Global Federation will give up? No Possible! That is absolutely impossible, they will just change the method and continue to experiment, after all, that is the only remaining hope of mankind, do you understand?" No. 1 said so easily.

"Hahahahahaha." Number 1's laughter sounded again in the dark night.

The Emei Moon was still hanging above his head, and No. 7 felt that the crescent moon was resting on his neck coldly like a sickle.

Jem Johnson was still sitting at his desk, groggy all day, making him look very haggard.

He looked at the work reports and emails in front of him, and suddenly his face became more and more gloomy, turning from white to red, and finally angrily picked up the coffee cup on the table and threw it out forcefully.He was trembling all over, waves of sweat had already soaked his clothes, and his face turned from red to white again.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.Forcibly suppressing his emotions, he asked tremblingly, "Who?"

"Harris Eddie, chief research officer of American Biomedical Corporation." A response came from outside the door.

Jem Johnson thought: Harris Eddie?This name sounds a bit familiar, and he even reported his own position, which seems to be a big name.

After tidying up his clothes, Jem Johnson replied, "Please come in!"

The door was opened, and from this face, Jem Johnson remembered that this was the leader of the US expert team of the epidemic M development team, but how could he come to find himself?Jem Johnson was extremely puzzled.

"Hello, Mr. Johnson, this should be the first time the two of us have met alone. We had met you a few times before at the meeting of the epidemic M development team." Harris Eddie was very polite, He saw a broken coffee cup on the ground, but he didn't pay attention, and walked directly to the desk.

"Well, I have the impression that you are the leader of the US epidemic M team. I haven't had a chance to say hello to you yet, but I asked you to come here in person. I'm really ashamed to say it." Jem Johnson's superficial skills are also very good.

"Wherever you say it, it seems out of place for you to say that."

After the two laughed awkwardly, Jem Johnson asked, "I don't know if you came here in person today. What's the matter?"

"Actually, it's nothing serious, I just want to chat with you in private." Harris Eddie paused for a while, seeing that he didn't show any disgust, he continued: "Then I'll get straight to the point. I'm not afraid of your jokes , I am a fan of Mr. Sun Sijie Sun. For his departure, I can't bear and don't understand. I think there must be some misunderstanding. I think everyone can see his ability and talent. I think you I feel the same way." Harris Eddie said while carefully observing Jem Johnson, and sure enough, when he mentioned Sun Sijie, especially when he praised him, obvious displeasure flashed across his face.

"That's not necessarily the case. After all, he is too young. He is immature in many things and needs to go through a long time of experience. As far as the current situation is concerned, I think it is a very wise move for him to withdraw voluntarily. Staying in this position, I don't think it is necessarily a good thing for his development." Jem Johnson felt that his visit today was full of hostility.

"Hahahaha, do you think you should take this seat more?"

"What do you mean?!" Jem Johnson heard the provocative meaning in Harris Eddie's words, and his anger burst into flames.

"Why are you so angry? I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to chat with you!"

The more Harris Eddie said this, the more Jem Johnson felt that he was sent by Sun Sijie to deliberately provoke him.

"I don't know if you have anything else to do? If not, I still have a lot of work to do here, so I won't entertain you." Jem Johnson issued an order to evict the guest angrily.

"We just chatted a few words, are you going to drive me away? Are you guilty? To be honest, who will benefit the most from Sun Sijie's resignation? There are some things that you don't need to say clearly. It's very unrefined. But I hope you can understand a little bit, do some so-called small tricks behind your back, don't think that everyone doesn't know, let alone think that you can rest easy from now on, Sun Sijie will come back sooner or later, and your wishful thinking will change sooner or later Become 'Conan's dream'!" Harris Eddie completely disregarded Jem Johnson's feelings, and spoke out his own words.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Jem Jonson got up angrily, slapped his desk vigorously with one hand, and yelled angrily at the door of the office with the other.

Harris Eddie stood up unhurriedly, still very politely said: "You will never reach the height of Sun Sijie, please take care of yourself, it is not too late to stop in time."

"Get out~~~" Jem Jonson was already hoarse.

Harris Eddie turned and walked out of the office.

For Jem Johnson, this day was too tormented. He supported the desk with both hands, trembling all over.

"Sun Sijie, Sun Sijie!"

Jem Johnson gritted his teeth desperately, opened the desk drawer, took out something from it, and put it in his pocket.Immediately afterwards, he looked down and saw the data stick on the table, and grabbed it.

(End of this chapter)

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