Chapter 48 A Thought Becomes a Demon (Part [-])
Since Sun Sijie visited No. 7 last time, No. 7 seemed to let go of the heavy burden in his heart, and the grievances and panic he had been in the past have been released to a large extent.Although he will still show timidity when he really faces No. 1, this kind of timidity is only temporary, because now he has regained his faith, and he feels that he has strong support behind him and a bright future. longing and pursuit.

In the past few days, Sun Sijie has kept in touch with No. 7 remotely every day.Firstly, it was a plan that had been established with Yu Yunlong before, through communication, he could soothe No. 7's mood, and get the latest news about their organization from him; secondly, Sun Sijie also discovered during the communication with him, No. has its own unique insights, common interests and topics in the application of codes and the development direction of the metaverse, so that the two have established a special friendship, temporarily making each other forget their respective positions.

And No. 7 completely changed his initial view of Sun Sijie, from hatred to admiration, from conservative to honest.This feeling was never given to him by No. 5 before, his brother was just protecting him, and Sun Sijie made him see the future and hope.

After exiting "Unbounded" on the 7th, the first thing he did was to contact Sun Sijie.

"Sun Sijie, is it convenient now?" Number 7's words sounded a little excited.

"Of course, I'm about to contact you, what's the matter?"

"I got some information here!"

"Oh!~~ You were in 'Unbounded' just now?" Sun Sijie became more energetic in an instant.

Regarding "Unbounded", in the previous dialogue between the two, they discussed whether there was a possibility of tracking member information or location through monitoring the system, but the result disappointed the two.

The biggest selling point of "Unbounded" when it goes online is the protection of user privacy.

First of all, users do not need to bind their real identities, that is to say, users do not need real-name authentication when registering, they only need to fill in the information of online virtual characters according to the system prompts; Confidentiality has been tampered with. In the general "Metaverse", users spontaneously anti-track their own IP addresses for personal reasons, but in "Unbounded", the system not only It will not track the user's IP, and deliberately hides the exposed IP address.

With these two points alone, "Unbounded" plundered more than 2% of the users in the market on the day it was launched.The reason is actually obvious. The Metaverse is full of the ugly side of human nature. In the real world, whether it is a well-dressed politician, a business boss, or a seemingly insignificant and humble white-collar office worker, even living in The seemingly harmless tramps at the bottom of the society, once they enter the metaverse, can't wait to show everyone their animal nature. In their eyes, this is a world without rules, laws, and restrictions , They release their evil thoughts to their heart's content, so for them, the last thing they want to be known is their true identity. Surprised by his real behavior.

Therefore, after the metaverse appeared, there was a saying: God created us, and we created devils!
Perhaps it is for this reason that No. 7's organization chose "Unbounded" as their meeting point.Even if you know the number of the scene where the meeting is located, it is impossible to gain anything by deploying defenses early, because every user who enters "Unbounded" will get a "skin" for himself to disguise, and you will never know what is under this skin. true identity.

"Yeah, they seem to be doing something again." It can be heard that No. 7 is very anxious, and can't wait to tell me the information.

"Then, I'll bring Professor Yu into the remote call together." Sun Sijie said after thinking for a moment.

"This" No. 7 didn't expect Sun Sijie to make such a request, and seemed a little anxious, but quickly recovered his composure: "Okay, I'll follow your arrangement!"

Sun Sijie immediately contacted Yu Yunlong, and after roughly explaining the situation, Yu Yunlong got online, and of course Harris Eddie.

After a few words of politeness to each other, No. 7 recounted exactly what happened in "Unbounded" just now.

"Recipient? Who will this recipient be?" Yu Yunlong asked.

"Could it be Jem Johnson?" Sun Sijie thought about it.

"Why him?" Yu Yunlong asked and Harris Eddie asked at the same time.

"First, in our previous analysis, Johnny Kelly is likely to be a lurker in the software team. If the system is to be damaged again, it can only be someone who knows and is familiar with the system. The key people with authority, judging from the current composition of the software team, only Jem Jonson and Johnny Kelly meet these two conditions. According to their recent relationship, they are indeed planning something, especially now They have reached a dead end in the matter of cracking the algorithm, and Jem Jonson's mood can be imagined. So I speculate that the recipient is Jem Jonson, and the sender is No. 6!"

"It makes sense. From this point of view, there is indeed something wrong with Jem Jonson, but he was treated as a pawn." Yu Yunlong said.

"I don't think so!" Harris Eddie said suddenly: "Just before, I... I went to test him, and he showed a very... I don't know how to describe him in the conversation with me. He is in a state of madness, as long as I mention any topic about Mr. Sun, he will be furious, and finally kick me out of the office. From this point of view, I don't think he is qualified for any mission , if it were me, I wouldn’t entrust him with such an important matter, it’s too unreliable. I look down on this person more and more now. I used to regard him as the big man behind the scenes. You overestimated him."

"You still went to test him. Thanks to your thinking, it seems that these two people are really very suspicious now. I will immediately send someone to secretly monitor these two people!" Yu Yunlong made a decisive decision, and then continued. : "As for the one who has been a bit tight recently, I guess it must be someone from Nano Cell Company. According to my latest news, the police seem to have found a breakthrough for the software engineer who operates the authorization code. Now all the evidence They all point to Jeff Dunham, and it is estimated that his arrest should be around the corner." Just after saying this, Yu Yunlong suddenly thought of something, and immediately said in a panic: "Not good!"

"What's wrong?" Both Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie became nervous.

"He might commit suicide in fear of crime!" Yu Yunlong's words made Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie immediately think of the issue about the internal discipline of their organization that was mentioned in the retelling process on the 7th.

"I'll notify the Interpol right now!" Yu Yunlong disconnected after speaking.

After that, No. 7 saw that he could not play any role in the conversation. Of course, to avoid suspicion, he also went offline, leaving only Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie.

"How is the experiment going?" Sun Sijie asked.

"I'll show you the projection." Immediately, the large screen in the lobby of the Epidemiology R&D Center appeared in the image in front of Sun Sijie.

"Virtual number of grams: 100864
Current trial phase: I/III
Real-time system flow rate: 1 day in the system / 4 hours in reality
Phase I test duration: 180 days for the system/30 days for the real world

当前试验时长:系统158天 14:08:06 /现实26天 10:21:09
Test progress: 88.10%
'Rimworld' displays:
Current experimental groups: 34
Current test reagent: BDV-021-6A
Number of test subjects injected: 68091
Number of abnormalities found: 0
Number of restarts: 0
The number of immune antibodies produced: 68090”

Sun Sijie looked at the data displayed on the screen. The first phase of the experiment has come to an end, and the results of the experiment are moving towards the goal that everyone expected. It can be said that the predetermined goal has been achieved.Sun Sijie breathed a sigh of relief. He recalled all the experiences that had happened, and felt that everything was worth it. No matter how hard or tired or wronged he was, it couldn't make people feel more excited and happy than the data in front of him.

When Sun Sijie was in a trance, Yu Yunlong's voice came to mind again, but his voice seemed very helpless: "Two bad news, Jeff Dunham is dead. When Interpol rushed into his room, he Already committed suicide, we were still one step too late; Jem Jonson disappeared, the person I sent to monitor him said that the entire company had been searched, and there was no trace of him, and the company's surveillance was checked, 3 hours Before that, he went to the computer room in a state of dismay, and stayed there for 10 minutes, and then he changed his outfit and left the company."

"Then he has already made a move?" Sun Sijie asked anxiously.

"I don't know! At present, it seems that the system is still normal, and there is nothing unusual!"

"Jem Jonson, I have sent someone to follow him, he can't escape." Harris Eddie said.

"You sent someone to follow him?" Yu Yunlong asked immediately.

"Yes, just after I visited him, I felt that there was something wrong with this man's mind and spirit. At that time, I sent someone to follow him secretly. Even if he left the company, he should be under surveillance now."

"Then you should contact him quickly to see where he is?" Yu Yunlong looked very anxious.

"Okay, I'll contact you now!"

Taking advantage of Harris Eddie's phone call, Sun Sijie continued to ask: "What about Johnny Kelly? How is he?"

"He is in the company and has been closely monitored, but nothing unusual has been found!"

"Lost." Harris Eddie's voice came over: "Maybe he changed his clothes on purpose when he left the company. The person I sent is a veteran who is not professional in tracking, so... so I lost him." Now, we are looking around for his whereabouts."

Yu Yunlong looked very frustrated. He couldn't blame Harris Eddy's people for losing Jim Johnson: "How could this happen? I just had some clues and breakthroughs, and I was caught again."

Both Sun Sijie and Harris Eddie can understand Yu Yunlong's mood at this moment. To be honest, it seems that the clouds and mists are about to see the sun, but they are immediately blocked by the dark clouds in front of them. No one will be in the mood. better off.

"Did Jeff Dunham leave anything like a suicide note?" Although Sun Sijie didn't have any hope for this, he still asked.

"No, nothing? He seems to have thought about what will happen today, so according to the police's investigation of the scene, the whole process of his suicide was very fast without any hesitation."

No one made a sound, and everyone remained silent.

"I need to reorganize my thinking and give a briefing to the Global Federation, so let's do this first, let's keep in touch." Without too many words, Yu Yunlong went offline.

"Then Mr. Sun, take care of yourself!"

After disconnecting the teleconference, Sun Sijie leaned heavily in the seat, feeling extremely heavy.He didn't know what was going to happen next, he just had an ominous premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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