Beauty Comprehensive 1999

Chapter 484 Advanced Stage of Jinghua Small World

After hearing Selma's narration, Xie Zihao's heart was also stunned.

In his opinion, the spirit of the witch is similar to the natural spirit like Ulu and the natural holy spirit like Fuxing, except that Uru is a natural spirit that relies on the natural environment of the west coast of North America, while the spirit of the witch relies on Kyle. It exists like a fairyland in the mythology.

Selma then asked:

"By the way, Brother Hao, what are you doing here?"

She was a little puzzled by Xie Zihao's behavior.

Xie Zihao said with a smile:

"Of course I got some compensation. I've traveled all the way, so I can't just let these Holy Spirit monasteries bully you, right?"

"But let me fix your little friend Emma first."

Thelma was pleasantly surprised.

"Really? Brother Hao, can you fix Emma?"

Because of her identity as a witch and the influence of growing up in a single-parent family, this elderly loli had no friends since she was a child. Since she received this witch doll as a gift from Xie Zihao, her heart has become more sustenance, and her personality has become stronger. She was much more cheerful in the past, so Selma felt very distressed about Emma's damage.

Xie Zihao answered in the affirmative.

"Of course! And I can make Emma stronger."

As he spoke, he reached out and took the witch substitute doll in Selma's hand. This Q-version gothic lolita Selma doll, carved with white maple as the main body, had obvious cracks on its body.

Xie Zihao observed for a while and found that the spirituality of the puppet itself had not been dissipated, so he used a piece of wood from the Kingdom of Gold to extract the gold of the spirit world with the golden flame to ward off evil, then blended it into the body of the witch doll, and used the method of substitute to get Sel Ma's hair re-sacrificed the doll, and gave it enchantment ability, and finally succeeded in turning it into a real person almost the same as Selma.

Of course, she was still wearing gothic clothes, as if she had grown up from a little girl to a young girl.

The size of the "resurrected" witch doll Emma has not changed, and the texture feels like a living thing, making Thelma hug her happily.

"Great, Emma is alive again..."

Xie Zihao exhorted:

"The current Emma is connected with you, and her destiny is one. She can also absorb the magic power that you usually overflow and store it. In battle, it can give you an extra source of magic power just like a magic power storage battery."

"And she can resist curses and injuries in any situation for you. She can withstand at least five deadly attacks before reaching her limit, so that it will not be easy to be damaged again. As long as it is not completely damaged, you can give it slowly. Emma's way of infusing her magic nourishes her and restores her..."

Xie Zihao referred to the idea of ​​the Yin seal in the Naruto manga in this advanced version of the witch substitute doll. The upper limit of the magic power is greatly increased, and after incorporating the pure yang substance of spiritual gold, the substitute doll In terms of level, it is no less than the Holy Artifact of the Church of Light. In addition to the attunement ability of the power of life, he also used the ability of the power of protection to exert a protective power on it, so that the limit of damage to the master of the substitute doll has increased by several times compared to before. times as much.

It can be said that the high-level substitute paper doll that he carefully cultivated on his body now has a weaker effect than this witch doll. Of course, it is worthwhile for those paper substitutes that are used as consumables. In some respects, this witch substitute doll is still It is not as good as Xie Zihao's natal body double, the latter is the foundation of his cultivation and cannot be replaced, and it also allows him to really have an extra life instead of simply dying for him, and can evolve into a second and third incarnation.

"However, Emma, ​​a witch doll, has great potential. If Selma can be promoted to the realm of a legendary witch in the future, then Emma, ​​who will accompany her, will probably not be much worse than Itachi and Aizen!"

Thinking to himself, and explaining some new abilities of the stand-in doll to Selma, Xie Zihao turned his gaze to the dark plane below, which he perceives as a giant oval egg.

Strictly speaking, this should be a half-plane formed on the basis of the material world, not a complete plane like an independent world.

The difference between the two is the degree of perfection of the rules.

This demiplane exists between the real world and the shadow world, and it is full of dark magic power, which is why the monsters inside can exist and multiply.

Considering the birth process of this demiplane, Xie Zihao tentatively called it the Dark Dungeon Plane in his mind.

While analyzing this dark dungeon plane, a round mirror also appeared in Xie Zihao's hand. Incense and faith were poured into the mirror like his own spiritual power and mana, and the mirror turned into a silver moon on the spot, blooming The immeasurable brilliance spread and covered the egg of the dark dungeon plane.

The dark dungeon plane reacted fiercely to the coverage of the space rules of other planes, and the monsters inside were like ants on a hot pot with a sense of imminent crisis.

But because it existed for a short time, and did not give birth to the real will of the plane, that is, the consciousness of Heaven or Gaia, a little bit of consciousness of the plane can only drive the monsters inside to destroy the intruders.

But Xie Zihao didn't even enter the dark dungeon plane, and those monsters couldn't find the target to attack, and they couldn't leave this half-plane itself, so this half-plane could only be swallowed up by Jinghua's small world bit by bit.

As the last bit of the giant egg of the dark dungeon plane was covered by the silver moon, this place deep underground in the city of Reims made a rumbling sound, and the entire city of Reims, including the province of Marne and even the Paris Basin, Can feel tremors.

Fortunately, the dark dungeon plane has formed a demiplane hundreds of years ago, between the real world and the shadow plane, not a pure real space, the former underground part was swallowed by the demiplane, there are already After an earthquake, otherwise such a large underground space would be taken away by Xie Zihao, most of France would be destroyed by the earthquake.

As a result of the disappearance of the dark dungeon plane at this time, except for the damage to a few old houses in Lance City, the other areas only brought some slight shocks.It seems that such a space never existed deep underground.

Xie Zihao was holding the silver mirror in his hand, and he could see that there were some new things on the surface of the mirror, as if ink painting had been smeared. The inside of the mirror was undergoing wonderful changes.

Where there is yin in the world, there is yang, and where there is light, there will of course be darkness. After swallowing the entire dark dungeon plane, Jinghua's small world is now in a magical and mysterious special state. When the transformation is completed, it will be the mirror. It's time for Huaxiao World to advance.

Xie Zihao has completed the act of receiving compensation, and there is no need to return to the ground. Before that, he has taken the weird paper man trapped and burned by the evil spirit golden flame into the small world of Jinghua, and is re-sacrificing the witch doll In just a short time, the pollutants of that deceitful power were completely refined, and a power of authority was harvested.

So he pulled Thelma and jumped directly into the mirror, and returned to his home in Los Angeles through the connection of the mirror world.

Walking out of the magic mirror in the quiet room, even though Selma saw so many miraculous scenes today, she still couldn't help but exclaim:
"Brother Hao, your ability can already be called the supernatural power of immortality, and it is the means of ancient immortals!"

Xie Zihao nodded, without any self-effacing said:
"Almost, this is the power of the authority of the priesthood. It is true that only immortals and gods can master it. I can also use external objects to do it. You have to keep this ability a secret for me. I don't want to be known. Being watched all the time."

Selma nodded knowingly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely let you know when you do something bad in the future! Haha!"

Seeing that the girl was ready to make jokes, Xie Zihao felt relieved and let her play with his girlfriend and Jessica, while he began to monitor the changes in the natal magic mirror in the quiet room.

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