Beauty Comprehensive 1999

Chapter 485 The Storm Witch Selma

Thelma, who finished The Adventures of the Little Witch Finding Her Mother, has grown a lot, but she still has the dark and narrow appearance.It's just that because of the untie of the knot in my heart, my personality has become more lively.

Seeing the two daughters, Melinda and Jessica, Thelma's attitude was much closer and warmer than usual, and the three women started chatting with each other while drinking tea and snacks.

The main reason is that Selma is telling the two of her adventure stories on this trip, and there are many embellished parts, which reflect the wise and decisive features of her lord witch.

This kind of magical adventure experience is very in line with the aesthetics of Westerners, and the two women also exclaimed and sighed after hearing it.

After their tea party was over, Xie Zihao had already walked out of the quiet room, holding a round mirror in his hand.

The whole body of the mirror is silver, and has a jade-like texture, but the mirror surface is gray, as if the metal has been oxidized and becomes blurred and dull.

Melinda knew that Xie Zihao had a precious mirror, and that it was as silvery and beautiful as mercury before, so she couldn't help but asked in surprise when she saw this:
"Lance, why did your mirror change?"

Seeing her doubts, Xie Zihao smiled and said:

"It's called returning to basics and self-obscurity. Let's go, I'll take you in and have a look."

As he spoke, he lightly wiped the mirror surface, and saw that the originally gray mirror surface suddenly became as clear as water, the kind of clarity that even the purest optical crystal lens could not achieve.

Then a mirror shrouded the figures of the three women, and the three women disappeared immediately, and then Xie Zihao himself and the mirror also disappeared in the room.

Suddenly appearing in an unfamiliar environment from the office, except for Jessica who was still a little nervous, the other two women had already experienced such miraculous scenes, and it was common for Melinda to enter the small world. Any negative emotions are full of curiosity and surprise.

"Welcome to my world, ladies!"

Xie Zihao stretched out his hand to introduce the three girls.

At this time, they appeared on the top of the tower of an ancient castle. Looking around, they could see the surface of this vast world.

I saw that this is a majestic and majestic castle, like a castle in a fairy tale kingdom. In addition to the proper castle buildings, there are a large number of street residential areas in the city and a large independent manor within the castle walls. villa.

However, after merging with the dark dungeon plane, the original aristocratic manor and the [-]th-century apartment have undergone new changes, making Xie Zihao's home in the small world of mirrors become a similar to the one in Quanyou. It is a style in which ancient noble castles and cities are integrated.

It's just that in the residential area of ​​the castle, there are only those mirror servants who have evolved into yellow turban wrestlers, and there is less fireworks.

At this time, Xie Zihao heard a man shouting from the manor in the castle, and he moved the man to the tower with a wave of his hand.

The person who came was none other than Professor Isa Aziz who had been staying in the laboratory.

The professor was alarmed when he heard the commotion outside, and after going out, he found that the original manor had undergone earth-shaking changes, and saw the figure on the castle tower from a distance, and couldn't help but shouted there.

"Mr. Sherman, what happened to your half-plane? There has been such a big change!"

Xie Zihao hurriedly explained to the professor:

"I'm sorry, Professor, to disturb you. This half-plane has advanced, and it is now an independent small complete plane."

Issa Aziz immediately widened his eyes when he heard the words, and said in disbelief:

"This is impossible, this, how did you do it? It is difficult for the legendary archmage to create a complete world, unless it is the legendary kingdom of gods..."

But his experience and perception told him that what Xie Zihao said should not be a lie.

The environment in this world is indeed different than before. He, who has lived here for a few months, feels this most clearly. Although it looks the same as in reality, there is air, soil, water, and plants. Grow and exist with animals.

But after a long time, he will always feel a sense of suffocation due to lack of oxygen, but his breathing is normal.

Aziz understands that it is because of the discomfort caused by the different world environments. Every day he has to eat some food and drink brought in from the real world to relieve it, and if he stays in the small world for more than a month, he must return to the real world for at least one month. Hours, otherwise there will be physiological problems in the long run.

This is also because he is an extraordinary person, and he is more resistant to this discomfort.

But now he didn't feel the slight suffocation at all, his breathing was as smooth as returning to the real world, and his whole body became more relaxed.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect that you are not a legend, but you have already mastered such a plane. Although it may be smaller than the real natural plane world, it is infinitely close to the material world. This is the foundation of becoming a god. I I dare say that as long as there are no accidents in the middle of the journey, you will definitely become a god holding the throne within a hundred years!"

Xie Zihao was noncommittal about the judgment of the extraordinary professor Issa Aziz.

In fact, he felt that a hundred years was too long, as if he allowed himself to improve his realm blindly. Now there is no doubt that he wants to break through to the yin god and become the primordial god, that is, the demigod of the West. It will take less than two months. can do.

A demigod is also a god, and Xie Zihao, who has the ball of God and the mountain god Faye, thinks there is no problem if he further obtains the priesthood and authority to become a true god.

But such a road has limited future potential and has lost the basis for rising, which is not what he wants.

What he wants is to solidify the foundation step by step, and lay a solid foundation stone like a mountain, so that he can achieve the realm of immortals in the future, live the same life as the heaven and earth, shine with the sun and the moon, and even obtain eternal immortality.

It can be said that although he followed the Xie family's side door method to enter Taoism, his ambitions were not limited to Yinshen Daoist. Because of the advantages of time traveler and cheating, he naturally wanted to pursue the highest achievement in Taoism, the Dao of Immortals.

Thelma on the side was not surprised at all when she heard this. Through this incident, she has already understood the strength of Xie Zihao, a family friend. This is a man who has touched the divine realm.

At the same time, she is full of fighting spirit. Since her mother said that she has the potential to become a legendary witch after inheriting the blood of Avalon, she should work hard to practice so that she can bring her father to Avalon as a legendary witch in the future. Wonderland, so that the family can reunite.

Thinking of this in her heart, a whirlwind rose from Selma's body, and the magic power surged spontaneously.

This scene caught the attention of Issa Aziz.

"Huh? It turned out to be the blood power that controls the wind, or a little witch..."

Xie Zihao also said with a smile:

"That's right, Selma awakened the power of the wind, and we should call her the Storm Witch from now on! She is Uncle Liang's daughter, Professor, you probably haven't seen it yet?"

Let me introduce you to the two of you.

Selma obviously also knew the existence of Issa Aziz, but she didn't recognize it when she saw it just now, so she politely said hello immediately.

Issa Aziz smiled cordially upon hearing this.

"It turned out to be little Selma! You can just call me uncle. I met you eight years ago, but you were still young at that time, and you looked very shy with Ryan. I didn't expect to grow into a witch now. If you know, let your father send you to the United Kingdom Academy of Magic, so that I can also teach you alchemy for a few years."

In most Western countries, uncles and uncles are not separated. Cousins, cousins, and aunts and aunts are all called the same name. If you are in Selma, the eastern country, you will call him uncle or uncle.

Xie Zihao couldn't help but think of what Eddie said before, and asked:
"By the way, Professor, you worked at the United Kingdom Academy of Magic in England, did you know a wizard named Eddie Dresden?"

Issa Aziz was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said:

"Dreston? If it's not the same name and surname, I did teach such a little wizard."

It's the annual tax refund season again, and the best man looks at the tax refund number on the personal income tax form, it's so pitiful!Support raising the upper limit of personal income tax exemption to more than [-] yuan per month, the country should collect more money from the rich and give everyone more benefits and subsidies!

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