Beauty Comprehensive 1999

Chapter 486 Witch Academy

For Xie Zihao, Issa Aziz seldom cherished this thigh, especially this young superpower who arranged the most desired research topic for himself and provided him with loose and comfortable living conditions.

So he said bluntly without concealment:
"You also know that the professor of history is just my identity in the secular world. I worked at the United Kingdom Academy of Magic for a long time, but because I was suspected of being a Knight Templar, I was forced to come to the White Eagle Federation. It was such an unlucky thing that the Declaration of Independence was stolen, so I took the opportunity to disappear and escape from the surveillance of those people."

"So I know a little bit about the United Kingdom School of Magic and the magic world of Yinggran."

Xie Zihao asked Issa Aziz after listening:

"Then, professor, Eddie Dreston confessed to me that he was sent by the Inglan Academy of Magic and the Ministry of Magic. The former tasked him with finding potential wizard blood here. Professor Liang's graduate student is actually for Selma."

"The task given to him by the latter was to investigate the disappearance of a professor of the United Kingdom Academy of Magic, and this professor happened to teach alchemy, so I thought of teaching you at that time!"

Issa Aziz's expression was slightly condensed when he heard the words, and then he said:
"I did hear something about this when I was teaching at the United Kingdom Academy of Magic."

"The supernatural beings of Yinglan are mainly wizards and knights. During the decades from World War I to World War II, they lost a lot of blood. Especially in the past 20 years, the number of young wizards enrolled in the Academy of Magic has been less than two for several consecutive years. In this class, the entire group of wizards is in a predicament of being underrepresented, and the number of all bloodline wizards on the roster is no more than a thousand, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly wizards."

"And the bloodline of wizards is notoriously difficult to have offspring. Although there is no reproductive isolation from ordinary people, it is also difficult to conceive offspring. Compared with the tens of millions of the population of Yinglan himself, the number of such ethnic groups has reached one. At a very critical juncture, if we don’t think of ways to grow the group, then there is a possibility of extinction for the wizards of Yinglan.”

"Then the United Kingdom has been committed to solving this crisis since the 60s. I thought of the way that the former lackeys, the islanders, relied on women to go out to work around the world to obtain money and new blood to improve the domestic economic and population crisis. So there is I made a plan, which is to find fresh blood from outside."

Seeing the weird expressions on the faces of the few people listening to him, Issa Aziz hurriedly explained:

"Of course, the Great Empire was an old power after all, and it couldn't be as shameless and shameless as the island government. I heard that the plan of the Ministry of Magic is not to send its own women out to borrow that kind, but to try to recruit the blood of wizards from outside to join. In the embrace of the Great Empire, there were many successful examples in the years I was there."

"However, they are usually recruited in the countries of the third world and the Commonwealth. Over the past 30 years, the "New Blood Project" has been quite effective, which has increased the number of wizards in England to more than [-]. Every year, new little wizards are born. More than double digits."

"In addition to these wizards recruited from the Federation and the third world countries who yearn for the prosperity and favorable treatment of the Great Empire, the Academy of Magic has also found out that in the hundreds of years since the discovery of the New World, many European witches have wandered to avoid witch hunts. Here in the New World."

"Even though cruel witch-hunting campaigns took place in the New World, such as the Salem Witch Massacre, there are quite a few witches left behind, and most of them are hidden in the White Eagle Federation, the most powerful country in North America."

At this time, Melinda suddenly asked a question.

"Professor, you said that there are many witches in the Federation, but why have I never seen one?"

Melinda has also been a psychic medium in the Federation for more than ten years. Although she doesn't have deep contact with the circle of the extraordinary world, she doesn't know anything about it.

At this time, Xie Zihao opened his mouth and explained for Aziz:

"I know this. Because of the Salem massacre, the witches distrusted the people of the federal government. Although there are quite a few witches living in seclusion in the federal government, most of them chose to hide their identities and avoid contact with the outside world. They have never cooperated with the federal government, otherwise the White Eagle Federation would not be known as an extraordinary desert, and the strength of witches is generally stronger than that of ordinary extraordinary people of the same level."

Issa Aziz nodded and said:

"Mr. Sherman is right. As far as I know, there is actually a witch academy on the Federation side, but they don't recruit students publicly, and it is difficult for outsiders to find their positions."

When Selma heard that there was an academy dedicated to teaching witches in the Federation, she couldn't help asking with some interest:

"Uncle Aziz, don't you know where the Witch Academy is?"

Issa Aziz shook her head and said:

"Sorry, Selma, it is said that this witch academy was established by a few powerful witches who survived the Salem tragedy. It’s a wizard. And although I have some friends in the magic world of Anglan, I’m not a real blood wizard, but an alchemist, and I’m not really in the same circle as you wizards.”

"That's it!"

Thelma was a little disappointed.

Just listen to Issa Aziz continue:

"And I don't think it would be a good choice for you to go to that witch academy. As far as I know, the reason why this witch academy has been hidden for more than 300 years is because there are still some witches in the world who specialize in hunting. Extraordinary organization of the target."

"Far away are the Priory of the Holy Spirit in the European continent and the former Inquisition renamed the Ministry of Faith, and there are also witch hunters' organizations in the New World."

"I think it's actually a good choice for Selma to go to Inglan to receive a systematic wizard education. Learning wizard-specific magic is also a good choice. At least the magic world in Inglan is very friendly to wizards. Some acquaintances can help take care of it, what do you think?"

The following words were not so much about asking Selma what she meant, but rather about Xie Zihao.

After hearing this, Selma actually felt a little bit interesting. After all, she was the most special one since she was a child. Now she can go to a college full of wizards to have a look, not as if she is the only witch in the world. Loneliness is also very attractive to her.

Xie Zihao thought about it and said:
"Selma, the professor's proposal is very pertinent. Although there are still many spells I can give you, they may not be the most suitable for you to cultivate. If you want to fully discover the power in your blood, you still have to go to Professional magic academy to study, as for the mysterious spells, you just pick a few favorite and good ones as minors and hole cards..."

Selma thought of the gap in strength between herself and Xie Zihao, and also wanted to become stronger, so receiving systematic wizard education was the most suitable choice.

Xie Zihao went on to say:
"However, you and your father and daughter will have to discuss this matter after Uncle Liang comes back. I will call him as soon as I go out. I guess Uncle Liang has been worried for the past two days!"

Thelma stuck out her tongue in embarrassment when she heard the words. It was indeed her fault.

"Brother Hao, Dad, you have to speak for me!"

Xie Zihao tapped her forehead and taught:

"Now I know I'm afraid. Why didn't you consider the consequences when you ran away from home?"

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