Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 289 Donghuang Double Wall, the No. 1 Beauty in the World

Chapter 289 Donghuang Double Wall, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World
· "It seems that I am late this time..."

Standing in front of Wu Ziting, a middle-aged woman with a clear face scanned her surroundings with her spiritual sense, and when she saw that Xu Xing was nowhere to be seen, she shook her head and sighed.

Daoist Lord Yuanying, when he was ambushed and killed by Lord Yuansheng, he still fought alone, so I can't say much about the result.

Even though Xu Xing's strength is called the No. 1 in Yuanshen Realm by the outside world, the Three Treasures Sword Master understands how big the gap between these great realms really is.

"However, Fellow Daoist Chi didn't notify my faction, and started on the site of my faction, it's a bit out of manner."

Sword Master Three Treasures withdrew his consciousness, looked at Chi Yuan who was saluting, and questioned.

Among the top ten high sects in the past, Feiyu Immortal Palace could still be ranked in the top three, but the current Feiyu Immortal Palace is weak, and compared with Yunjianzong, it is still not as good.

In the current Yun Jianzong, there are three sword masters, that is, the three Yuan Shengjun, and there are only two people in Feiyu Immortal Palace.

In addition, Yun Jianzong's immortal body is about to touch the realm of Sword Master as he ascends south.

Today and in the future, Feiyu Immortal Palace cannot match Yun Jianzong in terms of top combat power, and the gap is huge.

This is also the reason why Sword Master Three Treasures dared to question Chi Yuan.

"Friends of the Three Treasures, don't be upset..."

Chi Yuan smiled slightly, and retorted casually: "The old man has lived on the bank of the Wangchuan Sea for a long time, and the sea is windy and tidal. That's why he wanted to take a walk in the central part. He forgot to inform Yun Jianzong in advance..."

"As for meeting Xu Xing, it was just a coincidence. After all, this place can be regarded as a famous scene in East Huangzhou."

While speaking, he withdrew his black-and-white chessboard appearance, and always had a calm and breezy look on his face.

"Chi Dao is friendly and Yaxing." The Sword Master of the Three Treasures took a deep look at Chi Yuan, and felt a little helpless. He couldn't really start a war with Chi Yuan, the patriarch of the Shangjiao, just because of Xu Xing.

"Xu Xing is dead..."

"The old man heard that this traitor had signed a diplomatic contract with your faction. I don't know if Fellow Daoist Three Treasures... can abolish it."

Chi Yuan's eyes flickered a few times, he smiled and said.

He originally thought that the Sword Master of the Three Treasures had seen Xu Xing's escaping light when he fled, but he never thought that the Sword Master of the Three Treasures hadn't seen it, and mistakenly thought that Xu Xing had been killed by him.

That being the case, he was also happy to push the boat along the way to deceive the Three Treasures Sword Master Xu Xing to be dead.

As long as Yun Jianzong tore up the diplomatic contract.

Then, when Xu Xing, who was seriously injured and Yuandun, heard about this, he would never go to Yun Jianzong to seek refuge...

At that time, he should have a chance to find Xu Xing again and kill him in one fell swoop.

"The Treaty of Diplomacy..."

Hearing this, Sword Master Three Treasures frowned slightly.

Yun Jianzong established diplomatic relations with Butian Sect not because Butian Sect is the so-called Feiyu Immortal Palace orthodoxy, but because they value Xu Xing's talent.

Now that Xu Xing is dead, it is thankless for Yun Jianzong to invest in Butian Sect again...

"Friend Daoist Chi..."

"The matter between the two factions has nothing to do with you and me. It is all dealt with by the suzerain. You and I are now people from outside the mountain..."

Sword Master Three Treasures pondered for a moment, then replied.

Ruining the treaty of diplomatic relations, no matter what the reason, will cause a whole body of trouble.

She is the patriarch, not the suzerain of the Yunjian Sect. Although she can make decisions on political affairs, she should try to avoid suspicion if she can.

In addition, she has lived in the cave for a long time, so she is not familiar with the changes in the outside world.

If you deal with sect affairs hastily, it is very likely that you will be tricked by Chi Yuan.


"The old man will return to the sect now, please let me send the suzerain to your sect to discuss this matter."

Chi Yuan smiled and said calmly.

After saying that, he didn't stay for a long time, and as soon as he flicked his sleeve robe, he turned into a ray of light and fled towards the southeast.


"Master Xu is really dead?"

After Chi Yuanyuan left, Wu Ziting, who was standing behind the Sword Master of Three Treasures, finally couldn't help but asked.

"I don't know."

"But it should be dead."

Sword Master Three Treasures shook his head, and looked down at Tianyi Gorge from the clouds, "Chi Yuan's aura has dropped a lot compared to before, so it can be seen that he is merciless in his attack this time..."

If a long-established Yuan Shengjun cannot kill a Yuan Ying Dao Lord by means of exhausting Taoism, it will become a joke in the world.

This is why she is sure that Xu Xing is dead.


"That's right, no one can escape the pursuit of Yuan Shengjun..."

Wu Ziting said with a lonely expression.

She touched the storage bag at her waist and sighed.



After half a day.

Tianyi Gorge is thousands of miles away.

Xu Xing's blood-colored escape stopped in the air for a while, explored around, found a cave at random, and got in.

"With my strength, I'm still powerless against Chi Yuan, but I escaped from Chi Yuan once..."

"It's still more than enough."

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Xu Xing took out more than 20 spirit beads from the storage bag, put them by his side, and began to absorb the spiritual energy in them with all his strength, and with the spiritual energy, he re-solidified the [Immortal Life] on the ancient bronze mirror.

Five and a half days passed.

He swept away his previous state of embarrassment and lethargy, and the energy and blood of his Taoist body became stronger again. It seemed that there was not much difference from the previous heyday.

"Except for the immortal life of [The Immortal] who condenses the innate immortal energy, all other immortal lives have been restored..."

Xu Xing opened his eyes, glanced at the information on the panel, and thought to himself.

This time fighting with Chi Yuan, the picture is similar to what fate deduced.

But there are still some differences.

In the final battle, the two black and white Taoist silhouettes transformed by Chi Yuan's magical power directly shattered the shield formed by his innate immortal energy three times.

This also caused him to estimate the resources he needed to recover [Immortal Life], and he was a little short, and he was unable to re-condense the [Exiled Immortal] Immortal Life.

"At least hundreds of millions of Lingbei..."

"One big battle, all consumed."

"Only a quarter of an hour has passed."

Xu Xing glanced at the empty storage bag and was startled.

The resources that Butianjiao had collected in the past two years were almost exhausted by him in this battle.

In the storage bag, there are only some precious spiritual materials left that have not been drained of spiritual energy.

"There is a Buxuzi who manages the affairs of the church, and it is enough to use other means to borrow money from various factions..."

"The important thing is me, as long as I don't fall in this battle, then those who lost will come back..."

Xu Xing quickly corrected his mentality.

Resources worth hundreds of millions of shells are indeed a huge sum for monks.But as far as teaching is concerned, it is not much.

Of course, not less.

This battle is equivalent to destroying all the foundations of middle-level sects such as Wuliang Sect and Chongzhenguan.

"Leave the customs first, inquire about the news from the outside world, and release the news that I am still alive..."

Xu Xing put the array flags in the cave back into the storage bag, and then, with a flick of his sleeve, blasted away the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave.

"It's the territory of Qiming Kingdom."

"Qiming Kingdom... is the country ruled by Hongchen Pavilion..."

Walking out of the cave, Xu Xingyu flew to the clouds, looked down at the terrain on the ground, compared it with the map of Donghuangzhou in his memory, and secretly thought.

Similar to how Feiyu Immortal Palace ruled Fengxi Kingdom, Liuguang Kingdom, Baoxiang Kingdom and other countries, most of the top ten masters also adopted this method of ruling the immortal sect plus the common world.

After a while.

Xu Xing descended from the clouds and came to the capital of Qiming Kingdom.

"As expected of the country ruled by the Hongchen Pavilion, there are many brothels, even the imperial palace is a large brothel..."

Not long after entering the capital, Xu Xing was shocked by the sight in front of him.

From the city gate to the imperial palace, every street, in addition to the necessary post stations, teahouses, and wine shops, has the most brothels of various brands.

Yihong Courtyard!
Ningxiang Pavilion!
Fengchen Garden!
Even the Qiming Kingdom's imperial palace has a plaque that reads "House of Warm Feelings".

"This immortal master..."

"Is it from a foreign place? Seeing us here, I can't get used to it..."

While Xu Xing was surprised and paused, a man dressed like a broker started to chat with him in a familiar way.

"Our Qiming Kingdom welcomes foreign monks like you every day."

"So immortal masters don't need to be vigilant."

said the broker.

"Xu is indeed a newcomer to your land."

Xu Xing restrained his mind, looked at the servant, and nodded.

"Qiming Country is a country under Hongchen Lord, so the customs are different from other countries. There are many brothels here..."

"I heard that Qiming Kingdom was originally called the Daughter's Country because there were only women and no men. Qiming Kingdom opened brothels to attract men from outside..."

The broker was talking non-stop.

After introducing the system and customs of Qiming Kingdom and Hongchen Pavilion, the broker changed his words and said with a smile: "Immortal masters usually come here to pursue entertainment. From the queen and princess of Qiming Kingdom, down to the common people of brothels, they will receive guests. ..."

"However...the nobles will only be happy with immortals, and will not come into contact with ordinary people like us."

"If Master Immortal wants to spend some time with the Empress of our country, I can recommend you to Yingyang Station, please inform the Queen..."

he said slowly.

heard here.

Xu Xing wasn't too surprised.

Aside from the influence of customs, many cultivating families also have a system of keeping guests to have fun with their concubines.

Doing so will make the bloodline of the family chaotic, but in the long run, the bloodline of the family will be improved and the power will become stronger and stronger.

The Qiming Kingdom is an enlarged version of these immortal cultivating families. It uses a country to flatter male cultivators, thereby improving their bloodlines and developing their power.

"Yingyang Station?"


Xu Xing was startled.

But just when he was about to talk to the broker again, he suddenly moved his mind and looked up at a young woman from a brothel who was soliciting customers by the street.

This young woman has a graceful figure, black hair like a waterfall, and a veil skirt that drags the floor. She wears extremely bold clothes.

"Fellow Taoist has been watching Xu upstairs for so long, why don't you invite Xu to go up and do the landlord's favor?"

Xu Xing arched his hands.

While speaking, he casually stuffed a few spirit shells into the broker and waved him back.

"My concubine is a rural person. Although there are many handsome male cultivators, they are rarely as majestic as the Great Hierarch Xu..."

"For a while, after watching it for a long time, I still hope that Master Xu is not to be blamed."

The young woman flicked her cloud sleeves, stepped down from the pavilion where guests were invited, and came to Xu Xing, bowed her knees and saluted.

"The people who can see through Xu's true face are generally only the Nascent Soul cultivator. Unexpectedly, today I saw Fairy Daiji here..."

Xu Xing chuckled.

The purpose of his visit to Qiming Kingdom this time was not to see Hongchen Pavilion or the customs of Qiming Kingdom, but to deliberately swagger through the market and spread the news that he was still alive.

This is a step that Butian Sect must take if it wants to grow.

Otherwise, with Dai Ji's methods alone, he would not be able to recognize his true face and cultivation level...

It's just that he didn't expect that when he first entered Qiming Kingdom, he ran into the most famous monk of Hongchen Pavilion's generation - Dai Ji.

"Master Xu, do you recognize my concubine?"

Hearing this, the young woman revealed surprise and said in amazement.

Although her reputation, like Xu Xing, spread throughout the country, compared to Xu Xing, few people have really seen her true face.


She didn't hide it, and flicked her cloud sleeves towards her face, a face like a moon and a flower, like a fish and a wild goose, was revealed.

"Fairy Daiji, in the outside world... and Xu Xing are called Donghuangzhou Shuangbi, Xu was curious for a while, who is it, and he is side by side with Xu, so he found a friend and saw the true face of Fairy Daiji... "

Xu Xing glanced at Dai Ji and explained casually.

His power, in East Huangzhou, is now in the top [-].

To him, getting information about Dai Ji's true face was nothing more than a trivial matter.

The good people said that he and Dai Ji are the twin walls of Donghuang Prefecture, and they both successfully condensed the Nascent Soul within 300 years and became Daojun...

Although Xu Xing is not very conceited, he can tell at a glance that Hongchen Pavilion wants to take advantage of him to create Dai Ji and spread the reputation of Dai Ji.

In other words.

This East Huangzhou double wall?

Tokime too?

worthy of being compared with him?
That's why he asked Butian Sect to collect information about Dai Ji and see Dai Ji's true face.


Dai Ji's face froze, she didn't know how to reply Xu Xing's words.

She has self-knowledge and knows that Xu Xing's fame is not only because he reached Nascent Soul within 300 years.

Xu Xing's reputation is the result of beating the three major demon cultivators in the same realm with his sword, defeating Cui Tong, the head teacher of the Heavenly Sacred Sect twice, and winning the sword fight against the Daoist Lord....

"Don't blame Hierarch Xu, it's just a few rumors..."

Taiji forced a smile.

She is also Daojun Yuanying, unlike Hong Wenren, who is a frog at the bottom of a well, and she doesn't know the huge gap between Daojun and Daojun.

She is known to all parties for her beauty.

As for Xu Xing, it was a real fight. It is estimated that a single sword can cause her to be seriously injured or die tragically.

"Forget it, it's a done deal, Xu doesn't care about this matter."

Xu Xing said coldly.

To make a big fuss out of his reputation, to be clear, this is a kind of provocation.

However, Hongchen Pavilion is also one of the upper sects after all, so it's too tense and unnecessary.

I can't really kill Dai Ji for this matter, and make another enemy.

"Thank you Master Xu for your understanding. I am very grateful. I owe Master Xu a favor. I will definitely repay you in the future..."

Dai Ji breathed a sigh of relief, smiled sweetly, and said crisply.

"There is one thing that I still want to tell Hierarch Xu. The day before yesterday, Feiyu Immortal Palace said that Hierarch Xu was dead..."

she opened her mouth.


"Xu... is dead?"

What he was afraid of, what Xu Xing was most worried about was that Chi Yuan took advantage of his serious injury and said that he was dead, so as to attack the cause of Butian Sect.

Therefore, he left the customs in a hurry and came to Qiming Kingdom to spread his reputation and release the news that he was still alive and had escaped from Chi Yuan's hands.

"Then... what about Yun Jianzong..."

Xu Xing asked in a condensed voice.

(End of this chapter)

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