Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 290 Concubine Willing to Be the Concubine of the Leader Ji

Chapter 290 Concubine Willing to Be the Concubine of the Leader Ji
Tianyi Gorge is the territory of Yunjianzong.

At that time, he hinted that Wu Ziting's departure was to keep Wu Ziting away from the battlefield where he and Chi Yuan were fighting. A battle at the level of Yuanshen was not something that Wu Ziting, a Dao Dan Zhenjun, could bear.

The second is to let Wu Ziting spread the fact that he was ambushed and killed by Chi Yuan through Yun Jianzong.

As for whether Wu Ziting could move in reinforcements, that was out of his consideration.

In matters of life and death, how could he entrust his life on the pity of others.

"Cloud Sword Sect..."

Dai Ji heard the name of this hostile sect, and Liu Mei frowned inadvertently.

"The death of Hierarch Xu is the message that Yun Jianzong sent to the world..."

"However, Yunjianzong has not severed diplomatic relations with Butian Sect at the moment. Regarding this point, Xu Jiaozhu does not need to worry..."

After thinking about it, she truthfully told the news from the outside world.

Although Hongchen Pavilion and Yunjianzong have old grievances, these external news are not precious. It only needs Xu Xing to inquire a little bit to find out. , the loss outweighs the gain.

"Abiding by the diplomatic treaty..."

"Yunjianzong is indeed the righteous sect among the top ten sects..."

After Xu Xing heard this, he was slightly surprised.

The fact that he and Wu Ziting signed the diplomatic contract between the two factions did not publicize it immediately afterwards, but planned to wait for him to visit Yun Jianzong before this matter would be fully disclosed.

It can be said that even if Yun Jianzong breaks his promise this time, it will not have any impact on him.

But Yun Jianzong followed the agreement.

"For orthodox sects like Yunjianzong, breaking their promises and violating the diplomatic treaty are truly fatal things..."

Dai Ji seemed to have guessed what Xu Xing was thinking, smiled slightly, and said such words.

The Righteous Way is different from the Demonic Way. If the Righteous Way loses its faith, it will be criticized by the world and various factions. This is also the reason why Xu Xing was able to overwhelm Feiyu Immortal Palace with public opinion in the Nanhua School.


Xu Xing nodded, noncommittal.

"Chi Shengjun claimed to have killed Hierarch Xu, but Hierarch Xu is still alive today... With Chi Shengjun's strength, it stands to reason that such a mistake would not happen..."

Dai Ji invited Xu Xing into the side room of the brothel facing the street, the two sat down, she made a cup of fragrant tea for Xu Xing, and said in a low voice.

While speaking, a faint blush appeared on her beautiful face.

"If my concubine's guess is correct, the current Hierarch Xu...should be seriously injured. Although he is not as provocative as Xiaoxiu like me, but...I don't think he has the ability to avoid Chi Shengjun again..."

She moved lightly with lotus steps, walked around behind Xu Xing, hugged Xu Xing's waist, and lightly touched Xu Xing's waist with the abundant Gorgon.

The provocative meaning is obvious at a glance.

After saying that, she hooked Xu Xing's neck and lay down in Xu Xing's arms like a kitten.

"My concubine stole the reputation of Xu Jiaozhu, known as the double wall of Donghuangzhou. Xu Jiaozhu wanted to spare me, but my concubine refused..."

Dai Ji Tan opened her mouth lightly, blowing the slightly moist fragrant wind on Xu Xing's face.

The higher the cultivation base, the better the physique, and the greater the benefit to the other person who is dual cultivation.

Being able to double cultivate with the immortal body is the most hopeful thing for the female cultivators of the Hongchen Pavilion.And the Golden Crow Immortal Physique is the most precious among these Immortal Physiques.

In addition, Xu Xing is not a casual cultivator, but the leader of the great sect of Butian Sect, who has been wooed by the major sects.

If she can become Xu Xing's confidante, she will be a concubine, and she will be honored.

"I heard what Fairy Daiji means, it can make Xu recover from his injuries as soon as possible..."

Xu Xing's eyes flickered a few times, and instead of avoiding Dai Ji's teasing, he took the initiative to grab Dai Ji's willow waist and walk on her body.

Before becoming Emperor De, he was one of the regular customers of the brothel before he rebelled.

Court officials don't go to brothels,
On the contrary, it is a rare occurrence.

"This concubine is still a perfect body, and I have taken the Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass. As long as Master Xu and this concubine are both cultivated, after the yin and yang are reconciled, this injury will naturally heal..."

Dai Ji exhaled and felt into the robe Xu Xing was wearing, and drew circles on Xu Xing's chest with her fingers.

"Fairy Daiji underestimated Xu."

Xu Xing chuckled, "The aura that Xu needs is not just the pure yin energy of Fairy Daiji, even the Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass can't heal Xu's injury..."

With his right hand, he raised Dai Ji's pretty face.

The two looked at each other.

"The last time Xu killed the demon cultivator, when he was cultivating in the blessed land of Chongzhen Temple, he almost sucked up the blessed land of Chongzhen Temple..."

"If Fairy Daiji is not afraid of being sucked up by Xu, you can give it a try."

Xu Xing smiled.

Hearing this, Dai Ji, who was swimming like a water snake in Xu Xing's arms, froze immediately, and the blush on her face gradually dissipated, revealing a pale complexion.

She believed what Xu Xing said.

Needless to say, the foundation of Xu Xing's ability to resist Yuan Shengjun and successfully escape.

This kind of person, when talking about dual cultivation, sucked up all the magic power in her body, it is absolutely not a lie.

"However, Xu doesn't want to disappoint Fairy Daiji's kindness, as long as he has enough resources..."

"It is not difficult to recover from the injury."

Xu Xing said again.

With Chi Yuan's supernatural powers of hunting, he can be found within half a month at most.

In only half a month, he wanted to gather enough aura to re-solidify the immortal life of [The Banished Immortal], and even accumulated enough foundation to fight against Chi Yuan again.

The only way is to use the power of the teacher.

There are three major religions in Donghuang Prefecture.

They are Daodezong, Yunjianzong and Hongchen Pavilion respectively.

He was not familiar with Tao Te Zong, although Su Xueshi was an old student in Tao Tao Zong, but given his status, it was obviously difficult to help him.

And Yun Jianzong....

Although Yun Jianzong did not break his promise and had a certain friendship with him, the distance between Qiming Kingdom and Yun Jianzong was too far, and the distance could not quench his thirst.

He came to the Qiming Kingdom in Tianyixia after continuous blood escape, and the resources in his hands were already running out, so it was unrealistic to go to the blood escape by solidifying the immortal life.


"That's easy to say..."

Dai Ji felt relieved, and smiled again on her face.

The reason she was able to stand out among the disciples of the Hongchen Pavilion, swallowed the Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass, condensed the Nascent Soul, and became a Taoist monarch was inseparable from the support of the faction behind her.

Even if she can't get some resources out, there are faction forces behind her.

"Xu doesn't need many resources, [-] million spirit shells. I wonder if Fairy Daiji can meet Xu's request?"

Xu Xing caressed Dai Jiyu's back, smelled the fragrance of this beauty, and whispered in her ear.


"Two hundred million spirit shells?"

Hearing this amount, even though Dai Ji had already prepared for it, she still couldn't help being frightened.

God is sorry to see, Hongchen Pavilion ranks first in the rouge list of each generation, and the price of combing money auctioned is only about 5000 million Lingbei, which is roughly equivalent to the value of a congealing spiritual object.

When Xu Xing opened his mouth, it was [-] million Lingbei. This amount was equivalent to the first place in the four rouge lists.

It's like a lion's mouth.

All she asked for was to practice double cultivation with Xu Xing once.

Of course, it would be even better if a descendant of the fairy body could be born through this.

"If Fairy Daiji refuses..."

"Then it's okay to let it go."

Xu Xing shook his head and said.

Asking for [-] million Lingbei is just a fallback he prepared to deal with Chi Yuan.

Without this backup,

It's no big deal either.

Half a month is enough for him to reach the cross-state teleportation array leading to Nanyanzhou.

"and many more……"

"Wait for an hour, I will go to the sect to raise money, Master Xu... I am not willing to give up this Golden Crow Immortal Physique!"

Dai Ji hesitated a little, gritted her teeth and said.

If it's just a one-time relationship with Xu Xingchun, the cost of [-] million Lingbei will be too high.

But Hongchen Pavilion, there is a panacea.

It's called "Integrating Body Yuanchen Pill".

This elixir is the elixir of Yanzi, and it can even allow the rare beasts with scarce offspring to descend their bloodlines and reproduce successfully.

Xu Xing's physique is unusual.

As far as the outside world knows, there are two types of human king body and golden crow fairy body. The dual body body is far stronger than ordinary fairy bodies.


"Xu waited for Fairy Daiji for an hour."

Xu Xing thought for a moment, then nodded.

Among the Ten Great Religions, Hongchen Pavilion does not belong to either the righteous or the evil, and is neither righteous nor evil.

Good reputation.

Shouldn't sell him at this time.

Furthermore, even if Chi Yuan came to him again and chased him down, he might not be powerless to resist.

[Relegated Immortal] The immortal life has not solidified, because he is reluctant to part with some precious spiritual materials, and does not want to destroy these treasures because of a temporary need.

But it's really life-threatening.

All of these can be discarded.

"Then ask Hierarch Xu to wait here for an hour, and I will come as soon as I go..."

Dai Ji bowed her head and said.

After finishing speaking, she turned into a ray of light and came out from the window of the wing room, heading to the southwest direction.

An hour came in an instant.

"Finally the fundraising is over..."

Dai Ji went back the same way, with a fine amount of sweat dripping from her white forehead, she patted her chest, took a few breaths, and said.

"This concubine made it clear to Hierarch Xu in advance, lest Xu Hierarch think that this concubine lied to you..."

She walked in front of Xu Xing, and then found a round man to sit down.

"This is a body-integrating Yuanchen pill. As long as you take this pill, the bloodline of the immortal body of fellow Taoist may continue..."

Dai Ji told about [Integrating Body Yuanchen Pill].

She turned over her bare hands, and there was a four or five inch brocade box in her palm, on which was pasted a note with the words "Yuan Chen Dan".


"There are such wonderful pills in the world?"

Xu Xing cast a spell and took the brocade box in his hand, opened the lid, took out the "Melting Body Yuanchen Pill" and took a few glances to identify the medicinal properties in the pill.

He has been in the alchemy sect for more than ten years, although he is not very accomplished in alchemy, he can recognize the nature of alchemy, but it is still easy to grasp.

"What about after the continuation?"

Xu Xing handed the brocade box back to Dai Ji, rolled up his sleeves, and said with a half-smile.

The monk's blood is weak.

In addition to the fact that it is difficult for senior monks to continue their offspring, there is another point, that is, after the birth of offspring, some vicious spells can be traced back to the monk himself by cursing the offspring.

Therefore, senior monks are more inclined to accept apprentices, so as to continue their own orthodoxy, rather than adopting family-style blood inheritance.

With only [-] million ring shells, he is unwilling to leave him with such a fatal weakness.

As for the ordinary Xu family.

is different.

It is true that the Xu royal family is his bloodline, but as his bloodline continues to improve and transform, the inheritance of his bloodline by the Xu royal family is very limited...

It is different from the descendants of the blood who inherit the qualifications of the immortal body.

"After the continuation..."

"If it is a male baby with good aptitude, he can enter my red building in Hongchen Pavilion and focus on training. If it is a girl baby, he can enter the Chenchen Pavilion, just like us."

Dai Ji lowered her head slightly, her eyes dimmed a bit.

The female cultivators in the Chenchen Pavilion were not treated very well. Even though she had an extraordinary background in the Hongchen Pavilion, she suffered a lot before she stood out from the crowd.

"Can't it be redeemed?"

Seeing the sadness in Dai Ji's eyes, Xu Xing made a decision in his heart.


"There has never been such a precedent."

Daisy shook her head.

"Then Xu provides another way for Fairy Daiji to become Xu's concubine, and join My Butian Sect."

Xu Xing said lightly.

Taking [-] million spirit shells from Hongchen Pavilion, the price is to leave one's own heirs, so as to have one more weakness.

He didn't want to do this.

But he is not a kind person. Right now, the [-] million Lingbei is in Dai Ji's hands. At worst, he can just grab the [-] million Lingbei and leave.

Hongchen Pavilion is not an orthodox religion.

Grab it and grab it.


Hongchen Pavilion can afford to lose [-] million Lingbei, but for Dai Ji, it may not be so.

Snatching Lingbei is equivalent to killing Daiji.

"Joining the Butian Sect..."

Toiji's heart faltered for a moment.

Now that her cultivation base has reached the Nascent Soul Realm, and the Yuan Shengjun of Hongchen Pavilion is far from reaching the end of her life, the attraction of Hongchen Pavilion to her is already very limited.

Follow Xu Xing, a powerful figure in East Huangzhou.

It seems to be far better than staying in Hongchen Pavilion to make a laugh,
Much better.

"Bold! Daiji is my Daoist of Hongchen Pavilion, Master Xu, please pay attention to your words..."

Outside the wing room, the elders of the Hongchen Pavilion who followed Dai Ji, after hearing Xu Xing's rebellious words, couldn't sit still, walked in instantly, and said sharply.

"Your Mightiness……"

"Do you think Xu's sword is not good?"

Xu Xing was not polite either, he glanced at the elder of Hongchen Pavilion sharply, and said coldly.

The elder of Hongchen Pavilion was an old woman, who was startled immediately by Xu Xing's stare, lost three points of courage, and took a few steps back, not daring to say any more.

"As a concubine... I am willing to..."

"Wish to be the leader Ji's concubine, and join the Butian Sect..."

When Dai Ji saw this scene, she no longer hesitated in her heart, and hurriedly saluted and said.

Staying in Hongchen Pavilion, how could Xu Xing, the concubine who became the leader of Butian Sect, be happy.

Not wronged her.

In addition, she also had some worries in her heart, fearing that Xu Xing would kill her with a sword in his rage.

"The [-] million soul shells, even if it is the dowry that Dai Ji came to me to make up the sky, do you think so?"

Xu Xing said again.

His immortal body aptitude, and the fact that he escaped from Chi Yuan's hands successfully, are his greatest confidence in facing Hongchen Pavilion.

Qualifications prove his potential.

Successfully escaping from Yuanshenjun's hands proves that his combat power at this time is no longer afraid of Yuanshen's ambush.

If you offend him, you have to think about whether you will be retaliated by him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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