The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 133 Confiscation of Toy Cars

Chapter 133 Confiscation of Toy Cars

In the past month, the sticks and the others have made a lot of money, and now the whole street knows that there are toy car rentals in their compound.

Every day, there are many people who want to play and wait at the gate of the compound. So many people play because the price has dropped.At the beginning, it cost [-] cents to rent a stick for an hour. After Dahu and Liu Guangfu finished their toy cars, they started a price war.

Now it only costs six cents to play an hour, and you can earn a few cents a day.And Wang Dazhi also has more work because of making toy cars, and people with good money will ask him to make one for their children to play with.

There are also people in other streets who learned from Bang Geng and the others and made a few toy cars for rent, which made Wang Dazhi not idle for a month.

The street office didn't pay much attention to it at first, but now it's getting bigger and bigger, not only their street but also several nearby streets are doing it.

Now they started to pay attention to it. After all, this matter is strictly speculative. If you buy it for yourself, it’s fine, but if you buy it and rent it out to make a profit, it’s not the same as the landlord bought the land in the past. It is the same as renting to others.

If we don't care about this, what should we do in the future if other industries follow suit.It's better to strangle him to death while the spearhead is still young, so as to save them trouble in the future.


At noon, Yan Jiecheng was coaxing the two children to play after dinner. There is no toy car here. He originally planned to make one for the two of them, but seeing the two of them getting more and more troublesome, let’s wait for this turmoil to pass. , the province will implicate him at that time.

So Yan Jiecheng could only take Yan Bugui's chess and teach the two little ghosts how to play chess.

While they were playing, they saw Aunt Wang from the street office leading a few clerks into the yard and walking aggressively towards the house of the first man in the middle courtyard.

Yan Jiecheng hurriedly handed over the two children to Yu Li to watch, and ran to the middle courtyard to watch the excitement.


The old man was talking to Yan Bugui in the room when he saw Director Wang walking in. He thought Director Wang was here to see the old lady.He greeted her with a smile: "Director Wang, the old lady is in the backyard. I'll take you there right away." As he said that, he was about to go out to the backyard.

Director Wang has a black line on his forehead, what is this? I am not related to the old lady, so what do I think she is doing?Even if it is an old man, there are too many old people on this street, everyone wants to see it, but I can't see it?
"Old Yi, don't leave yet, we didn't come here today to see the old lady, I have something else to tell you."

The uncle was stunned for a moment, what could happen if he didn't come to see the old lady?After thinking about it, nothing happened in the courtyard recently.So he asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know about the rental of toy cars in your yard?" Director Wang adjusted his tone and said, for fear that the uncle would not tell her the truth.

"I know about this, what's the matter?" the old man said with a puzzled expression.I thought to myself that there is nothing wrong with this matter. Isn’t it just to rent out toy cars to earn some pocket money?
"You know how to ignore it? If you let me tell you what's good about you, you won't cause trouble for me." Director Wang said angrily.This old Yi's political awareness is too low, and he doesn't feel that there is a problem with such a big matter.

"Director Wang, what should I do if this is a child's play?" The uncle has not noticed any problem until now.He thought it was nothing more than a child earning some pocket money, so there was no fuss.

"You go outside and put away all the toy cars in your yard for me, and later call all the people in your yard and let's have a meeting."

Director Wang saw that the old man hadn't realized the problem, and thought that the old man could handle the matter by himself and not rent in the future, but now she changed her mind, and she had to teach the people in the courtyard a lesson and let them know What is speculation.

The old man saw that Director Wang was angry, although he didn't know why, but he hurried to the gate of the courtyard and confiscated the toy cars of the sticks and the others, regardless of where they were yelling.

"Grandpa, what are you doing with our toy car? It's all rented out, and they paid for it. If you want to play, you have to wait until the time is up." Jiazhang saw that the uncle wanted to use his toy After taking the car away, I stopped doing it immediately, and came out to stop the road.Because he is busy with business now and he has no time to do it because he is in school, he asked Mrs. Jia Zhang to help him.

When the uncle saw Jia Zhang's face, he wanted to slap her.What are you talking about, I still want toy cars when I grow up.

"Director Wang asked me to do it. If you have anything to do, you can go to the director. Also, wait for a meeting in the middle court." The uncle turned around and left after speaking, without talking to her about a word of nonsense.

"Just go, you're fine with taking my toy car, and I'll have to ask you to pay our family money later." Mrs. Jia Zhang muttered as she watched the old man walk away.


The uncle took back all the toy cars, and then started going door to door to inform the neighbors in the courtyard to come to the middle courtyard for a meeting.

As for why the meeting was held, Yan Pugui was the only one of the three masters who knew a little bit, after all, he was also an elementary school teacher and understood the national policies.

When everyone was here, the uncle nodded to Director Wang, who stood up and cleared his throat, then said:
"Today, I came to your compound to deal with the rental of toy cars in your compound. You don't think there is a problem with this matter? Even Lao Yi and Lao Liu don't seem to know what the problem is. Do you even You don’t even know if you’re speculating?”

"What does this speculation have to do with this toy car?"

"Since Director Ren said it, it must be reasonable, let's just listen."

Director Wang looked at the people discussing below and said again: "This is the same as in the past when landlords bought land and didn't rent it out. This time, you will not be fined if you are a first-time offender, but this toy car will definitely be confiscated. of."

"Our family spent money to buy it. If you want to confiscate it, you have to give us the money."

As soon as Jia Zhang heard that her toy car was going to be taken away, she stopped working immediately, and no matter what the director was or not, she stood up and said it.

Qin Huairu heard that Jia Zhang came out to confront the director and quickly stopped her: "Mom, you can't calm down, you didn't say anything without looking at others."

"Director, my mother-in-law is talking nonsense. Our family didn't mean that. You should confiscate this toy car. We will definitely stop doing this speculative thing."

Director Wang didn't embarrass their family when Qin Huairu said that.I educated the second uncle and the first uncle, and told them to read the newspaper carefully in the future. They don't know the national policy, so how to manage the compound in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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