The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 134 Proposal to run a playground

Chapter 134 Proposal to run a playground
Yan Jiecheng thought that Director Wang would take the toy car away, and he didn't know what to do with it. Children who wanted to play with toy cars would have nowhere to play. After all, not every family could spend more than ten yuan to buy it by themselves.

Since this is the case, it is better to let the street set up a playground by itself, taking a few confiscated toy cars, and making some seesaws, slides, and carousels.

In this way, not only can children have a place to play, but it can also solve several employment problems for the street, so that families in need can have an extra income.

Seeing that Director Wang was about to leave after teaching the first and second uncles, Yan Jiecheng hurriedly stopped them.

"Director Wang, since private rental of toy cars is not allowed, why don't we build a playground on our street. Just use a few toy cars collected and make some toys for children like slides, seesaws, and merry-go-rounds..."

"In this way, it can help our street to solve a few jobs, give the poor families in our street an extra income, and let the children have a place to play. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

After listening to Yan Jiecheng's words, Director Wang thought about it. This method is indeed feasible. Although private individuals are not allowed to do this, the street office is a public unit, so it must be no problem to do so.

Besides, if a playground is set up, there will be three or four more jobs in the street, that is, one's own family can earn a favor without giving it to others.

"Xie Cheng's solution is not bad, or you young people are still out of their wits, we'll have a meeting to discuss it when we get back. If we can help the poor families in our street, I really appreciate your idea." Director Wang said to Yan Xiecheng with a smile .

"I'm just thinking about it. I say what I think of. If there is something wrong with it, you will forgive me."

Director Wang: "What's the matter? Young people should dare to say it, and don't be afraid to make a mistake. Even if it's a big deal, we can change it later." Then he turned to the three elders and said:

"Okay, I'm leaving if there's nothing else to do. You three uncles should read the newspapers and listen to the radio more. You need to know what you can and can't do. Don't let things like this happen again in the future."

After listening to Director Wang, the second uncle immediately stood up and expressed his opinion: "Director Wang, don't worry, I will promise to read the newspaper and listen to the radio more in the future, and Lao Yi and Lao Yan will manage the affairs of the courtyard well, and I will definitely not give you any trouble. "

"Okay, let's put it this way. If something happens to your courtyard in the future, then I will replace you three uncles. Let it be like this. I will go back."

Director Wang was about to leave after speaking, but was stopped by Qin Huairu.She just heard that the street will set up a playground, and there will be a few more jobs.

Thinking that this industry must be very easy, even if the salary is less.She plans to let Jia Zhang go to work in the playground, so that Jia Zhang can earn money by herself, and she doesn't have to buy Jia Zhang painkillers every month.

"Director, can you give our family a job in this playground, so that my mother-in-law can also have a job."

Director Wang frowned when he heard that Qin Huairu stopped him because of this matter. Just like Jia Zhang, she still wanted to work in the playground, not to mention that the playground couldn't open, and even if it did, it wouldn't be her turn.

In terms of difficult families, Qinhuairu's family is not counted. Their monthly income of more than 70 yuan is only six people, which is more than ten yuan per person.We must know that there are still many families whose per capita income is less than five yuan.

"I don't know if the playground will be open, but there is a toilet cleaning job on the street. I wonder if your mother-in-law can do it?" Director Wang sarcastically said.

"No, I won't go, whoever wants to go, don't pull me."

When Jia Zhang heard that she was asked to clean the toilet, it was nothing more than digging out excrement. She would not do this job even if she stayed at home, and she would not do it no matter how much money was given. She would not feel comfortable lying down and sleeping at home during this time. .

Looking fiercely at Qin Huairu who asked her to go out to work, if the director was not here, she would have rushed up and scratched her.The little hooves disliked eating rice at home and didn't want to care about themselves.

"Okay, since your mother-in-law doesn't want to go, then forget it. Lao Yi, I'm going back. You three uncles will take care of your hospital's affairs in the future." Director Wang left immediately after speaking.

Jia Zhang directly rushed up to Qin Huairu and slapped her: "Do you dislike me eating rice at home? You still want me to go out to work, and you still want me to earn money to support you when I am so old. "The more he thought about it, the more angry he raised his hand and slapped Qin Huairu on the face again.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this. What's the matter? Director Ren started to make noise as soon as he left.The uncle hurried up to stop Jia Zhang who was beating people. "Old sister-in-law, don't be angry, Huai Ru didn't mean that."

"Mom, I really don't dislike you. I don't want to see the amusement park work is easy and earn some money. I just think that if you stay at home, you might as well earn some money. It will be convenient for you to spend." Qin Huairu He said aggrievedly.

"Hmph, I don't care if you have this idea or not, you have dismissed this idea for me. I won't go out to work even if I lie at home." gone.

Uncle: "Okay, it's okay, everyone, let's go, don't watch here."

After everyone left, the uncle comforted Qin Huairu a few words.So I followed my aunt to the backyard to look after the old lady.

Anyone who sees this has to give the uncle a thumbs up, saying that the uncle is very particular, and even takes care of a person who is not related to him by blood.

The toy car matter is over like this, and the most disadvantaged in this matter are Banggen, Dahu, and Guangfu. The three of them have worked hard for a month, and they have done nothing. The little money they earn is not enough to buy a toy car.

For this matter, Guangfu not only asked the second uncle to clean up, but also owed Liu Guangtian a few dollars in foreign debt.

Dahu and the three of them even lost their pocket money for several months.The one who is least affected is the stick. Even if the uncle stops his pocket money, there will still be his silly dad.

And Yan Bugui was also glad that he stopped early, he was not criticized by Director Wang, and his toy car was not confiscated, otherwise he would have spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Seeing that the matter was over, Yan Jiecheng found Wang Dazhi and asked him to make a new toy car. This time, he added chains and pedals so that he could play without being pushed.

Wang Dazhi looked at it and was amazed again and again. Isn't this just a four-wheeled bicycle with a car shell added.

"Xie Cheng, your idea is really good. The only problem is that it is a bit expensive, and it costs a few bucks more than the previous toy car. This is you. Most people are reluctant to spend so much money to make a toy for their children. "Wang Dazhi shook his head and said, let alone those with chains, he would be reluctant even without chains.

Yan Jiecheng didn't want to do it either, but the two little ghosts at home were too noisy.They were clamoring to get back the toy car that was given to Fatty, how could they still ask for something that was given away, Yan Jiecheng could only spend some money to make one for the two of them.

If you want to do it, do it right at once, otherwise you won’t be able to find someone to recommend it. Fortunately, on Saturdays and Sundays, Xie Kuang Xie Du can play with the two of them at home during the holidays.We can't let the three mothers push the two of them to play when we usually go to school, even if the three mothers are willing, they can't do what they want, after all, they are so old.

(End of this chapter)

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