The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 139 Don't give birth to silly Zhu

Chapter 139 Don't give birth to silly Zhu

Silly Zhu got up from the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He didn't know who kicked his crotch twice, and there were two big footprints in the middle of his trousers.

The old man has a dark face, and it depends on the owner to beat the dog. Everyone in the yard doesn't know that the silly pillar is covered by himself. Isn't this a slap in the face.So he said with a gloomy face and a bad tone: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Yan Jiecheng: "Grandpa, don't you know what's going on? Or are you pretending to be confused? I told you yesterday that I will come to clean up the house tonight. Since you don't want to move, I will help you move." .”

Sha Zhu gritted his teeth while covering his crotch with his hand, and said, "It's not that your house is not enough, what's wrong with asking us to put down our things? Besides, in just one day, where can I find a place to put so many things?"

He was patronizing and protecting his head just now, but he didn't expect someone to be so wicked and attack him.He also didn't think about how he treated Xu Damao like this back then, and finally found a chance, Xu Damao could still spare him, so he looked for the opportunity and kicked him at the root of his life.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Sha Zhu speechlessly, this horse riding man is also a talent, and he is so rational when he uses other people's things. "Whether our house is enough to live in has anything to do with you, why don't you let others live in your house?" Yan Jiecheng said angrily.

The uncle looked at Yan Jiecheng and Sha Zhu who had been surrounding the house and said that they didn't make sense of this matter, so they thought about going around the house and talking about the fight.

"Let's not talk about the house first, I'll just ask, why are you building pillars? Even if there is a conflict, you can ask us three uncles to mediate. Why do you still do it? And Lao Liu, you as the second uncle, just look at it like this Don't care?"

The second uncle heard Yi Zhonghai mention this matter, and said angrily without waiting for others to speak: "Silly Zhu didn't regard me as the uncle of this courtyard, I can't control it even if I want to."

Yi Zhonghai didn't know what was going on when he heard Liu Haizhong say that, just now Qin Huairu didn't tell him about the second uncle Shazhu, so he turned to look at Shazhu.

Silly Zhu is also very embarrassed, he hesitates and doesn't speak, he really doesn't know what to say, when he did it just now, he didn't expect to capsize in the gutter, and he didn't save face for the second uncle at that time, seeing him stop I just beat myself up.

Liu Guangtian stood up when Silly Zhu didn't speak, and said: "Silly Zhu said that he would call my father the second uncle if he gave my father face, and he would call my father Liu Haizhong if he didn't give my father face."

After listening to Liu Guangtian's words, the old man also had a headache when he looked at the silly Zhu's expression. This fool would be mad at anyone he saw, so he couldn't have a little brain.

Seeing that they finished speaking, Yan Jiecheng looked at himself again, so he said, "Silly Zhu made the first move just now. I can't just stand there and get beaten."

Brother Liu Guangtian did it because Sha Zhu beat the second uncle, and Yan Jiecheng did it because Sha Zhu wanted to beat him.As for Xu Damao, when he came here just now, I saw him kicking the silly pillar with his feet.

"Where's Xu Damao? Why is he missing?" The elder asked after looking around but didn't see Xu Damao.

Just now the first uncle came over and the second uncle pulled people away, Xu Damao saw that he had taken advantage of it.Afraid that the old man and the others would cause trouble for him, he sneaked away while they were not paying attention.

Yan Jiecheng saw that they were talking nonsense, but he didn't talk about the house. He thought that he would have to help the old Li's family move the house later, and he didn't want to waste time with them here.

"Grandpa, don't look for Xu Damao first, I'll just ask you if you still want this thing? I've exchanged this house with the old Li's in the front yard, and he will move here later."

The uncle heard that Yan Jiecheng changed the old lady's house to the old Li's, frowned and said, "Why don't you discuss such a big matter with our uncles?"

"It's not like our house is being traded with you, so what do we need to discuss with you?" Yan Jie looked at the uncle like an idiot.

"This house is definitely going to be cleaned up today. If you don't wait for this thing, it will be sent to the waste station." After finishing speaking, they ignored them, and directly pulled Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang to continue moving the things out of the house.

Silly Zhu just got beaten and didn't dare to go up to stop him. Several people stared at him with big eyes and small eyes. In the end, he had no choice but to move Yan Xiecheng's things to his home.

The Shazhu's family definitely couldn't let go of the things in this room, and finally put some in the uncle's house and He Yushui's room.

Originally, she planned to put Qin Huairu's former room, but Jia Zhang refused to agree, and she didn't know what she was afraid of.

Yan Jiecheng and the others cleaned up the things in the old lady's house, and then began to help the old Li's house move things over. After the work was over, Yan Jiecheng gave Uncle Li the 50 yuan that he had agreed before. That's the end of the matter.

I went back to the front yard to discuss with Yan Bugui, and moved Yan Jiedi's things to the old Li's room.


The old Jia's house in the middle courtyard.

"The house in the backyard is gone. Where will Sticky live? You can't stay with us all the time. Why don't you discuss with Sha Zhu that the two of you live in this house, and I will take my three children to live in your house."

Jiazhang lowered her head to discuss with Qin Huairu. She was the one who gave Qin Huairu the idea. Few people in the courtyard knew about He Daqing occupying the house, and she happened to be one of them.

He has already made plans to occupy the house with the old lady's things for a few years, and then let Bang Geng live there.Anyway, Yan Jie's family had a lot of houses, even if they sued the street office, they would have nothing to do with them.Who knew that Yan Jiecheng didn't follow the routine and moved things out by himself.

"Don't think about it, Shazhu definitely disagrees, let's wait for Yushui to get married and let the stick block her house." Qin Huairu thought for a while and said.

The house in the backyard is gone, so we can only wait for Yushui to make plans for his side room after he gets married.

"This idiot is useless, why did Yan Jiecheng and the others bully them? If he beats Yan Jiecheng and them, they would dare to move our things."

Jia Zhang was also annoyed that Shazhu was useless at critical moments, usually he was pretty good at beating Xu Damao, but why did he stop when he met Yan Jiecheng.

"Okay, you can just stand and talk without back pain. Yan Jiecheng and the others are six of them, even if Shazhu can fight, it won't help."

Qin Huairu was also angry at being stupid, originally this matter was aimed at Yan Xiecheng's family, what are you doing to provoke the second uncle if you have nothing to do, now it's all right, and several of them beat him up.

Jia Zhangshi: "Qin Huairu, let me tell you, don't think about giving birth to Shazhu's children. If he has his own children, how can he be good to Bangjiu and the others? Now that there are no children, let him change the house to give birth to him. He won't do it if it's sticky, and if it gives birth to him a child, he won't take sticky seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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