Chapter 140
Qin Huairu didn't intend to give birth to Sha Zhu either. The reason why she said this last time was mainly to make Sha Zhu feel at ease. Now that the old lady has passed away, no one will give Sha Zhu any ideas.As long as she wins over the uncle, it's fine to fool the fool.

But it still doesn't work if you can't have a baby, you have to find a way to push the problem of not being able to have a baby to Sha Zhu. If Sha Zhu has the same physical problems as Xu Damao, it will be easy.

"Huairu, I've run out of painkillers for this month, you have to buy some for me." Jia Zhang's voice sounded when Qin Huairu was in a daze.

"Got it, I'll buy it for you tomorrow." Qin Huairu said perfunctorily.

What Jia Zhang said just now reminded her, because she often bought painkillers for Jia Zhang, and happened to know a doctor from the Sixth People's Hospital.

If I take Shazhu for an examination and ask the doctor to give him a certificate that he can't bear children, then I can't blame him for this matter.

As long as the silly column is well controlled, it is impossible for her to know that it is her fault. Anyway, there is a grandpa and Xu Damao in this courtyard, so everyone will not be surprised if there is another silly column.

Jia Zhang was stunned for a moment, why did Qin Huairu agree so readily today?

"Huairu, I'm talking about buying painkillers." Jia Zhang was a little unconvinced and wanted to confirm, so she said.

"Understood, didn't I say I'll buy it for you tomorrow, that's all right, just stay here and I'll go back." After finishing speaking, regardless of the surprised expression on Jia Zhang's face, she got up and opened the door and walked out. She didn't care about this. I plan to tell Jia Zhang, after all, the less people know about it, the better.

Besides, this old woman doesn't have a clue about her mouth. If she finds out and says she's bald, then how can she behave in this courtyard? Even Shazhu will have to break up with herself.


In the main room of the middle courtyard, Sha Zhu was sitting on the bed and rubbing the red and swollen areas on his body with medicine. When he saw Qin Huairu came back, he quickly pulled her over.

"Sister Qin, come and wipe the back for me, I can't reach it." Saying that, Silly Zhu lay down on the bed, accidentally touched a vital part, and immediately sat up again and sucked in a breath of cool air.

It seems that the matter of having a child is over. It's not that I don't want to have a child, but that I have more energy than I want.I really didn't expect these guys to be so ruthless, and I will definitely take revenge when I have a chance.

There is also Xu Damao, a doggy thing. I didn't provoke him today, but he dared to come over and do something to him. It seems that he has not repaired him for a while and started to swell again.

Qin Huairu looked at Silly Zhu's grinning teeth in pain and asked pretending to be concerned: "Zhuzi, why don't we go to the hospital to see if something really happens then."

"You don't need to see any doctor, it will be fine in two days, and you can help me wipe my back." Silly Zhu said in a muffled voice.

Looking at the swollen little brother, it wasn't that he didn't want to go to the hospital, but he really couldn't save face.

Besides, with Xu Damao in this hospital, if I go to the hospital, no matter what kind of disease I am seeing, it will definitely be reported that I have become the chef Xiao Hezi the next day, and the whole rolling mill has to know, then I will have more in the future. What kind of face is messing around in the factory.

Qin Huairu took the medicinal wine that Sha Zhu handed over, and while wiping the red and swollen place on his back, he persuasively said:

"I think it's better to go to the hospital for an examination. Look at how swollen you are. Just rubbing some medicinal wine will do nothing. Go to the hospital and ask the doctor to look at it for you. If it's not good, hurry up."

Silly Zhu saw that Qin Huairu still told him to go to the hospital and shook his head like a rattle, and refused to agree to anything.He felt that it was just a little swollen, and it would be fine in a few days.

Qin Huairu had nothing to do with him, so he could only ask the elder for help, and asked the elder to help persuade him.


"Zhuzi, what Huairu said is for your own good, you should go to the hospital with Huairu to have a look. After all, this part is a fragile place, even if we raise a problem, we can't see it ourselves. It's better to go to the hospital for an examination. "

"Just like Xu Damao, if he doesn't go to the hospital for an examination, who would know that he can't give birth to a child."

The more Silly Zhu heard what the old man said, the more panicked he felt, as if he really couldn't have a baby.

"Grandpa, don't scare me. I'm the only seedling in our old He family. If I can't have a child, then our old He family will be extinct. This can't be done." Silly Zhu said with a face full of horror .

Seeing Shazhu, the old man knew he was afraid, so he smiled and said, "I didn't say you have a problem. If you are really scared, go to the hospital with Huairu for an examination. If there is a problem, we will treat it early, and maybe it can be cured."

The uncle looked at Shazhu still a little hesitant and didn't know what he was afraid of, isn't he usually very courageous.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. I feel a headache looking at you who are hesitant."

Silly Zhu: "Grandpa, I'm not afraid of anything else. I'm afraid that if Xu Damao knows that I'm going to the hospital, he won't be able to yell everywhere in the factory. It's okay and he has to say it's something wrong."

"Just go with Huairu. If you don't tell Huairu, how will he know? Do you want to have children? Do you care whether Xu Damao arranges you, or you care about having children. You don't know which one is more important? "The old man said a little tiredly.

This silly Zhu usually looks very smart, but at critical moments, he is like a fool, he has no prejudices in his heart, and he hesitates in doing things.

"Zhuzi, just listen to the old man. No matter whether you are sick or not, let's have a check-up, don't worry." Qin Huairu saw that the silly Zhu was a little moved by what the old man said, and followed suit.

Silly Zhu thought about it for a while, although he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, but the elder brother and sister Qin were right. If Xu Damao hadn't been taken by Yan Jiechengfei to the hospital for an examination, no one would have known that he was still unable to have children.

If I really found out that there was a problem, I could make preparations in advance, whether it was to adopt a child or what, no matter what, I couldn't let the old He's family become extinct with me, and the inheritance was broken.

"Then I will go to the hospital with Sister Qin for a check-up after get off work tomorrow night." Sha Zhu gritted his teeth and said.

The old man looked angrily at why Sha Zhu was so dazed that he couldn't even tell his priorities, so he said, "What kind of work do you still have? I'll go in the morning. Once that's done, it's settled, and I'll go back."

Qin Huairu sent the uncle out of the house with a smile. Fortunately, he called the uncle here. If he really didn't necessarily persuade the silly Zhu, the silly Zhu's temper would be as stinky and hard as a rock.

(End of this chapter)

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