The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 145 Zuojiazhuang buys a pig's head

Chapter 145 Zuojiazhuang buys a pig's head
In the evening, when Yu Li came back from get off work, Yan Jiecheng told her about going to Zuojiazhuang tomorrow.

"Okay, you can go back tomorrow and exchange some more eggs. I won't take your salary for this month, and I will hand it in when you come back."

Yu Li thought for a while and then complained: "Also, you also bought the things that our family should buy for the Chinese New Year. Our factory will not be on holiday until the 29th. If you wait until I buy them, then our family will not eat anything for the Chinese New Year. , I don’t know why our factory has a holiday on 29 every Chinese New Year, so I don’t know how many days in advance.”

"Everyone has to make clothes for the Chinese New Year. Can your textile factory not be busy? By the way, is there any defective fabric in your factory? You can buy more and save them for making clothes for them." Yan Jiecheng pointed to Xiaozi Wan and said to Li.

It's not that I don't want to use good fabrics for the two of them, but they are growing up, and the clothes that have been made become too small after a long time.

What's more, the two of them are just at the age that loves to play and don't know how to be clean. The freshly washed clothes get dirty after wearing for a long time, and it takes a lot of time to wash them frequently.

"Okay, I'll ask my colleagues in the warehouse when I go to work tomorrow."

Kid Wan: "Dad, I want to eat candy."

"What kind of candy to eat? I'll eat it tomorrow after dinner." Yu Li said fiercely when she heard that Zi Wan wanted to eat candy.

I just ate one for her, and she almost ate up all the candy at home.What do other children come to eat during the Chinese New Year, the family has no sugar tickets, even if they want to buy them, they can't buy them.

"Don't eat sugar, I'll cook you an egg later." Yan Jiecheng persuaded from the side.

"No, I want to eat candy."

Yu Li got a headache from her noise, walked over to pick her up and turned over, and slapped her little butt twice.


Yan Xiecheng took a look and said, well, we can eat candy now.

As expected, Yu Li took out a candy from the cabinet and handed it to Zi Wan after beating her.

Xiao Ziwan took the candy while crying, and Xiao Ziyang was stunned watching.

"Why do you want to eat candy?" Yu Li asked as she looked at Xiao Ziyang towards her.

Little Ziyang shook his head in fright: "I won't eat it, Yangyang doesn't like candy."

Yu Li glanced at Xiao Ziyang with a look of knowing that you are a kid.

Although Xiaoziwan got the candy, Yan Jiecheng still boiled an egg for her at dinner, so she can't let her beating for nothing.

Kid Wan happily ate the eggs. Although she was beaten, she still ate eggs after eating a piece of candy.Xiao Ziwan said that the beating was worth it, and ordinary people really don't understand the bear's world.


Early the next morning, when Shi Li left for work, Yan Jiecheng handed the two children to the third mother, and rode a bicycle out of the courtyard.

When passing by the supply and marketing cooperative, I bought two bottles of Erguotou and a box of snacks, put two bottles of canned food in the frame of the car, rode on the car and went to Zuojiazhuang.

"Is cousin at home?"

Yan Jiecheng opened the door and rode his bicycle directly into the yard, just in time to see his cousin washing clothes in the yard.

"Xie Cheng is here. Why are you taking so many things when you come here? Go and sit in the house for a while. Isn't it the Chinese New Year? Your cousin went to the village for a meeting. You call him."

"Don't worry, my cousin. Let my cousin hold a meeting. I'm fine. It's the Chinese New Year. My mother asked me to come and have a look." Yan Xiecheng followed his cousin into the house and held it in his hand. things on the table.

"How is your mother doing well?"

"It's fine. I'm not sick or in trouble, and I coax my two children to cook for my dad and them every day without doing any physical work."

"It's better to be in the city, it's not like our countryside, where people in their 30s look like they are in their 50s." Aunt Biao said enviously.

Their family could have stayed in the city. At that time, the management was not strict after liberation. No matter where they were in the city, they could get a registered permanent residence even if they didn’t have a job. But my cousin insisted on returning to his hometown to farm.

The land was divided, and a cooperative was established within a few years of planting, and they had to earn centimeters from the land.I can't earn much money all year round, and I can't eat enough.Now my uncle regretted it to death.

"Cousin, why didn't Yang Hao see him?"

"Hey, it's not school holiday. I have nothing to do at home. I went to his grandma's house."

They were talking now, my cousin came in: "Xie Cheng, why are you here, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's just a new year. My mother asked me to come and have a look." Yan Jiecheng said dully.Why do you feel that something is wrong when you see him here? Could it be that the old man didn't hang out with his cousin's house when they were free? Well, it's really possible with the old man's personality.

"Okay, then let your cousin cook a few hard dishes at noon, and we two will have a drink." The cousin looked at the wine Yan Jiecheng brought and said boldly.

"Okay, you guys sit and chat for a while, I'm going to cook." The cousin said and got up and went to the kitchen outside.

Watching his aunt leave, Yan Jiecheng said, "Cousin, do you know anyone in this village who has eggs? I'll buy some. Don't worry, the price is higher than the supply and marketing cooperative. Just five cents each."

Five cents each is the same price as the eggs sold in the vegetable market, but there is no ticket.This is half the price for the villagers. They sell an egg to the supply and marketing cooperative in the village for about three cents.

In this era, the supply and marketing cooperatives in rural areas are not only responsible for selling things, but also responsible for purchasing agricultural products in the village, and when they buy them, they bring them to the city to sell to the supply and marketing cooperatives in the city.

The cousin was a little puzzled when he heard the price was so high, and said: "Xie Cheng, you can buy it in the city at this price, why are you still collecting it in the village? Besides, there are bumps and bumps along the way waiting for you to bring it home at least. A few bad ones."

"Isn't it buying tickets in the city? I can't buy many tickets for this month. There is not enough food for my two children."

After listening to Yan Jiecheng's explanation, Uncle Biao said, "Alright then, I'll find it for you later, how much do you want?"

"The more the better, even if you can't eat them, you can make them into salted eggs. By the way, cousin, when will your village kill pigs to see if I can get some meat? I also buy at a high price, and I don't pick any meat. "

The uncle thought for a while and said: "The meat is probably enough. The village has raised two pigs this year, which is just enough for the villagers to share. Do you want the pig's head?"

Yan Jiecheng was disappointed when he heard his cousin said that it was enough, and then he was happy when he heard his uncle said that he could sell him a pig's head.

"Yes, uncle, I will leave all the unnecessary parts of these two pig villages to me, even the bones, and I will pay for them."

"Why do you want bones? There's no meat in this thing." My cousin really couldn't understand Yan Xiecheng's thoughts. You should know that when pigs are slaughtered now, the bones are cleaned so that no meat will be left.

"Cousin, you can just do as I say, and I can use this big bone. Otherwise, I wouldn't buy it, and I'm not stupid." Yan Jiecheng looked at his cousin as if he was a fool and quickly explained. .

"Okay, anyway, you're the one who pays, and I'll go and get it for you after dinner." Seeing that Yan Jiecheng didn't listen to his persuasion, the cousin stopped talking.

"Don't worry, Uncle, this big bone is the most nutritious when used to stew soup. Don't believe me, this bone is more delicious than meat when stewed."

"Don't fool my cousin, this bone is more delicious than meat." My cousin said with a look of disbelief.It's not that he hasn't eaten this bone before, so he really doesn't think there is anything to eat.

When Biao Aunt finished cooking, Biao Uncle opened a bottle of Erguotou that Yan Jiecheng had brought and drank it with Yan Jiecheng.

It wasn't that Yan Jiecheng didn't want to bring good wine, but for the villagers, Erguotou was comfortable drinking.

"Xie Cheng, don't go so far as to have a drink with your cousin and order some food to see how your cousin is doing." As he said that, his cousin even picked up a few pieces of fat for Yan Jiecheng.

"Biao Auntie, don't worry about me, I can still starve myself at your house." Yan Jiecheng really doesn't like to eat big fat, but he can only bear to eat it because he caught it for you.


After drinking and eating, the uncle took a rest and drank tea, and then took Yan Jiecheng to the captain's house.

He explained Yan Jiecheng's intentions to the team leader, and the team leader agreed after thinking about it, as long as the team members can pay a high price for the rest.

After all, according to the price given by Yan Xiecheng, the remaining pig heads and pig offals they shared could be sold for a lot of money.

In the end, the captain decided to kill the pigs in the afternoon. Anyway, the pigs would not go bad in winter, and even if they were left for a few days, they would not gain weight.

When Yan Jiecheng left, he took the heads of two pigs, two sets of pigs into the water, and all the bones of the two pigs.

My cousin also collected hundreds of eggs from door to door, but it was too late to say that all the eggs before were sold to the supply and marketing cooperatives.

(End of this chapter)

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