Chapter 146 Pork Stew

Yan Jiecheng took the things he bought from Zuojiazhuang, rode out of the village on a bicycle, and found a deserted corner to put the things into the space.

When he was about to reach the courtyard, Yan Jiecheng took out a pig's head, a pair of pig's boots, and more than 100 eggs from the space, and put them in a bamboo basket tied to the back seat. his.

Back home, the third mother was still sitting at the gate of the courtyard coaxing the two children to play, and she didn't know why the third mother always liked to stay at the gate of the courtyard as much as Yan Bugui, but she couldn't stay in front of her own house.

"Xie Cheng, why did you come back with an extra bamboo basket?"

Seeing that Yan Xiecheng came back with a bamboo basket, the third mother walked over and looked into the bamboo basket habitually.

"This is what your cousin asked you to bring back?" The third mother said happily.

I thought to myself that there are so many things, why should I have my own, and leave the rest to the boss, just give me the pig's head.After all, the boss bought things that were for a date, and he couldn't do too much.

Seeing the expression of the third mother, Yan Jiecheng knew that she had misunderstood and quickly explained: "Mom, don't look at it, I bought it with my own money, and besides, the rural areas don't allow my family to raise pigs. My cousin just wants to give it to me." Neither."

"You bought it yourself." The third mother said in a disappointed tone.

At first, I was thinking whether to sell the pig heads I got, or keep them for my own family.Hearing that Yan Jiecheng said that he bought these things himself, how can he divide them now.

"I'll send some to you and dad when I'm done." Yan Jiecheng said to the third mom with a smile.

Thinking about what to say, the third mother also helped the couple take care of their children for a year this year.He has already decided that when he makes clothes for the two children, he will also make a set for the third mother.

It's also right to send something over there, after all, the two children eat at Yan Bugui's house a lot.Especially in the first half of the year, Yan Bugui didn't ask the two of them for food money, so the two children made at least a few dozen dollars for his family for more than half a year.

Hearing that the boss has prepared it and sent it to his home, the third mother is happy now.

"Okay, then I'll help you deal with pig offal. It won't taste good if it's not cleaned up."

Xiao Ziwan watched the third mother staring at the frame, she also wanted to see what was inside, but she was not tall enough to reach on tiptoe.So he said, "Dad, did you bring me candy?"

"There's no sugar, but there are eggs. I'll cook some for you later."

Yan Jiecheng also had nothing to do with her and didn't know why she always ate sweets, even if she was beaten.When I was a child, the last thing I liked to eat was sweet things.

"Ah... no sugar."

Although there are eggs to eat, Xiao Ziwan is still quite disappointed.

Yan Jiecheng: "Children can't often eat candy and lose their teeth. It hurts."

Kid Wan heard what Yan Jiecheng said and was so frightened that she quickly put her little hand into her mouth and touched it. Fortunately, it was still there.

"Mom, just watch them. I'll go back and put the things down first. When Li comes back, you can help me clean up the pigs into the water."

After Yan Jiecheng finished speaking, he pushed the bicycle to the door of the house. After the car was parked, he took the bamboo basket from the frame and put it at the door.

Take the stove out of the house, boil the water, and then dispose of the pig's head at the door. If you stay in the house, the smell is too strong and you can't sleep at night.

Carry the eggs to the kitchen and take out a big laundry basin and put the pig's head and pig's offal in it.

After the water boiled, Yu Li also came back and asked Yu Li to coax the child.The third mother freed up her hands to help Yan Jiecheng wash the pigs into the water.

Yan Xiecheng cleaned up the pig's head at the side, which is actually removing the pig's hair, but this pig's head is more troublesome to remove the hair, because its surface is bumpy, the easiest way is to use fire to burn all the pig hair on the surface, and then brush it with a brush.

Kid Wan stood by the side and watched Yan Xiecheng burn the pig hair with wide eyes, wrinkled her nose, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air.

"Go and play, it will get on you in a while." Yu Li reminded her, seeing the boy leaning forward.

"No, I want to watch Dad burn the pig's head."

"What's so interesting about this, go and play with your brother, look at your brother and then at you, that's what a girl should be."

Xiao Ziyang sat on the toy car and read a comic book.It's not that he didn't want to come, but he was scared when he saw the pig's head.

Yan Xiecheng burned the pig's hair clean, then took a brush and brushed vigorously the burnt black spots on the surface of the pig's head.

After brushing, wash it with clean water, split it in half with an axe, and put it in the pot. The pot is too small to fit the whole thing.Originally, there was a large cauldron at home, but it was taken to make steel during the big iron and steel smelting process. As a result, the steel was not smelted into a large iron pot and did not return. I don’t know if it was secretly kept by these grandchildren.

Put the pig's head in a good place and add pepper, aniseed, green onion, ginger, salt and other seasonings, cover the pot and forget about it. The pig's head has to be stewed for at least two or three hours.

Taking advantage of the time of stewing the pig's head, I took the pig offal that the three mothers had cleaned up and stewed it.

After the stew is finished, share half with the third mother, and ask her to take it back and keep it for Lao Chu and them to eat.They fried another plate of peanuts and asked the three mothers to call Lao Ji and them to eat together later.

The third mother heard that Yan Jiecheng asked them to come to the house for dinner, and happily returned home with a pot of pigs into the water.

"I said, Lao Yang, what did you do and didn't cook at home." The third master opened his mouth and asked when he saw the third mother came back.

"Didn't I help Xie Cheng clean up the pigs and put them into the water? Look, I brought back half of them." Said the third mother, holding a basin, moved to Yan Bugui's side.

"Heh, where did this solution come from so many waters?"

"Didn't he go to Zuojiazhuang to visit his cousin today, and he just caught up with the village butcher to buy it." The third mom explained what Yan Xiecheng told her and told Yan Bugui again.

"Even if this kid has a conscience, he still knows how to share half with us." Yan Bugui said with a smile, smelling the fragrance emanating from the basin.

The third mother: "I got it in exchange for helping the boss deal with the water, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Hey, what's yours is mine? We're still so clear."

"Dad, let's eat this tonight." Yan Jiedi said drooling from the side.

"Your brother said that we will eat it in his house later, and let's save the ones in this pot for Chinese New Year."

Yan Jiekuang: "Isn't it the Chinese New Year now?"

"I eat whenever I say, so much nonsense, hurry up and go to the old man's house to eat." After finishing speaking, the third mother put the basin into the kitchen and locked it specially, for fear of being eaten by thieves in the yard.

Yan Jiedi: "Let's go and call my second brother?"

Yan Bugui looked at the lights in Yan Jiefang's room and said to Yan Jiekuang, "Go and call your second brother over, it won't look good if we eat together without calling him."

Just as Yan Jiecheng put the food on the table, Yan Bugui walked in slowly with a large family.

"Dad, you all sit down and don't watch." Yu Li said in greeting.

Yan Xiecheng took out a bottle of Fenjiu from the cabinet and poured Yan Bugui a glass.

"Xie Cheng, if you want to say that you are living a good life, you have already drank Fenjiu. It doesn't look like I am still drinking Erguotou." Yan Bugui complained to Yan Xiecheng, which meant that it was impossible for Yan Xiecheng to give him two bottles A bottle is fine too.

Yan Jiecheng said without thinking, "Okay, I'll get you a bottle when we finish eating and leave. Don't be too little, I don't drink often and only these two bottles are at home."

Yan Bugui only had two bottles, so he didn't say anything, sat down and picked up the wine glass to drink with Yan Jiecheng, for fear of missing a sip and panicking.

(End of this chapter)

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