The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 148 Liu Guangqi is here

Chapter 148 Liu Guangqi is Back
After dinner, Yan Jiecheng took Yu Li and the children back to the courtyard. After all, it will be New Year's Eve tomorrow, and the house has to be tidied up. Yu's father and mother didn't stop them, but asked them to take them with them when they were free. Come and see the child.

When he got home, Yan Xiecheng changed into the new clothes on his body, fearing that the clothes would get dirty during the cleaning.

Send the two children to Yan Bugui's house. Yan Bugui's school holidays are early, and the three students, Xie Di Jie Kuang, cleaned up the house early, and they have nothing to do to help look after the children.

As soon as Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li finished cleaning up the house, it snowed heavily outside. The two children were running around in the yard clamoring to build a snowman. Yan Jieya looked at them helplessly and couldn't stop them.

Angrily, Yu Li walked over to the two of them alone, and then the two little ghosts calmed down and went back to the house obediently. Yan Jieya looked at Yu Li adoringly from behind, and his sister-in-law had to deal with the two children.

It was cold and snowing heavily, and Yan Xiecheng didn't bother to cook, so he took out the copper pot he bought from the flea market a few days ago.

The weather is most suitable for eating hot pot, so Yu Li was asked to clean the pot, and Yan Xiecheng cooked a hot pot base. There is no place to buy hot pot base in this day and age. If you want to eat hot pot, you have to make the base yourself.

Prepare onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, pepper, and dried chili, and take out a bottle of bean paste from the cabinet.First pour the oil into the pan and heat it up, then put the pepper star anise dried chili into it and fry it, then the bean paste, burn the red oil, put the onion, ginger and garlic in it and the aroma will come up.

The two children who were standing at the door watching the snow fall ran in without seeing it.

"Dad, what are you doing delicious, give me a taste."

Yan Jiecheng was afraid that the two children would eat the base ingredients and hurriedly said: "This is the seasoning and you can't eat it. You two don't move around and go to play with your sister-in-law."

"Dad, you can't steal it."

"Understood, I will definitely call the two of you back when eating, go quickly." Yan Xiecheng said speechlessly.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's assurance, the two ran out to find Yan Jie to play again.

Yan Xiecheng fried the bottom ingredients and put them aside, went out to the cellar to get some cabbage, potatoes, two pieces of tofu, and a catty of mutton.

This catty of meat is definitely not enough for the four of them to eat, so there is no way to put more food and eat some steamed buns. This kind of mutton is not easy to buy, so Yan Xiecheng woke up early for this catty. Went to the vegetable market to line up to buy.

Cut the potatoes and mutton into slices after washing the vegetables, and cut the tofu into small pieces.

Take the copper pot that Yu Li washed and put it on the table, put the bottom material in it, add water, put charcoal under it, and light the fire.

Yu Li went to call the two little guys, and even Yan Jiedi called over.

After several people sat down, Yan Xiecheng began to put the vegetables into the pot.

It was also the first time for the two little guys to eat hot pot, shouting happily, holding chopsticks in their hands and stretching them into the pot.

"You two don't move, wait, dad will hold you home." Yan Xiecheng hurriedly stopped her as soon as he saw that he was afraid they would burn them.After speaking, he took the potato chips and cabbage out of the pot and put them into their small bowls.There is also Erba sauce in the bowl as a seasoning, which is a sauce made of peanuts and sesame seeds according to the ratio of Erba. I usually put it in cold dishes at home.

The five people ate all the dishes Yan Xiecheng took out.

After eating, Yu Li cleared the table, Yan Jiecheng took out the tea leaves that Yu's mother gave to him today and made a pot of tea for himself, and the two children were also coaxed to sleep by Yan Jiedi, and were carried into the hut by Yu Li.


When Yan Jiecheng woke up the next day, there were still snowflakes in the sky, and it had been snowing all night without stopping. It looked like it would fall until next year.

After washing up, I took out the leftover hot pot soup from yesterday and cooked a handful of noodles, and boiled two eggs for the two children.

The family had just finished breakfast when the uncle came over and wanted to organize people in the yard to sweep the snow, one person from each household.

Yan Jiecheng thought for a while, took the broom and followed the uncle out the door without saying much.

When I came to the courtyard, I saw Shazhu, Xu Damao, Liu Guangtian, Yan Jiefang... all there.

Among the three elders, the elder came out with tools to remove the snow with everyone. It wasn't that he wanted to work, it was because there was no one in her house. If he didn't come, why not ask the elder mother to come.

"Hey, who are you looking at? Why did you enter our courtyard?"

"It looks familiar, who is this?"

"Look at you two, you don't even know this person? Isn't this the eldest of the second uncle's family?"

Yan Jiecheng also looked up when he heard everyone's discussion, but he didn't expect it to be Liu Guangqi.

How many years has it been since this guy got married and went to the third line? Why do you want to come back today?

Liu Guangtian was also stunned when he saw the elder brother who was holding the child and pulling his wife, and hurried to the backyard to tell Liu Haizhong the news.

The uncle watched Liu Guangqi who was standing at the door and walked over to chat with him.

After a while, the second uncle and the second aunt ran over from the backyard. When the second uncle met Liu Guangqi, he punched Liu Guangqi.The second aunt hurriedly pulled the second uncle back to persuade him.

In fact, the second uncle didn't really want to beat the boss, it was really embarrassing, the boss ran away without saying a word after getting married, if he didn't respond this time, he wouldn't let the neighbors in the yard laugh at him.

The second aunt said a few words and the second uncle took advantage of the slope to stop the donkey and kept a straight face and said nothing.Seeing where the second aunt was pulling the eldest brother to ask for warmth.

The second uncle looked at the little girl in the eldest daughter-in-law's arms and smiled at her.Although the second uncle also favors sons over daughters, he is the first child of his old Liu family after all, and the child of the old family who has not seen each other for so many years.

The second uncle wanted to carry the child over but was afraid of affecting his image.Standing there with hands behind their backs is like a leader inspecting work, let alone in terms of temperament.

"Okay, Lao Liu, your boss is back, hurry up and go home, and there are children, don't freeze the children in this cold weather." The old man saw Liu Haizhong's family standing at the door with indescribable envy , Hurry up and let their family go back, out of sight and out of mind.This is always dangling in front of my eyes, isn't it to be angry with myself.

The second uncle reacted and stopped pretending. He hurriedly dragged the boss to the backyard, for fear that he would freeze his precious granddaughter to death.

Everyone cleaned up the snow in the compound, and then they all went back.Yan Bugui set out his own table and began to give people this couplet.

The old man and Shazhu's family didn't post anything during the Chinese New Year because the old lady passed away this year.In this way, Yan Bugui was very disappointed, and he would lose a lot of money.

Although the uncle's house stopped posting them, he still enthusiastically bought a pair and put them on the gate of the courtyard, which made Yan Pugui very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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