Chapter 149
In the afternoon, Yan Jiecheng discussed with Yu Li, and planned to go to Yan Bugui's house for dinner in the evening. After all, the New Year's Eve is a family reunion day.

In order to go to Yan Bugui's house for dinner, Yan Jiecheng cut up a large plate of pork head stewed a few days ago, took a bottle of wine from the cabinet, and took over the pound of fresh pork distributed by the factory.

"Xie Cheng, come here as soon as you say, and you still have so many things." The third mother said with a smile, and took the things in Yan Xiecheng's hand.

"It should be, we can't come here empty-handed." Yan Jiecheng said with a smile, thinking that you can still laugh if I come here without anything.

"Heh, Luzhou Laojiao, you can buy this wine." Yan Bugui stared at the wine in the hand of the third mother with bright eyes and said with a grin.

"Don't look, I don't have any. I paid a lot of money for this bottle from our team leader." Yan Jiecheng saw Yan Bugui staring at him desperately and hurried out to explain.

Yan Bugui was a little disappointed, he was thinking of getting a bottle with Yan Jiecheng later, but now it's over.

"As for our own family, we will drink this bottle of Erguotou later. Let me keep this bottle of wine here, and I will keep it for you."

Yan Bugui thought it would be a waste for his family to drink such good distiller's grains, and it would be nice to have Erguotou to drink.

The third mother also felt a little distressed: "Your father is right, our family doesn't need to drink such good wine."

Well, I was careless, I knew I should have brought Erguotou here, and Yan Bugui would definitely not do it now if he was asked to open it.

"My elder brother brought it all, so you can open it for us to drink, and you can't give birth if you keep it?"

"It's all about you, you are the only one who still has the face to say, why didn't I see you bring things here. The third mother said to Yan Jiefang angrily.

The same is true for Yan Jiefang, who actually came to eat empty-handed. Isn't this a slap in the face of Yan Bugui? Yan Jiecheng was surprised that he wasn't thrown out.

"Isn't there no money? If my brother and I earn so much money, I'll bring things over."

"You can pull it down, it's just you, just talk about it." The third mother gave Yan Jiefang a blank look and said with disdain.

She didn't believe Yan Jiefang's words at all. When their factory was on vacation, she saw that Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang came back with things with meat in them.I haven't seen him eating in the past few days, so I must have taken him home.

"Okay Mom, this is enough for us to eat, let's cook quickly." Yan Jiecheng watched them continue to talk and quickly came out to persuade them. Isn't it a joke to make people quarrel during the Chinese New Year.

After handing over Xiao Ziwan and Xiao Ziyang to Yan Xie, Yan Jiecheng started cooking, while Yu Li and San Ma made dumplings.


The second uncle's house in the backyard.

Liu Guangqi was talking to the second uncle. He came back this time mainly to let the second uncle drag him down to see if he could be transferred back.

When I went to the third line, I thought about it very well. If I went there, I could get a salary increase and arrange a house for him. With his father's apprentice around, he couldn't suffer.

But where do I know that the money and the house are not for nothing, the salary has been raised, but what is the use of having money if you can’t buy things, let alone where you live, tens of kilometers away from the city, the road is not easy to walk , It's hard to go out and buy something.

When they had no children, the couple could still get along. The child was going to school in a few years, so he wanted Liu Haizhong to find a way to bring him back.

The second uncle thought about it for a while. It's okay to have his apprentice transferred back. The key is that there is no place to accept it.

"There is no place to accept this transfer. I can't talk about the rolling mill now."

Liu Guangqi saw that the second uncle agreed to let him come back, so he said anxiously: "Dad, don't you have an apprentice who is the director of the branch factory? It's okay to transfer me to the branch factory."

"But their factory is in Baocheng." Liu Haizhong said in a muffled voice.

He didn't want Liu Guangqi to go to Baocheng. Although it wasn't as far away as the Great Northwest, it wasn't close either.For a distance of two hundred kilometers, it would take two days to go back and forth at the current speed of the train.

"It's okay, Dad, just keep the city, that's better than the Great Northwest."

The third mother also helped to persuade: "Old Liu, I think what Guangqi said is right, you can help him transfer to Baocheng first, and then transfer him back to Sijiucheng when he has the opportunity."

The second uncle thinks about it and thinks it is right, but his apprentice is the deputy factory director, and even if it can be done, it will cost a lot of money. After all, there are other leaders in the factory.

"Okay, but it will cost a lot of money to do this." The second uncle looked at Liu Guangqi while speaking.

"Dad, although my salary has increased, I really haven't saved any money for my family of three."

Liu Guangtian, who was listening to them talking, quit immediately: "Liu Guangqi, what do you mean, you don't want to pay for Dad to help you, so why don't you come back."

Before Liu Guangqi could speak, the second aunt jumped out: "Guangtian, why are you talking to your brother? You don't need to pay for the money, big or small. Why are you in a hurry?"

"Mom, I'm not married yet. Don't think about it for me. Yan Jiecheng is one year older than me, and the family has children. Besides, when I went to support the third front, my elder brother was willing. Now I want to come back, why did I go so early." Liu Guangtian said generously.

When Liu Guangqi got married and cleaned up the house, he managed to save some money in the past few years. He is not married yet and he has to spend it on Liu Guangqi.

If he really did that, how could he get married? He couldn't even afford a house with his own salary.

"Guangtian, you can't say anything. We are your elder brother and sister-in-law after all, and the child is also your niece. It's also very difficult for the father to ask the grandfather to spend some money from the father."

When Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law saw that Liu Guangtian stood up against spending money for their family, she quickly came out with the child in her arms and said.

Liu Guangqi sat beside him without speaking, just watching.

"Liu Guangqi, if you are a man, just say it yourself, don't let your wife come out and yell, what kind of man is hiding behind a woman."

Liu Guangtian got angry when he saw Liu Guangqi's appearance, and he looked like this matter had nothing to do with him, watching them quarreling here.

"My money, I can spend it on whoever I want. You don't have to worry about it. If you are not willing to stay at home, just leave me."

The second uncle saw that the boss came back with great difficulty, and Liu Guangtian wanted to stab him after spending some money, so he immediately opened his mouth and began to curse.

Liu Guangtian: "You arranged the house for me and I will leave immediately, you think I am willing to stay in this house.

"Okay, don't regret it. I'll talk to He Yushui about the house tomorrow. Don't come to me when you get married. I don't care about your affairs." The second uncle said angrily.

He thought that without Liu Guangtian, he would be able to save some expenses. Isn’t it just a house? When the time comes, it will be the same as Yan Bugui’s family, and he will give a down payment, and Liu Guangtian will pay the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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