Chapter 150
The New Year's Eve dinner at the old Yan's family was very sumptuous. Not only did they make dumplings, but Yan Jiecheng also cooked a few dishes, and there was a big pot of pork head.

The family gathered around the table and watched the dishes on the table flow out of their mouths. "Come on, eat, don't look at it." After finishing speaking, the third mother took a piece of meat for Xiao Ziyang and Xiao Ziwan.

Yan Xiecheng took the Erguotou and filled it up for Yan Bugui, and poured himself another cup.Yan Jiekuang and the others heard the third mother say to eat, picked up the chopsticks and quickly put the vegetables in their own bowls.

"Brother, pour me a glass too." Yan Jiefang pursed his lips and said to Yan Jiecheng who was pouring the wine.

"If you want to drink, pour it yourself, Xie Cheng, don't spoil him." Yan Bugui said dissatisfied.If it weren't for today's New Year's Eve, he would be kicked out early, and the New Year's Eve would come to his house without bringing anything to eat, and would come empty-handed.I don't believe that when I went to his partner's house, I went empty-handed.

"Pour it yourself." Yan Jiefang didn't mind reaching out to take the wine bottle in Yan Jiecheng's hand and filling his glass, and he didn't care about Yan Bugui's accusations of Sang Huai.Anyway, he couldn't afford to lose a piece of meat. We separated and paid pension money every month, so he didn't want to do it if he wanted to bring things over.I don't earn as much as my elder brother, so I can't save some money for my marriage.

Regarding Yan Jiefang's way of showing that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Yan Pugui can't do anything about him, hmph, he can't really drive him out. If he really does this in this New Year's Eve, the people in the compound will laugh at him.


Silly Zhu family in the middle school.

This year's thirty He Yushui also returned to the courtyard. She was going to get married a few years ago, but she didn't expect that her partner was on a business trip, so she had to postpone the wedding until the Chinese New Year.

This year's New Year's Eve dinner at Shazhu's family is also very sumptuous, although Qin Huairu and Shazhu got married early and lost [-] catties of pork from Deputy Director Li in the TV series.

But there are three people working in the factory including the uncle in their family.The pork distributed in the factory alone weighed three catties, and when the uncle came over, he brought a white-striped chicken.

During the Chinese New Year, Shazhu didn't have time to cook wedding banquets for people everywhere, and he often brought food home.The New Year's goods bought by their family have not been moved at all, and they are all made today.

The uncle looked at the table full of good dishes in front of him, and said with a sad expression: "The old lady will be happy if she is here. She loves meat the most."

When Jia Zhang heard the old lady mention the old lady, she shivered in fright: "I said Lao Yi, what is the New Year's old saying about her, how unlucky. There is not enough wine and meat for you to eat."

"Okay, mom, please stop saying a few words. Master Ren is right. The old lady took good care of Zhuzi in the past. We must not forget our roots." Qin Huairu saw that Zhuzhu's expression began to look bad, and quickly opened his mouth to Jia Zhang Said.

"Okay, let's start eating, I'm just complaining, since some people don't want to listen to me, I won't say anything." The uncle is quite satisfied with Qin Huairu's attitude.Jia Zhang didn't pay attention to what she said, he didn't look at Jia Zhang directly, she was just an old witch and it was not easy to deal with her.

Silly Zhu picked up the wine glass and clinked it with the uncle, took a sip to his mouth and drank it.

"Brother, drink slowly, you will do it before Master Ren drinks."

"You just leave me alone, by the way, your partner is back, when will you get married after the next year?" Silly Zhu asked his sister.

Ever since Qin Huairu became a widow, she was better at the beginning and then she didn't take care of He Yushui much. She felt that she was about to get married, and Shazhu also felt a little sorry for her.

"I came back yesterday, and we will go to get the certificate in two days." He Yushui said calmly.

For Shazhu, she hated iron and steel, and didn't want to say anything more to him.Anyway, after I get married, I won't come back in the future.Out of sight, out of mind, she persuaded Shazhu more than once to let him stay away from Qin Huairu, but he still married Qin Huairu.Now that they can't even have children, and Qin Huairu won't let Bang Geng change his surname, then their old He family will be broken, and they don't have anything to think about.

"That's good. When you get married, I'll be considered our mother's spirit in heaven." Silly Zhu said while drinking.

"By the way, brother, how much dowry did you prepare for me when I get married?" He Yushui didn't expect to ask Shazhu for a dowry at first.Isn't this the old He's family is broken, and the money is kept for others to spend, so it's better to give it to yourself, after giving birth to a child, you have half the blood of the old He's family.

Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment after hearing what He Yushui said, he really hadn't thought about it.Turning his head to look at Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu is keeping the family's money, and he doesn't have any money in his pocket. He usually buys wine to earn some money for wedding banquets.He didn't even think about saving it, anyway, Qin Huai would spend the money anyway.

Qin Huairu heard that He Yushui asked her for a dowry, which was okay, it was fine if he didn't give the dowry, and he had to pay for it from his own family.So he immediately said:
"Rainwater, their family didn't give a betrothal gift, can't our family give a dowry and their family doesn't give a betrothal gift?"

"Yes, it's in my hands." He Yushui stared at Qin Huairu to see if she had anything else to say, the dowry had to be decided by herself.Anyway, if I don’t want it, I will leave it to outsiders, and it’s not that there is no money in the family. She knows that her brother’s salary plus the usual going out to cook wedding banquets for others, although the monthly income is not as much as the old man’s, but in this yard. Can be ranked first.

Qin Huairu wanted to scold the street, you didn't keep this dowry for your family, and you wanted your family to give you a dowry, how could you be so shameless.

"Yu Shui, didn't your brother buy you a bicycle and a watch before? These are two big items. If you take these two things over, it will be considered as a dowry from our family."

He Yushui lowered his head and ate the food without answering, and Shazhu's face was not very good-looking. He Yushui bought these two things when he was in school. .

The old man drank by the side and didn't help Yushui. After all, the water poured out by the married girl, no matter what the rains were, would not help him much after marriage. He didn't want to offend Qin Huairu for why Yushui .

Qin Huairu: "Zhuzi, you don't understand the situation of our family. The whole family eats and drinks, and my mother-in-law has to buy medicine every month and save money. It's not that I don't want to give money to the family. Stick and Xiaodang still have to pay tuition."

Silly Zhu heard what Qin Huairu said and didn't know whether it was true or not, so he could only look at the uncle, wanting to borrow some money from the uncle.

"Zhuzi, what Huairu said is right, it would be nice for Yushui to marry with these two big things. Look at the young man who got married in our courtyard, did that girl wear a bicycle watch when she got married?"

Silly Zhu heard that Qin Huairu and the uncle said so, and after thinking about it, it was true.Among the people who got married in the courtyard, most of the women brought over a bedding. He Yushui was already in good condition, and he also had bicycles and watches, although they were all bought second-hand and had been used for several years.

When He Yushui saw that Silly Zhu was moved by Qin Huairu and the uncle, he also felt a chill in his heart.It's not that she insists on how much Sha Zhu spends on her, she just wants to see Sha Zhu's attitude, whether she takes her sister seriously.

After all, she is the only relative in the family, Shazhu, her mother passed away, and her father went to Baocheng with the widow.Now Shazhu doesn't care about her anymore, and it seems that there is no need for him to come back in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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