The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 153 Help Yan to liberate the whole 2 big things

Chapter 153 Help Yan Jiefang Complete Two Big Items

Early the next morning, Yan Xiecheng came to the rolling mill after breakfast.

Today is the first day of work in the new year, and the workers have nothing to do.When Yan Xiecheng was overhauling the circuit, he saw them gathering in groups and chatting all over the place.

"I heard that the grade assessment of our factory employees will be postponed this year." One of the workers whispered.

"Who is it reliable to listen to?"

"It's absolutely reliable, don't you believe it. Not only our factory, but also the nearby factories are the same. As long as it is after the year, the assessment will be postponed." The man saw that someone questioned him, and immediately said seriously.

"Why? Well, why push it back? I was thinking about sending more money to my parents after a salary increase."

"I don't know. They didn't tell me, but my cousin told me about it. The source of his driving for the leader in the Ministry of Industry is absolutely reliable." The man said with a frightened expression.

After listening to what they said, Yan Jiecheng was in no mood to work anymore. He hurriedly put aside the circuit maintenance and ran to the office to inquire with Hu Dajun.

"Team leader, is this year's employee grade exam going to be postponed?" Yan Jiecheng asked panting.

Hu Dajun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he hadn't said that Yan Jiecheng knew about it. "Hey, you guys are quite well informed. I just got the notification too."

Yan Jiecheng heard Hu Dajun's accurate answer.Knowing that his wish to be promoted to the eighth rank seems to be going bankrupt.

Hu Dajun saw that Yan Jiecheng's face was a little strange and said quickly: "Why are you so anxious, it's not that you won't take the exam, it's just postponed for a few months."

Yan Jiecheng thought that I should not be in a hurry.After a few months of chaos, they are all busy participating in activities, who still has the mind to organize worker assessments.I am afraid that this delay will be pushed back to ten years later.

But there are some things he can't tell Hu Dajun, he can only evade a few words with him to cut off the topic.

Yan Jiefang has no complaints about the postponement of the grade exam for a few months. He is now busy with his wife's marriage.

But the woman's mother was unwilling, and felt that it would be a bit embarrassing to just marry off her daughter. Not to mention the four major items, but at least two should be bought.

This stumped Yan Jiefang. He had been working for several years, but the apprentices didn't have much salary in the first three years, and he had to pay Yan Portui, so he couldn't save money at all.

Last year, he became a full-time member and raised his grade, but in just one year, he paid more than two hundred yuan for this year, excluding Yan Bugui's and his own expenses.

With this little money, it is not enough to buy two big items and tidy up the house.

As for asking Yan Pugui, he also thought about it, but just thinking about it, Yan Pugui would definitely not give it to him.Even if he borrowed money, he would not ask Yan Pugui to borrow it, and he would definitely ask him for interest.

Turning his head to look at Yan Jiecheng, the richest person in the family has to be the elder brother. The couple's salary of more than 100 yuan a month is to remove all expenses and the money for Yan Pugui. Have to save a few hundred.

"Brother, can you lend me some money?" Yan Jiefang thought for a while and thought it would be reliable to borrow money from Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng was stunned for a while, not knowing why Yan Jiefang borrowed money so well, and asked curiously: "Is there anything wrong with you that you don't have enough money to pay back the loan?"

"I'm going to get married soon. My mother-in-law insists on letting me buy two big things. You know that I saved a little money last year, but it's not enough." Yan Jiefang cried helplessly. .

"How much money have you saved?"

"There are still more than 190. Originally, there were more than 200. I bought some gifts when I went to her house during the Chinese New Year." Yan Jiefang rubbed his head in embarrassment and said.

It's really embarrassing to say this, he didn't bring anything to eat at Lao Mao's house during the Chinese New Year, but he brought a lot of things to his mother-in-law's house, which would kill him if Lao Lao knew about it.

"Well, you give me one hundred and four, and I'll help you with the whole bicycle and the radio."

Yan Jiecheng thought about it for a while, let alone buying new ones, even better second-hand ones.I can only buy two pieces for him by myself, anyway, he will not sell them for his own use.

It's not that I don't want to lend him money, but he has more than 100 yuan for as much food as he has, so let him use more than 100 yuan to get things done.

It is not a good thing for him to lend him money, after all, no one likes to be in debt when he is fine.

"Brother, don't fool me, can you buy two big pieces for 140 yuan?" Yan Jiefang asked in disbelief.

The second-hand bicycle that Yan Jiecheng bought back then cost 120 yuan, and with only 20 yuan left, he would definitely not be able to buy a radio. Even if it was a second-hand bicycle, a radio would cost 60 yuan.

"Don't worry, I can still fool you, and you will know when you buy it back."

Of course Yan Jiecheng knew that normally, it would be difficult to buy a second-hand one with this little money.But he didn't plan to do it in the normal way. He planned to spend some money to buy a second-hand frame and buy new parts to install it.It is definitely not possible to sell it like this, but it is no problem to use it yourself.

Seeing that Yan Jiecheng said so swearingly, Yan Jiefang agreed, anyway, he had no better way.

After work, Yan Jiecheng took Yan Jiefang to Beixinqiao, bought a radio that looked good for 50 yuan, and bought a rusty bicycle with countless hands for 45 yuan.

Yan Jiefang's eyes straightened when he saw it. Although it was only 140 yuan, he couldn't buy this thing. This... it can be ridden.

Yan Jiecheng told him to stay calm, and took him to a car repair shop, bought a bunch of parts for 43 yuan, and borrowed a set of tools from the boss. The boss of the same street is not afraid that he will run away.

When he got home, Yan Xiecheng asked him to bring the old engine oil, and first used tools to remove all the parts from the bicycle.Wiped the frame with motor oil and put all the purchased parts on it.

Parked the bicycle in the yard and looked at it, except for the frame, it was all new.

"How to liberate? Can you?"

"Brother, the colors are different. When you ride out, you will know that it is second-hand."

Yan Xie was speechless. You still want to buy a new one with just this little money. You should go dreaming. There is everything in the dream.

"Brother, you're trying to figure out a way for me. It's too embarrassing to ride out." Yan Jiefang begged, holding Yan Jiecheng's hand.

This made Yan feel bored and quickly said: "Let go first, let me think about it for you."

"There is really a way, but you have to go to Guangtian for this matter." Yan Xiecheng thought that Liu Guangtian was working in the repair shop, so he said.

"Liu Guangtian, why should I look for him?" Yan Jiefang didn't respond for a moment.

"Did you forget that he works in a repair shop, and a car repairer can't even handle a bicycle? You can just ask him to take your bicycle to the factory and spray paint." Yan Xiecheng said angrily. .

"Yes, yes, I forgot about it, I'll go find him now." Saying that, Yan Jiefang happily ran to the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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