The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 154 The happy event in the courtyard and the fight with the silly pillar

Chapter 154 The happy event in the courtyard and the fight with the silly pillar

At home, Liu Guangtian was thinking about moving to the middle courtyard in two days, so he should add something to the room.

"Brother, Yan Jiefang is looking for you."

"Yan Jiefang, why is he looking for me?" Liu Guangtian said puzzled.

"I don't know that, you will know if you go out and ask."

"Okay, I'll go over and have a look." Liu Guangtian said as he got up and left the room, and saw Yan Jiefang standing outside, walking back and forth anxiously. "Liberation, are you looking for me?"

"Guangtian come here, I beg you to do something." He looked around, and after confirming that no one was there, he dragged Liu Guangtian to the front yard.

Liu Guangtian was in a daze, wondering if Yan Jiefang could ask him anything, with his father and third uncle in the courtyard and his brother, a seventh-level worker at work, he really couldn't figure out what he could do to help. to him.

"Tomorrow, you can help me ride this bicycle to your factory to spray paint, and paint this bicycle in one color." Yan Jiefang pointed to the bicycle and said to Liu Guangtian.

Liu Guangtian looked at the nondescript bicycle in front of him, except for the frame, it looked very harmonious, but it looked awkward when combined.There is still a smell of engine oil on the frame, and it looks like it has just been wiped with engine oil.

Hearing that Yan Jiefang asked him to help him ride to the factory to spray paint, he thought about it, and he couldn't do this job for nothing.

"Jiefang, you also know that we can't use the things in this factory for nothing, and I don't know how to spray paint."

"You just said, can you help me with this?"

"Since you've said it all, I'll definitely help. But you have to pay for the paint and labor costs. Huh, don't let me pay for it."

Yan Jiefang knew that he wanted to benefit from him, but he also worked in the factory, so he didn't know that, as the saying goes, a good man depends on the mountains and the water.The leaders don't care if the workers use the tools in the factory to do some work for themselves without affecting the production progress of the factory.

But since Liu Guangtian said it, he couldn't refuse it, so he said, "How much will it cost?"

"You give five yuan, if it's enough or not, that's it." Liu Guangtian pretended to be generous and said, he didn't expect that he would be able to make extra money one day.

Yan Jiefang was a little anxious. Didn't he take himself as Yuan Datou? Why didn't he grab five yuan when he opened his mouth.

"Guangtian, can we all get cheaper ones in the neighborhood? How about two yuan?" Yan Jiefang thought about buying radios, bicycles and spare parts today, 140 yuan left two yuan, and there are a bunch of bicycles. I don't know how much the broken parts that were removed from the car can be sold for.

Seeing that Liu Guangtian was a little unhappy about his bargaining: "Why don't I give you these parts, you can sell them." Yan Jiefang pointed to the parts removed from the bicycle and said.

Liu Guangtian looked at the pile of rusty parts. Although he didn't know how much it could sell for, it must be more than two yuan, so he nodded and agreed. Anyway, it was for nothing. Tomorrow, he will buy a pack of cigarettes for the painter in the factory. up.

If Yan Jiefang was petty, these parts could still be used regardless of their poor appearance, and they would still pay six or seven yuan if they were sold to a car repair shop.

The next night when he came back from get off work, Yan Jiefang hurried to the backyard to look for Guangtian to see how his bicycle was doing.

When I came to the backyard, I saw a brand new bicycle with a smell of paint parked in front of the second uncle's house.

If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was newly bought.Excitedly called Liu Guangtian out to confirm that it was his own, happily thanked Liu Guangtian a few words and pushed the bicycle back to the front yard.

Liu Guangtian was also very satisfied. Today he took those broken parts to the car repair shop and the owner gave him eight yuan, which was three yuan more than what he asked Yan Jiefang at the beginning. I bought two packs of cigarettes and asked the painter to spray it better when he was painting it.

Although looking at that bicycle was a bit greedy, he gave Liu Haizhong 130 yuan to buy a house, and now he has no money in his pocket if he wants to buy it. He made up his mind to build one by himself when he has money.


In the next few days, because Yan Jiefang bought two large items, and the woman's family did not show any monsters, Yan Jiefang and Wu Juan also successfully obtained their marriage certificates, and they are waiting for the wedding tomorrow and Sunday .

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it happened to be the same day as He Yushui's wedding. It's not uncommon for two families to have a wedding in the courtyard. Although they didn't treat guests to dinner, they were happy to watch.

Silly Zhu originally wanted to set up a few tables for the people in the courtyard to have a meal. After all, he is only a younger sister, and there are no parents at home. Yushui is his only relative in this world, but Qin Huairu couldn't resist not giving him money.

He bought wine and drank all the money he earned from his private work, and now his pockets are cleaner than his face.Even Qin Huairu would not give it to him if he wanted it, and even if he borrowed money from the uncle, he would not be able to save his face.

In the end, he could only buy some candy for the people in the courtyard like Yan Jiefang, and was laughed at by Xu Damao for this matter.But there is no way, who told him that he has no money.

Yan Jiefang took Wu Juan over, set up a table at Yan Bugui's house at night, and called the first and second uncles over, but no one else invited them.

After all, uncles are people who want face, and the red envelopes they give are also big, so they won't suffer.

Everyone was eating around the table, and there was the sound of fighting in the middle courtyard. I don't know who is so blind, and even makes trouble for them on a happy day.

I'm not in the mood to eat anymore. After all, there are three uncles sitting here. If I don't care about this, something will happen later.

Yan Jiecheng, with a dark face, Yan Jiefang also came to the middle court with the three uncles, and he was also curious about who had such no eyesight to see Daxi's day to deal with this matter.

When he arrived at the middle court, the second uncle was embarrassed. He was the one who scolded the most fiercely just now, but only now did he find out that it was his three sons who were fighting.

The reason is still because of the house, isn't it because He Yushui got married today, and without waiting for tomorrow, Liu Guangtian is impatient to move in at night.He didn't want to stay with Liu Haizhong for a day, so he dragged Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangfu to move him.

The commotion was so loud that Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu who lived next door could not hear it. When they came out, they saw that the three children of the old Liu family were moving things into his sister's room.

It's okay, the silly column got angry and didn't ask about the situation, just went up and kicked Liu Guangqi.He wanted to let out the anger he had suffered in Qin Huairu for the past few days.

The strength on his feet was not small, and he kicked Liu Guangqi like a dog.Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were holding things beside them and looking at them in a daze, not knowing why Sha Zhu wanted to beat his elder brother.

Liu Guangtian said angrily: "Silly Zhu, what kind of craziness are you smoking? You can't get along with us."

"You still have the face to ask me, who told you to open my sister's house? You even moved things inside. This is planning to rob our house." Silly Zhu thought the house was his now , and cursed at Liu Guangtian.

"What about your house? From now on, this house is mine."

While Liu Guangtian was talking, Liu Guangqi got up from the ground and his face was flushed. He had never been beaten like this when he was so old, even at home, Liu Haizhong was so irritable and didn't even lift a finger at him. The column was hit.

That's okay, he got up and rushed towards Shazhu.Guangtian saw that his elder brother was fighting with Shazhu, and he also rushed forward, although the two of them were at odds at home.But today the boss was beaten because he was helping him move, and he couldn't just watch, or else no one would dare to help him in the future.

Seeing that the two elder brothers were on the ground, Guangfu also rushed up to fight Shazhu.

Qin Huairu saw that the three of them were beating one of them, so he wanted to go and pull the youngest Liu Guangfu away.

Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law who was standing next to her thought that Qin Huairu was going to help Shazhu fight, so she rushed forward and tore with Qin Huairu.

(End of this chapter)

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