The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 167 Pee and Mud Worship

Chapter 167 Pee and Mud Worship

Yan Jiecheng watched Yan Jiefang send it to other neighbors, and told the boy Wan and the others to study hard with Yan Bugui, and then rode a bicycle out of the courtyard.

I bought a few bottles of Erguotou when I passed by the supply and marketing cooperative. Last time I asked for a puppy from the captain's house and didn't give me any money. If I didn't bring something this time, Yan Jiecheng would be embarrassed.

"Xie Cheng, I called you here this time because I need your help." My cousin looked at Yan Xiecheng and hesitated a bit.

"Cousin, if you have anything to do with our relationship, just talk about it."

"It's like this. Isn't Wei Guo of the captain's family a soldier in the army? He's also an Air Force ground mechanic."

Yan Jiecheng wondered, "Isn't this good?"

"What's the matter! The leader of the army said that his partner's background is not good, and he will not let him be a soldier. He has recovered a few days ago. He could have been transferred to the army, just because of his partner. No arrangements were made for him."

"I don't want to ask you for help. Let's see if the unit can ask him. He was a cadre when he was in the army. He can't let him farm at home when he comes back."

This matter is not easy to handle, if there is no other partner, it is better to talk about it.Now factories are recruiting workers based on their backgrounds, especially big factories want to check all [-] generations of their ancestors.But without his partner, it is impossible for others to seek him.

Yan Xiecheng thought about all the factories near their factory, and Liu Guangtian and his repair shop were the most suitable.First of all, the repair shop is small in scale, there are not so many nonsense things, and the most important thing in the repair shop is technology. This Zheng Weiguo used to repair airplanes, so repairing cars should be fine, and he is professional.

"Let me help him ask, but it may not be possible. Don't tell their family, if it can be successful, I will tell you." Yan Xiecheng thought for a while, this Zheng Weiguo is a good person, if it is normal, he would have drawn a clear line with his partner. .Just like Xu Damao in the TV series, he divorced Lou Xiaoe immediately at the slightest sign.So he decided to help as much as he could, anyway, it was just something to talk about.

"Okay, then you bother, we don't know anyone else, so your family is doing well in the city, so I can only trouble you."

"Hey, it's not certain whether the thing of talking too much will work or not. If it doesn't work, don't blame me. By the way, I brought two bottles of wine to the old captain this time. You can take them over." As he said that, Yan Jiecheng took out the wine from his bag. "You take two bottles, and you save the two bottles for drinking."

"Why do you still take things when you come here? This matter is enough to trouble you. We can't have this wine." Said that the cousin was about to put it back into the bag for him.

Yan Jiecheng hurriedly stopped him and said, "I brought this belt with me, but you still want me to take it back. You can keep it this time, and next time I will come empty-handed."

"That's fine, let's forget it this time, but next time you bring something over, I won't let you in." The uncle saw the excuse but accepted it.

"Now that the matter is over, I'll go back." Yan Jiecheng said and was about to leave.

"Don't, go after dinner, it's not easy for you to come here."

"No, I'm not in a hurry to go back and help him inquire about work. After the matter is done, it won't be too late for us to eat later."

Cousin was right when he thought about it, and he didn't stop him if it was important to work. "Then I'll see you off. Remember to ride slowly when you go back. This road is not very easy."

"How many times have I been here and still don't know this. You go back, I'm leaving." Yan Xiecheng got on his bicycle and rode towards the city.

When I returned to the courtyard, I happened to see Xiao Ziyang and Xiao Ma Dun making mud at the gate of the courtyard, and Xiao Ziwan was watching.

I thought to myself that there was no bucket next to me, so where did they get the water, so I walked over and squatted down to smell it: "What kind of water do you two use?"

The kid next to her hurriedly made a small report: "The two of them used urine to make milk, and they had to kowtow to beg, and they also took out the cigarettes at home." She also pointed to the cigarette case with a few cigarettes on the ground.

After hearing this, Yan Jiecheng quickly got up and hid aside. These two boys are too disgusting, and they don't think it smells bad even if they use urine and mud.

"Stop playing, go home and wash your hands."

"Father, wait a moment, we haven't kowtowed yet."

"Kowtow, go home quickly. The little brat is still begging like others, do you two read too many villain books?"

Kid Wan: "Dad, how do you know, the two of them have been watching Water Margin these days."

Yan Jiecheng's head is full of black lines, that's all, if you watch Taoyuan Sanjieyi, I won't say anything, but what you're watching is Water Margin, and after watching it, you still want to ask for advice.

These two kids have brains, so they have to clean up.Yan Jiecheng went up and walked towards the courtyard with the other's ear in one hand, regardless of their yelling.

Xiao Ziwan watched happily from the side, whoever told them that they didn't bring their own just now, they deserved to be cleaned up by their father.

When they got home, Yan Xiecheng locked the two of them in the hut and asked them to face the wall and think about their mistakes.


In the afternoon when Yu Li came back from her natal home, she brought some good or bad news—Yu Haitang was going to marry Liu Guangtian.

Yan Jiecheng was really surprised: "The two of them have only known each other for a few days and they are talking about getting married? Can your parents agree?"

Yu Li sighed and said, "So what if you don't agree, this girl doesn't listen to my parents, she has a very good idea."

"If she talks too much, she dares to quarrel with my parents. Opening her mouth means free love, and she also calls my parents old feudalism."

"Did you say there is such a thing? I was thinking, what should we do if Xiao Ziwan and her two are like this in the future."

Yan Xiecheng saw that Yu Li was on the edge of a corner, and hurriedly persuaded him: "How old are you two, you think about this. Besides, even if they grow up, they can't imitate your sister. Our old Yan's family is very upright and won't show you. My sister is like this."

"You mean that our old Yu's family style is not decent?" Yu Li glared at Yan Jiecheng angrily.

"That's not what I meant. You just think too much. Let's leave the matter of Haitang alone, and don't turn against us at that time."

"I think so too. She can marry whoever she likes. She won't listen to advice anyway, as long as she doesn't regret it in the future."

"That's the right way to think about it. Besides, Liu Guangtian is not without merits."

"What advantage?"

"Damn it, Haitang will definitely take him to death if she marries him."

Yu Li was amused by Yan Xiecheng's words: "Is there someone who talks like you, and being cowardly is also an advantage?"

"Believe it or not, with your sister's personality, if she finds a strong man to marry, she will have to hit him at least three times a day. For her kind, she needs to find a soft-tempered man, and she doesn't need to be too good at being obedient." Yan Xiecheng analyzed.

Yu Li thought for a while, what Yan Jiecheng said was quite right, this matter doesn't seem too bad.It is that Yu Haitang and the others have to stay away from the second uncle in the future.This second uncle is too cruel, and he will punish people to death at every turn.

(End of this chapter)

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