The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 168 Going to the Repair Shop

Chapter 168 Going to the Repair Shop
Yu Li looked around the room, only Ziwan was reading the comic books by herself, but she didn't see Xiao Ziyang's figure. They usually do everything together, why are they separated today.So he opened the door and said:
"Where's Ziyang? What did he do?"

"Don't mention it, I locked him and the little fat man in the hut. You don't know what they are doing today?"

"What are you doing? Are you being naughty again?" Yu Li thought that she was wrong. If she was naughty, why would she not bring Ziwan along? This girl is much more naughty than the two of them.

"The two of them read the villain in the Water Margin and insisted on kowtow. When I came back, they were urinating and making mud at the gate of the courtyard. How many of those people in the Water Margin do you think will end well?"

"Hey, these two kids, I'm going to beat them up."

Saying that Yu Li was about to go to the hut, Yan Jiecheng hurriedly stopped her.

"Don't go, I just finished cleaning up here, it's not worth it for us to do it together."

"Okay, let's spare them this time."

Yan Jiecheng suddenly remembered that he hadn't done what his cousin told him, so he said, "By the way, I have to find Liu Guangtian."

"Why are you looking for him?"

"I have something to ask him for help, so don't ask. I'll tell you when I have time. I'll go first. I'm in a hurry."

After speaking, Yan Jiecheng left the house and walked towards the middle courtyard. As soon as he entered the middle courtyard, he saw Liu Guangtian cleaning his bicycle at the door of his house.

"Guangtian, please stop for a moment. I have something to do with you."

Liu Guangtian looked up and saw that it was Yan Jiecheng, he stood up and greeted with a smile, "Brother-in-law is you! Come, come, let's go into the room if we have something to say." He opened the door and let Yan Jiecheng in.

"Don't call me brother-in-law and brother-in-law first. I sound awkward. It's not certain whether the matter between you and Haitang will work out. If it doesn't work out, then it's a joke."

"I'm sure there won't be any jokes. I've discussed it with Haitang, and we'll get our marriage certificate in a few days. At that time, we'll set up two tables in the courtyard. You have to come and drink our wedding wine. We'll be relatives in the future." Liu Guangtian said with a smile.

He feels good about a relative like Duo Yan Jiecheng, even if his father Liu Haizhong became a leader, he would not dare to do anything to Yan Jiecheng. After all, Yan Jiecheng is a seventh-level electrician in the factory. If something goes wrong, find someone to solve it.

"Don't talk about anything else, I'm here today to find you something." Yan Jiecheng interrupted him when he saw that he was going to continue.

"What's the matter?" I wondered if I asked myself to help him paint the bicycle?I can't help with other things at my level.

Yan Jiecheng: "Is your factory still short of people?"

"Hey, brother-in-law, if you ask me to help people find jobs, don't mention it. The current staffing of our factory is seriously exceeded. There are only more than 60 people in total, and less than half of them are working. The rest are all leaders. .”

"The money earned in the factory is not enough to pay wages, so I have to count on the city's subsidies every month."

Yan Jiecheng asked in confusion: "If you don't work, why does your factory recruit so many people?"

"Isn't it all related to households? If you come in for gold plating, they will be transferred away after a short time." Liu Guangtian explained helplessly.

He also wants to be a relationship householder, but his relationship is not strong enough.Even though his father is also a leader, he is just bluffing in the rolling mill. Who knows him when he leaves the factory.

"I introduced someone with real skills. He used to be a mechanic in the army and could repair airplanes."

When Liu Guangtian heard that he could repair airplanes, he regained his energy: "If he can repair airplanes, how about he repairs cars?"

"I really don't know, it should be fine." Yan Jiecheng said uncertainly.

"Don't do it, if any car can be repaired, then our factory will definitely want it. You don't know, the few car repairers I grow up will only fix minor problems. If there are big problems, it's just luck. Repair the car, if you are unlucky, small problems can be repaired for you." Liu Guangtian complained about the car repairer of their factory while talking.He was a sheet metal worker with a sledgehammer in the factory.His status can't be compared with that of a mechanic, he doesn't even know which one is the engine and which one is the gearbox when they open the hood of the car.

"Why don't you tell your factory manager that I'll take him to your factory for a try some other day? If your factory manager likes it, then you can keep him. If you don't think I'm taking him back." Yan Jiecheng suggested, and he I don't know if Zheng Weiguo could catch the eyes of the factory manager.After all, repairing an airplane is not exactly the same as repairing a car.

"Okay, I'll tell our factory manager tomorrow morning." Liu Guangtian thought that he married Yu Haitang, and that Yan Jiecheng and him were brother-in-law, so if he opened his mouth about this relationship, he couldn't justify it without his help.

"Then trouble you, I'll buy you a drink afterwards." Yan Jiecheng got up and left the house after speaking.

Back in the front yard, Yan Jiecheng thought about it and told him at his cousin's house, so that Zheng Weiguo was going to take him there in the afternoon.After all, it's time to find a job sooner rather than later. If it doesn't work out, it's better to find another one.

So I went home and told Yu Li, and then rode on the bicycle and rushed to Zuojiazhuang.Tell my uncle to ask Zheng Weiguo to wait for him at the gate of the rolling mill at noon tomorrow.

"Did you help Weiguo find a job so quickly?" Uncle Biao asked suspiciously. He just told Yan Jiecheng this morning that the matter was settled in just one noon, or was it such a big deal to find a job? A bit bad.

Yan Jiecheng saw that his uncle misunderstood and said awkwardly: "I don't have such great skills. I just tried my hand in the past. People don't need to talk about it. The main thing is to see how Weiguo's technology is."

"That's not bad. You sit here for a while. Later, I will let your cousin cook some dishes and we have a few drinks. I will tell Wei Guo the news first to make him happy. Don't you You know, he's tired of staying at home these days when he comes back."

The cousin was about to go out after speaking, Yan Jiecheng hurried forward to hold him back: "Don't make my cousin busy, our Yu Li is still waiting for me to go back to eat. When I came out, I told her to go back to eat at night. If she doesn't go back, she won't come back."

"That's fine. We'll have a good meal after helping Weiguo finish this matter. When the time comes, let Weiguo treat you. You can't refuse."

Yan Jiecheng said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's definitely not. Then I'll kill him more to make him bleed."


After lunch at noon the next day, Yan Jiecheng and Hu Dajun asked for half a day off, left the factory and took Zheng Weiguo to the repair shop.

The repair shop was only seven or eight kilometers away from the rolling mill, and the two arrived at the door of the repair shop in less than half an hour.

Looking from the outside, this repair shop is not as big as a workshop in a rolling mill.Not all buildings are bungalows, so I went in and inquired with someone, and the two came to the maintenance room.

A large group of people is surrounding a truck, the front of which has been lifted.

"Did you find the problem?"

"Director, we really don't know how to repair this car." The man who repaired the car said, throwing his gloves away.

Seeing this, Yan Jiecheng walked over, "You are Director Sun, right? Liu Guangtian should have told you that my friend was an Air Force ground mechanic in the army."

Before Yan Jiecheng finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"I know, but we can't do it today because we are busy. You should come back another day." After speaking, Factory Manager Sun ignored them and got busy with others.

(End of this chapter)

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