The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 175 Chapter 173: Preparation before departure

Chapter 175 Chapter 170: Preparations before departure
The Jia family in the middle school.

Uncle, Sha Zhu, Jia Zhang, and Qin Huairu were also discussing what to bring to the countryside for Bang Geng, and Bang Geng sat aside and listened to them.

Jia Zhang somewhat complained about Qin Huairu, if she hadn't been reluctant to part with that little pension, she wouldn't have gone to the countryside to become an educated youth.Now I have to go to such a far place, and I don't know when I can come back.So he said with some reproach:

"At the beginning, you should have given up the job to Banggen. Look, what kind of place is this? Just hearing the name, you know it's a remote place, and you don't know if you can adapt to it."

Qin Huairu also regrets it now. If she had known that Banggen would go so far to the countryside, she shouldn't feel bad about money.But it's too late to say anything now, and the quotas are all down and they can't allow them to change.

"Mom, what use do you think I am? Now that the quota is down, let's discuss what to bring to the stick."

Grandpa is also beside him. "Old sister-in-law, Huai Ru is right. It's useless for you to say these things now. They will leave in a few days. Let's hurry up and prepare things, so as to save you suffering."

Listening to what Qin Huairu and the uncle said, Jia Zhang also knew that what he said now would not change anything, and it was more important to prepare something for the stick.

"Then bring all the food at home to Banggen. I don't know if those rural bumpkins will prepare food for them. Don't be hungry. You still have money, Huairu, you take home Take out all the money you have and bring it to BangGong, and let BangGong buy what you need when you get there.”

"Ah, alas, old lady, BangGou and the others went to the countryside to help others develop, not to enjoy themselves. The food and money at home were taken away by BangGou. What do we eat and drink as a big family?" Silly Zhu heard The old woman is in a hurry to let the stick take away all her wealth.

"What Zhuzi said is also reasonable, you can't just focus on sticks. How about this, how can I say that I am also a stick, grandpa, Huai Ru, I will ask your aunt to give you 50 yuan later, you can buy something for stick On the stalk."

The uncle knew that even if he didn't give it, Qin Huairu and the others would ask him for it later, so it would be better for him to propose it first, and it would also appear that he is serious about his work.

Silly Zhu took out ten yuan from his pocket and handed it to Bang Geng with a smile and said: "The uncle is very particular, so I will take ten yuan too. Bang Geng, don't think that the silly father gave too little, I can't help it, let's Your mother is in charge of the family money, and I earned the ten yuan by cooking for a month."

Qin Huairu saw that the old man and Sha Zhu took out the money without talking to him, especially that the old man actually wanted to give out 50 yuan, which was more than her monthly salary.So he quickly smiled and said, "Bang, why don't you hurry up and thank your godfather and your silly father."

After hearing this, the stick stem still stood there motionless and did not speak.He is a person who has seen the world, and this little money is not enough to impress him.

"You child, you godfather and you foolishly gave you money, why don't you even know how to say thank you." He said and smiled awkwardly at the uncle, "I'm so sorry, uncle, I'm used to this child." broken."

The uncle didn't care about the attitude towards the stick. He knew what this kid was like, and he was mentally prepared from the beginning.After all, he didn't expect Bang Geng to provide for him in the old age. The reason why he was nice to Bang Geng was to please Qin Huairu.

When one day I am old and unable to move, I can take care of myself for the sake of helping their family for so many years.

"It's okay, I can understand. Don't talk about sticking out. He is worrying about going to the countryside now. After you comfort him, I will go back first." After finishing speaking, the old man turned around, opened the door and went out .

After the uncle left, BangGou said, "Mom, don't prepare things for me. It's inconvenient for me to carry so many things by myself. You can just give me the money, give me more, and I will help you if you need anything at that time." Buy it yourself."

Sticky felt that it would be too much effort to hold so many things, it would be better to get more money, because money can't buy anything.

Jia Zhang nodded in agreement, thinking of Liu Guangfu, Yan Jiekuang, and Li Nuan going to a village with Bang Geng.Then he said: "That's right, why don't Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiekuang help Banggen carry things. After all, they are a generation older than Banggen, so they should help Banggen carry things."

Qin Huairu looked at the old witch and was speechless. She traveled so far this time, so she didn't bring anything?They are still a generation older, and the two of them are only one or two years older than the stick.

Not to mention Liu Guangfu, Yan Jiekuang would definitely not help Banggen carry things, even if Yan Jiekuang agreed, she would not be at ease, don't hold things like Yan Jiekuang at that time.According to the tradition of their old Yan family, this is definitely not possible.

"You, it's better to give up your heart. This matter will definitely not work. The two of them have to bring luggage."

Silly Zhu: "What Huai Ru said is reasonable, as far as the relationship between our family is concerned, don't talk about it, and don't make troubles at that time."

Seeing that Mrs. Jia Zhang was still talking, Bang Jian shouted impatiently: "Okay, don't talk about it, I'll just take the money and nothing else. Or you can send me the things."

It would definitely not work to let them send it there. It would take at least ten days to travel such a long distance, and the factory would not approve it even if they asked for leave.

In the end, there was no choice but to do what Bang Geng said, except for the 100 that the uncle and Sha Zhu gave, Qin Huairu took out another 160 yuan.A total of [-] yuan.

This money is not small, Qin Huairu's salary can only be earned by at least half a year's work, and it is still the kind that does not eat or drink.

Just like that, Bang Geng was still dissatisfied, but Qin Huairu didn't want to give it away, and it was Jia Zhang who took out his coffin book and gave it to him for forty to make up a whole, so Bang Geng laughed out with 200 yuan.

Liu Guangfu's side is almost unbearable compared to Banggen. Liu Haizhong didn't give him a penny, so he brought a quilt that had been covered for more than ten years and two changes of clothes.

Fortunately, the train ticket was bought on the street, otherwise Liu Guangfu would have to walk to Hei Province by himself.

In the end, Liu Guangtian couldn't see it, and without telling Yu Haitang, he stole 20 yuan from home and gave it to Guangfu. No matter how the two brothers lived together for more than ten years, it is impossible to say that they have no relationship at all.

"Guangfu, you keep the 20 yuan. Your brother and I have only so much ability. I can't help you with anything else. Your sister-in-law is strict. I can't take it out if there is too much. You save some money. Go After that, you can only rely on yourself for anything.”

Liu Guangfu was moved and cried while holding the 20 yuan that Liu Guangtian handed over. Usually, the relationship between the two brothers is not very good, and they often fight.He really didn't expect Liu Guangtian to give him 20 yuan.

"Second brother, thank you, I will pay you double the money I earn in the future." Liu Guangfu gritted his teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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