Chapter 176
"Hey, we are brothers, what are you talking about, I give you the money and you take it."

Yu Haitang put the 20 yuan in a drawer specially for their family's expenses this month, which meant that if he wanted to steal from the beginning of the month to the end of the month, he would not be able to steal it.

Over there, Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang also carried big bags and small bags. With so many educated youths, Yan Jiekuang brought the most things. There were only two wooden boxes, which were not counted as bedding and clothes.

Inside the box are all things that are afraid of being bumped, such as flashlights, thermos bottles, batteries, and electric lamps removed from Yan Pugui's car. Years of cameras….

Then there are some books, Yan Jiecheng knew that they would not be able to return for a short time this time, at least seven or six years later.If they were allowed to farm the land, they would not have starved to death, even those masters who could not lift their hands or resist.

So I picked out some books on planting, some common medical books, all textbooks from elementary school to high school, and dozens of comic books.

Just let him take it there, and then find the village chief or the captain to see if he can arrange an easy job for him, preferably teaching. Yan Jiekuang is also a high school graduate.

Although those years were a bit chaotic, and he spent three days fishing and two days drying the net in school, but he is also a person with a diploma.Even now, if it was a few years earlier, he would have to arrange a job for him with his high school diploma.

"Xie Kuang, remember, pay attention to what you say and do when you are in other people's territory. After all, no one in the family is spoiling you. If they don't agree to let you teach, then you can do whatever is arranged for you."

"Study if you don't know how to do it, don't do it if you can't do it. But there is one thing, don't make trouble for others." Yan Jiecheng told Yan Jiekuang worriedly, he was afraid that these people would make trouble if they couldn't work there.

"Understood, brother, how many times have you said it? My ears are numb." Yan Jiekuang replied angrily after hearing Yan Jiecheng's endless chatter.

Yan Jiefang reprimanded with a straight face: "Xie Kuang, brother is right, you have to listen to your heart, don't take it seriously, or you will suffer a disadvantage."

"Second brother, I didn't take it seriously, but I remembered it all, so don't talk about it, I'm annoying."

Yan Jiecheng: "Just remember it. Remember to write a letter when you have time. You can write it to me or your second brother. Just don't save your parents and worry them."

Over there, Xu Damao, Wang Dani, and Dahu were also seeing Erhu off. Xu Damao asked his father not knowing what to say, but his father finally agreed to give up the job to Dahu to retire on his own.

Now that Dahu is working in the movie theater, he didn't agree to let Erhu go to the countryside, and wanted to keep Erhu by himself.

But Xu Damao, Wang Dani and his grandmother disagreed, and Erhu also persuaded him for a long time, but he had no choice but to agree to let Erhu go.

"Er Hu, remember to stay away from Bang Geng. Don't talk to him if you have nothing to do. That kid is very bad. You can beat him by yourself." Da Hu said to Er Hu. He used to fight with Bang Geng. They both played sticks.When he got there, it would be Erhu himself. He was really afraid that Erhu would suffer.

Wang Dani also shed tears and said: "Er Hu, the money that your father and I give you should be spent, don't waste it, if it is not enough, write a letter and we will send you money."

Among the group of educated youths who went to the countryside, the two tigers brought less money than the sticks. Now their family is not short of money, and Wang Dani is willing to give it, but not as much as Qin Huairu.

After discussing with Xu Damao, she gave Erhu 100 yuan and bought a lot of things for Erhu. Although there was no time to make clothes and bedding, she picked out the latest ones at home for him to take with him.

If anyone in this group of educated youths brought the least amount of money, it was Yan Jiekuang. The main reason was that Yan Jiecheng had exchanged things for him. In terms of money, I left him ten yuan, which was not as much as Liu Guangfu.

But what he didn't know was that his daughter Wan Zi secretly put 50 yuan in the box, in the leather case of her family's camera.

At first, Ziwan didn't have much idea about Yan Jiekuang's countryside, she thought they were just going to the suburbs to do some farm work, and they would organize them to go to the suburbs to participate in labor during school holidays.

It was only later that I found out that her uncle was going to a far, far away place, and it would take many years before he had the chance to come back.

She cried for a while because of this. She still remembers that when she was a child, her uncle coaxed her to play with her younger brother, helped them push the cart, and her sister-in-law accompanied them to read comic books and tell them stories.

So I opened the piggy bank with heartache, took out all the big bills inside, put them in the box, and put them in the leather case of the camera without worrying.Because she knew that if she gave it directly to my uncle, he would definitely not take it.

Bang Gauge looked at this group of fools carrying big and small bags with a look of disdain.

Qin Huairu, who was standing next to her, saw that everyone else had brought a lot of things, but her stick was carrying a small cloth bag with a set of clothes in it.said worriedly:

"Bang, look at other people, you don't bring anything with you, so nothing will happen to you wherever you go."

Stick said disdainfully: "Don't talk about it, what can happen. Besides, I have money, I can't buy anything with money. Who is like them, a bunch of bumpkins, it doesn't take too much trouble to get so many things .”

Jia Zhang also agrees with the stick. "That is, when their family leaves, who will help them take it. Our family is smart, so we brought a small bag."

Silly Zhu began to regret it since he saw that everyone else was carrying luggage.It's okay if there are one or two people, but with so many people, it's impossible for these people to be fools, right?Just a sensible person from his family?But it was hard for him to say anything, even if it was too late.The train will arrive soon, and it is too late to go home to get things. The train will not wait for them, so they can only resign themselves to fate.

Old Li's family, Li Yuanchao, also came to see off his family's Li Nuan. Originally, he wanted his son to go, but his wife, who valued sons over daughters, refused to agree.His son is also a coward, cowardly outside and violent at home, and he doesn't know how to let his sister.

"Xiao Nuan, when I get there, I will find you, Uncle Xie Kuang. Although everyone in their family is stingy, our two families have been neighbors for more than ten years, so he will help you to some extent."

Although Li Yuanchao moved to the family area assigned by the factory to live in a building, but his son was the only child among the children. Li Nuan lived in a courtyard with her grandmother since she was a child, so she naturally knew Yan Jiekuang.So he nodded and said, "Understood, Dad, I will."

Director Wang, who was standing in front, saw the train coming and shouted to the back: "Stop talking, the train is coming, everyone get your luggage and get on the train."

(End of this chapter)

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