Chapter 177

When the train stopped, because the educated youth was carrying a lot of luggage, Director Wang specifically discussed with the staff of the train crew and asked his family members to help carry the luggage up.

Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang each carried a box, helped Yan Xiekuang to the back of the car, and threw the package containing bedding and clothes on top of the box.

There were too many educated youths going there, and there were not enough seats in the car. Yan Jiecheng asked Yan Jiekuang to sit on the package later, so he didn't have to compete with others for seats, and he could still watch things, so as not to be walked away by others.

After all, there are many people with mixed eyes, and they don't know what kind of virtue these people have. If there is a trouble, there will be a few unclean hands and feet like sticks, so it's better to be careful.

After Yan Xiecheng and the others got off the train, the train started to move. Those who didn't get their seats were stunned and didn't know what to do. The distance from the capital to Heihe was two thousand kilometers, and they had to stay on the train for fifty hours or so.

The clever ones hurriedly found an open space with their bedding rolls, but Liu Guangfu and Erhu searched for a long time with their luggage but couldn't find a place.

Seeing Yan Jiekuang lying on two boxes at the back of the carriage, and there was a place to stay next to the boxes, he hurried over to put down the package, for fear that someone would come and grab them later.

"Jie Kuang, the two of us are leaning against your box here, remember not to stretch your legs here later." Liu Guangfu shouted at Yan Jiekuang, who was resting with squinted eyes, thinking that he was indeed from the old Yan's family, and everything was calculated , Knowing that there are many people and it is difficult to grab a seat, they just didn't go.

Yan Jiekuang heard the voice and looked at it was Liu Guangfu and Dahu, thinking that it would be easier to have two more people, and he would not feel comfortable sleeping alone.So he said, "Understood, you two sit down, but don't sleep together when you are sleeping, leave a place to watch, and don't let people take things away."

Erhu took the train for the first time, and he didn't understand some things. Wang Dani and Xu Damao didn't tell him, "Ah, there are people on the train who dare to steal things?"

"Okay, what you heard from Jie Kuang is right, let's be careful. There are so many people, if someone steals it, we won't be able to get it back." Liu Guangfu said very much, and he was going to keep 20 yuan. There is an emergency in the future, if someone touches this, I will feel so distressed.

"Oh, then you guys go to sleep, I'll watch first.

They arranged to be on duty here, but there was a problem with the stick.

When getting on the bus just now, Bang Ji found a seat and sat down while everyone else was packing their luggage.

When the train started, he was about to close his eyes and take a nap, so four people came over and asked him to give up his seat.

Where did the stick get this angry when he was in the courtyard, and then he got angry and punched the person who spoke.


"Brother Qiang, your nose is bleeding."

"Then you are still standing in a daze, go up and beat me..."

Before he could finish speaking, BangJiao got up and punched him again, directly on his left eye socket.The three little friends who came next to him were all stunned. They didn't expect that there were so many of them here, and they dared to do anything.

Seeing the ferocious look on BangGong's face, he didn't know whether to rush forward or not.Taking advantage of their stupefied efforts, Bang Jian beat the boss so hard that he cried and cried.

Fearing that their fight would affect them, the girls next to the stick hurriedly called for the police assistant on the train.

"What are you doing, what are you doing? Stop it. I really think this is your home. A group of little furry children have not even grown their fur. They are full and have nothing to do, and they learn to fight." When the police came, they rushed forward before doing anything else. With sticks and sticks, they sprayed a few times. It seems that they have dealt with such things a lot.

"Comrade policeman, look at my face, he beat me." The strong man's face was covered in blood and he didn't bother to wipe it off, pointing at the stick while crying to the policeman.

BangJiao: "They are trying to grab my seat because of the large number of people."

"Comrade policeman, he's talking nonsense. We didn't rob him, we just discussed with him whether we can give up the seat, and he came up and beat me without saying a word. Look at me, how can I see people in the future? This kind of person has to be arrested and locked up for a longer period of time, or if he fails, he will be shot."

"Okay, don't say a few words, you really think I'm stupid! Why do you bring so many people to discuss things with people?"

"I... this... this...."

"Don't do this, let's do this. Since he beat you, let him give you this seat."

As soon as Bang Gon asked him to give up his seat, he immediately said generously: "Why, they were the ones who looked for it first."

The policeman frowned just now because he saw that there were so many people on the other side, so he didn't pursue the matter of beating someone with a stick. He didn't expect this kid to be indiscriminate, and he was still here endlessly.So he said, "Then why didn't you call the police? Also, did you hit him with the wound on his face?"

"I took the call, I can compensate him, but I can't give him the seat."

Stick thought that the car had just started and there were still more than two days before it arrived at the destination. If the seat was given up, it would not be uncomfortable to stand for two days by himself.It's better to give him some money. Anyway, he has a huge sum of two yuan on his body, so he doesn't lack this.

"Two yuan, if you give me two yuan, I don't want the seat." The boss said with bright eyes when he heard that he was willing to give the money, thinking that the two dollars would be worth the beating.

"Well, it's okay to spend one dollar with you. Nosebleeds on your face are not a big deal. Just wipe your face after you wash it." The terrier was slaughtered.

He ignored the police's good intentions and directly took out a dozen bills from his bag in front of everyone, counted out two yuan and handed it to the strong brother.He said with a look of disdain: "It's just two yuan, take it and get out."

Brother Qiang didn't care, and happily took the three younger brothers away.

The person next to him looked enviously: "Dude, you carry so much money with you."

"No way, the family has this condition."

Sticky's behavior made the policeman very angry. He had never seen such a stupid thing, and he didn't know what kind of family could educate such a thing. If his son had to beat him to death.

As the old saying goes, money does not show itself.I don't know if this kid is really stupid or fake, taking out the money in front of so many people, isn't that recruiting thieves.

He didn't remind the stick that exposed his windfall, after all, his parents didn't teach him, and he didn't have the obligation.

Bang Geng sat on the seat with a proud face, not paying attention to the fiery gazes around him.He just took out the money on purpose just now, just to show off in public.

But what he didn't know was that the money he took out had attracted the attention of several waves of people.

(End of this chapter)

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