The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 179 Chapter 177: The stickman asks the family for money

Chapter 179 Chapter 170 Seven: The stick asks the family for money

When Yan Jiekuang woke up, he heard Erhu say that someone lost money in the car, and the police came over just now to ask if they saw any suspicious persons.

Originally, the police didn't want to deal with the sticky attitude yesterday, but the amount is too huge to ignore.After asking BangGou a few words, he still doesn't know anything.

More than ten hours have passed since last night, how can I find this?Who foolishly stole so much money and left it in the car, I don't know where it went.I could only inquire about it symbolically in the carriage, and then let Bang Geng leave an address, and contact him when the thief is caught later.

"Uncle Xie Kuang, I really let you talk. There are indeed thieves in this car. Fortunately, you reminded us early. The three of us are on duty in turn. If the thief steals our things, we won't cry to death." Two Tigers One Face said happily, he brought a lot of money, if it was stolen from him, he would want to die.

Liu Guangfu on the side also looked at Yan Jiekuang with admiration, thinking that the people from this old Yan family are different, and all of them are abacus sperm.Following such a person, it is difficult to suffer.

"Jie Kuang, the three of us are still together when we get to the place, and we will hang out with you from now on."

"Yes, yes, Uncle Xie Kuang, we will both obey you in the future. You tell us to go east and we will never go west." Erhu also expressed his attitude after hearing Liu Guangfu's words.

"You two, don't rush to express your opinion. Wait until you get to the place to see the situation. You don't know how people like us are arranged."

Yan Jiekuang was not in a hurry to accept his younger brother. After all, people will be fine and there will be no more. The two of them are talking very well now. No one knows whether they will be the first to run when they encounter problems, or go to the place to see what they are actually doing. The performance value is not worth talking about.

Hearing Yan Jiekuang's words, Liu Guangfu and Erhu didn't say anything, and they were impulsive just now, and now Yan Jiekuang is just a little clever, and he doesn't want to do farm work in the countryside.As long as he looks weak and looks like he can't work, don't have to implicate them when the time comes.

They were thinking wildly here, while Bang Geng was sweating profusely.

He didn't bring anything with him, and now he has lost the money.Judging from what the police said just now, there is not much hope of finding the thief.

Penniless, he didn't even have the money to write a distress letter to his family. After thinking for a long time, he could only ask Liu Guangfu to borrow some money. In the courtyard, Liu Guangfu had no conflict with him. They both lived in the same courtyard. You can't just ignore it.

But he stood up and looked around the carriage, but he didn't even see Liu Guangfu's figure.Instead, he saw Li Nuan. Although he was not familiar with Li Nuan, Li Nuan's brother was in the same grade as him, and they used to play together when they were in school.

Seeing Li Nuan was like seeing a savior, and immediately rushed up to hold Li Nuan's hand and said, "Sister, brother is in trouble, please lend me some money."

Li Nuan was a little dazed, she had never spoken to her in the courtyard, and suddenly rushed up to borrow money from him, and even held her hand, which made her feel a little unnatural.blushing and said:
"Let go of your hand first, I don't know you well, why are you asking me to borrow money?"

"My money was stolen, so please help me. Otherwise, when our family sends the money, I'll pay you back twice." Stick said with a faceless face, and now he doesn't care about face, and can't borrow money anymore. , If people don't care about their food when they go to places, he will be hungry.

"I don't have any money. If you borrow money, go to the back of the carriage and find Uncle Xie Kuang and the others." When he came, her grandma gave her ten yuan.

Hearing that Yan Jiekuang and the others were at the back of the carriage, Li Nuan didn't lend him any money, so he didn't bother her, let go and ran to the back.

Yan Jiekuang and the three of them had nothing to do after dinner, they were discussing the matter of recruiting thieves in the carriage last night, when they saw the stick walking over in a hurry.

"Yan Jiekuang, lend me some money and pay you back in a few days."

"What?" Yan Jiekuang didn't know that it was a stick that was stolen last night, and when he heard that he wanted to borrow money, he thought he had said something wrong.asked with a bewildered face.

"Lend me some money, my money was stolen."

It turned out that the idiot last night was a stickler.That's right, it's only Bang Geng who can do this. He borrowed money from him and still called him by his first name, acting like a gentleman. Those who didn't know thought he was borrowing money from Bang Geng.

"I'll pay you double. If you lend me ten yuan, I'll pay you back twenty."

"That's not a loan, you'd better find someone else." Yan Jiekuang was not tempted by the big pie drawn by the stick. With this kid's virtue, he could beat him to death if he cheated on himself.Besides, he only has ten yuan with him, so what can he use if he lends him a stick.

Although Yan Jiekuang was unwilling to borrow it, Erhu was tempted.He thought that he could earn ten yuan in a few days, which was enough for half a month's salary of his brother.Normally, when he was looking for such a good deal, although he didn't deal with the stick, it couldn't affect his money making.

Anyway, for Qian's sake, he had to act righteously once. "Still, I'll lend it to you. But it's agreed, when you return it, you have to pay [-] and you can't cheat."

"Don't worry, you don't know why I am a stick? You definitely can't do this kind of thing like having a baby without an asshole." Stick said happily when Erhu was willing to borrow money, afraid that he would be worried that he would even say such vicious words when he got excited. They all said it.

Bang Geng took the ten yuan that Er Hu handed over, and left without looking back, without saying thank you to him.From the perspective of BangGou, this is a fair trade, and there is no one who owes anyone.Besides, the two of them are rivals, even if he asked Er Hu to say thank you, he wouldn't be able to say it.

Liu Guangfu watched BangGong walk away and said to Erhu, "Erhu, you are so stupid, how can you lend money to BangGeng?"

"Didn't he say double pay? You can earn ten yuan in just a few days. Why not do such a lucrative business?" Erhu said indifferently. He was not sick. If it wasn't for making money, he would definitely I won't lend money to sticks.

Liu Guangfu couldn't make up his mind either. He said this mainly because Yan Jiekuang didn't lend money to Bang Geng.You know, according to the tradition of the old Yan family, if there is an advantage, can Yan Jiekuang not do it?There may be something tricky here.

But Erhu had already lent out the money, it was too late for him to say anything now, he couldn't listen to Erhu's appearance, and he was too lazy to meddle in other's business.

Anyway, the two tigers are not short of the ten yuan, even if they are cheated by the stick, it will not affect anything, unlike him, who only has 20 yuan on him.

Sticking to the borrowed ten yuan, he found the steward on the train, and sent a telegram to the rolling mill, telling Qin Huairu that his money had been stolen, and he was sending him 200 yuan.This also depends on the fact that the money was stolen on the train, otherwise, even if it was given to someone with a lot of money, he would not use it.

Just the few words I sent cost me several yuan, which made my heart hurt. Yesterday, I only paid two yuan for beating someone up. This money is enough for him to beat up several people.

(End of this chapter)

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