The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 180 Reaching the destination

Chapter 180 Reaching the destination

When they got off work that afternoon, Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu were about to go home when they were stopped by the girl in the communication room of the factory.

"Qin Huairu, don't leave yet, your son has sent you a telegram to the factory."

Qin Huairu was stunned by one sentence. Isn't her family on the train, why would she send him a telegram?So he said:
"Did you read it wrong? My family has gone to the countryside, and he is still on the train. Where did he send me the telegram?"

"That's right. The telegram was sent from the train. It must be from your child. You should read it." The girl handed a note to Qin Huairu without looking back. She was asked to run after get off work, and her tone was not good when she spoke.

Qin Huairu took the note and looked at the short words on it, "The money was stolen and sent over two hundred."

After reading it, I didn't know what to say. The 200 yuan was her salary for more than half a year, and she still didn't eat or drink.This dead boy lost it as soon as he said it, why didn't he lose himself too.

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huairu's gloomy expression and asked in puzzlement: "What's wrong with Huairu? Did something happen to the stick?"

"The dead boy lost the money he brought."

"Money! That's okay, just send it to him." Sha Zhu didn't care about money at home, and had no idea how much it was.Anyway, as long as you can drink wine and eat peanuts.

"It sounds good, 200 yuan is our family's annual expenses. You think it's one or two yuan, and you can send it if you say so." Qin Huairu said in a bad tone, she was about to explode, and Sha Zhu continued to add trouble.

"Then what should I do? Don't send it to him?"

Qin Huairu thought for a while, it would not work if he didn't send money, the key is that he didn't bring anything with him, if he didn't have any money, he wouldn't starve to death, even if he didn't starve to death, he would freeze to death, that damn place is so cold.

"Even if you send money, you can't send two hundred. What if he loses it? In this way, send him fifty first, and then send him five yuan a month. Even if you lose it, it's okay."

"That's good, but it's a bit troublesome, and I have to go to the post office every month."

"Trouble is better than losing money. Think about it, if you want to make 200 yuan for a wedding banquet, how many meals do you have to cook?"

Silly Zhu counted with his fingers, and for 200 yuan, he would go out and cook a hundred wedding banquets for people. With the current market situation, there may not be so much work in two years.

"This little bastard lost so much money." Silly Zhu said with gritted teeth after finishing the calculation.

"Now I know, that's not what you said just now. Take out your calm energy just now, and the 50 yuan will be deducted from your small treasury. That's the deal."

"Don't! I just saved some money with great difficulty, and I just count on it to drink."

"If you want to drink, then go out and earn some extra money. Don't be idle at home all day, and think that people don't give you less. Earning a dime is not a dime." Qin Huairu said angrily.There are a lot of jobs that Sha Zhu disliked others and turned them down. Otherwise, with Sha Zhu's craftsmanship, if he wants to go out to work, he still has free time.Besides, if you give less, doesn’t it mean that people make less noodles?Can making one table compare with making three tables.To say anything else is bullshit, and silly Zhu is just lazy.

He didn't tell Jia Zhang when he got home, Qin Huairu stayed to cook, and asked Sha Zhu to take the money to the post office and remit the money to Bang Gan.I'm afraid that Mrs. Jia Zhang would disagree and ask them to give two hundred.


Yan Jiekuang and the others wandered around on the train for two days, and finally arrived in the city this morning.

After they got off the bus, they took a bus to the county town below, and then took a tractor to the town.

It was dark when they arrived in the town, and a group of people gathered together, waiting for the village to pick up their ox cart.

After waiting for more than an hour, several slow-moving ox carts drove over. Before that, several cars had come to pick up many educated youths.

"I'm sorry, it's too dark and it's too late to walk on the road. You should wait a little longer. Get in the car quickly. My name is Wu Erdan, and you can just call me Erdan." The number of people who came was counted, and they all just went From their village, so he spoke and introduced himself.

Yan Jiekuang and the others got into the car and sat down, but sticking to the side of the car did not get in the car, smelling the stench above and wrinkling his nose: "What do you put in this car, it smells so bad."

"I'm sorry, I've fertilized the field for the past two days, but I didn't clean it up in a hurry. Er Dan rubbed his head and said embarrassingly.

"If you don't like it too much, just walk on, don't mistake us." Yan Jiekuang hurriedly interrupted him while looking at the stick.It's getting dark today, so I don't want to go until the time of the village. Besides, they still have to pack their luggage and get someone to arrange a place to stay.

"Who can't tell, Wei Da'er won't let people talk about it? You should wash the car better, really." Bang Geng said as he dawdled into the car, with a look of disgust on his face.

Yan Jiekuang stopped talking when he saw that the stick got into the car. This kid will suffer in the future because of his mouth, so he doesn't need to discipline him for their family.

Er Dan saw that everyone got into the car, flicked his whip and the ox cart slowly moved forward.

Along the way, Yan Jiekuang talked to Er Dan from time to time, and asked about the situation in some villages.

Er Dan didn't hide it either, and Yan Jiekuang said whatever he asked.Anyway, even if they don't tell them, they will know when they arrive in the village.

After chatting along the way, Yan Jiekuang somewhat understood the situation in the village.

The reason why this village is called Lianghe Village is because the river flows through it in both east and west directions, and there is a big mountain on the north side. The only way to leave and enter the village is to take the south road.

He also heard that there were already ten educated youths in this village, and they were the second wave of educated youths who came to this village.

The village has a residence for the educated youths who come to them, and even built a yard for the educated youths.

Educated youths, like their commune members, go to work every day to earn centimeters. At the end of the year, centimeters are exchanged for food, and those with more centimeters can be exchanged for money.

Although only one season of grain can be grown here every year, there is no need to worry about eating and drinking more because there are fewer people. Sometimes you can meet some small animals, but the big ones rarely go down the mountain.Every year, the village also organizes people to go fishing in the water. In addition to the ones that need to be handed in, a lot can be left for the members to share.

There are still a dozen pigs raised in the village, and at the end of the year, they can be exchanged for pork with centimeters.

The conditions are much better than those of the villages in Sijiu City, but it is hard to live in winter, so if you want to live more comfortably, prepare some firewood.

There is a lot of firewood here, and there is plenty on the mountain, but it is troublesome to get it back, and you have to rely on people to carry it.

What's more, their village is small and there is no school. If the children in the village want to go to school, they have to walk seven or eight miles to other big villages.

(End of this chapter)

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