The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 181 Yan Jiekuang asks the captain to teach

Chapter 181 Yan Jiekuang asks the captain to teach

When they arrived in the village Erdan sent them directly to the educated youth point.

Yan Jiekuang looked at the gate with the wooden fence in front of him. When he walked in, there was a yard the size of an acre of land, surrounded by walls surrounded by soil embryos. There is a well.

There is a vegetable field next to the wall on the east side, with some Chinese cabbage planted on it, and there is a thatched toilet at the corner of the southwest wall.

Erdan asked them to make do with one night in the west wing, and reassign them the next day.

After Erdan left, there were eight of them, six men and two women, staring at each other, not knowing what to do.

It was Yan Jiekuang who asked Li Nuan and a female educated youth named Zhang Yan to live in the north room, and the four of them lived in the south room with Wang Qiang and his little brother named Zhang Long.

This Wang Qiang is the brother Qiang who clashed with BangGong on the train. The world is really small. Coincidentally, they were even assigned to a village.

It's just early October, and the temperature here is below zero.Bang Geng didn't bring any bedding, so he could only promise fifty cents to spend a night with Er Hu.

The next day, it was just dawn.Before Yan Jiekuang and the others got up, the captain of the village came to find him.

Call the eight of them, as well as the ten educated youths who came before, to have a meeting.

The main thing is to re-allocate the houses for them. There are a total of [-] educated youths and nine houses, exactly one room for two people.

The five main rooms were allocated to the ten former educated youths, the two east rooms were divided into one for Bang Geng and Er Hu, and one for Wang Qiang and Zhang Long.

Yan Jiekuang and Liu Guangfu were assigned to the room next to the toilet in the west wing, and the room next to it belonged to Li Nuan and Zhang Yan.

Regarding the issue of food, the team leader said that the village can pay them some food in advance, which will be deducted from the centimeter at the end of the year.

Since they had just arrived, the captain specially asked them to rest for a day, and they would go to work with the commune members tomorrow.

After speaking, he took them to the warehouse and each received a hundred catties of grain, half of corn and half of sweet potatoes.Let them plan to eat, and tell them that the next food distribution will be at the end of the year.

It is up to them to decide whether to cook together or eat separately.The previous ten educated youths were divided into two groups to live together.There is a supply and marketing cooperative in the village, which allows them to buy whatever they lack.

After giving the order, Erdan helped them transport the food back to the educated youth point, and then led the people to work, leaving only eight of them in the yard.

"Uncle Xie Kuang, why don't you join us?" Li Nuan thought that it was just her and Zhang Yan, and it was okay to make a fire and cook, but she had to find a man to carry firewood.Also, his father said that Old Yan's family was calculating, but he was not a bad person, so he thought of bringing Yan Jiekuang in to join them.After all, you have to cook anyway, and it doesn't take much trouble to cook for one more person.

"Okay, Guangfu and Erhu, do you want to be together?" Yan Jiekuang thought that if there were too many people, the work could be shared, so he thought about bringing Liu Guangfu and Erhu together, so that the five of them would be together.

Erhu looked at Liu Guangfu and saw that he shook his head, meaning that he didn't want to join them, so he said, "I'll stay with Guangfu, and I won't mix with the three of you."

Originally, Liu Guangfu planned to take Yan Jiekuang with him, but seeing that he was with the two girls, then forget it.After all, Yan Jiekuang is not good at work, and now he has two women with him, so why not hold them back?
It would be better to bring him with a stick. After all, a stick is a man, and he must be better at work than a woman.

So the eight of them were divided into three groups, Yan Jiekuang was with Li Nuan and Zhang Yan, Liu Guangfu was with Erhu and Bang Geng, and Wang Qiang was with Zhang Long.

Liu Guangfu also moved his belongings to Erhu's house, and the three of them lived in the same room, saving him from having to help Yan Jiekuang carry firewood in winter.

He wasn't afraid that Yan Jiekuang would hold grudges, after all, he had to watch his work when he arrived in the countryside, and Yan Jiekuang's figure was not suitable for work, he was thinner than a stick.

Just like this, he still licked his face and took two women with him.If I really partnered with them, I wouldn't be dead.

Yan Jiekuang was not disappointed that Liu Guangfu didn't want to partner with him and moved to live with Erhu and the others, as it happened that he could still live in a big house by himself.

As for doing farm work, he never thought about it from the beginning to the end. After all, he graduated from high school, and Yan Jiecheng even gave him advice when he came here.

After coming here to understand the situation, he was more confident in convincing the captain to let him teach in the village.

After the five of them moved out, Yan Jiekuang raided the house twice. The area was not small, more than 20 square meters, but it seemed a bit empty, except for a big kang, there was not even a stool in the room.

After putting away the things he brought, he discussed with Li Nuan and the others.Go out to the supply and marketing agency to buy some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and pots and pans.

The three put the food they had brought together, and from now on, Li Nuan and Zhang Yan would be responsible for cooking and washing dishes, and Yan Jiekuang would be responsible for carrying firewood up the mountain.

After the people in the village came back from work in the evening, Yan Jiekuang was going to talk to the head of the brigade and talk about running a school in the village.

Walking on the street, I suddenly remembered that I still don't know where the head of the brigade is.

When he was depressed, he saw Erdan walking over with a shovel on his back, and Yan Jiekuang hurried over to stop him.

"Damn, do you know where the head of the brigade is?"

"Do you have something to do with my father? If it's okay, just tell me."

It was only then that Yan Jiekuang realized that Er Dan was a child of the captain's family. No wonder Er Dan was able to pick them up with an ox cart, but Er Dan definitely couldn't decide on this matter.

"You'd better take me to your father, you can't make up your mind about this."

"Then follow me, I'm just going home." Seeing that Yan Jiekuang didn't want to tell him, Erdan didn't ask, and led Yan Jiekuang forward.

Yan Jiekuang went to the team leader and explained his purpose of coming, saying that he could not pay any salary, but just calculate centimeters.

"Although the matter of running the school is very good, I have to discuss it with the members. After all, the centimeters have to be paid by the members." The captain thought for a while and said.He is also optimistic about this matter. After all, it is for the next generation. The villagers may not understand it, but he knows it.Just say that the one who is an official now is educated, and there is also a worker. If he is not educated, it is not good to be a worker, and he does not want the younger generations in the village to plan food on the land in the future.

"Captain, if you really can't do it, you can give us less centimeters. Just enough for us to eat. Let me tell you that teaching is not for making money." Yan Jiekuang was afraid that people in the village would disagree with the high centimeters if they didn't work, so he lowered the centimeters. Request, in this case, the villagers should not object, anyway, he doesn't expect this centimeter.

"No, it's not fair. I'll discuss it with the people in the village tomorrow. I don't believe there are no sensible people in the village." The captain said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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