Chapter 182

Since the captain was going to test the attitude of the villagers, Yan Jiekuang couldn't say anything more.After all, people thought he looked down on the people in their village after talking too much, and then there was a misunderstanding again.

"Just go back and wait for the good news. The villagers will not refuse such a good thing." The captain said confidently. He still has confidence in the people in the village.

Although he was worried, Yan Jiekuang couldn't say it now, so he had to wait until tomorrow to see the situation.

Back at the educated youth spot, Yan Jiekuang saw Li Nuan standing by his door.He asked, "Li Nuan, what do you do?"

"Ao, Ao, Uncle Xie Kuang, you're back. During the day, I saw that you had a camera in your suitcase when you were packing your luggage. Can you lend us a few photos?" Li Nuan said blushingly. She was a little embarrassed when people borrowed things.If Zhang Yanfei didn't want to take pictures and was not familiar with Yan Jiekuang, she wouldn't have come.

"It's fine, I'll get it for you later." Yan Jiekuang took out the camera that Yan Jiecheng gave him from the box and handed it to Li Nuan.

Li Nuan took the camera handed over by Yan Jiekuang and whispered in embarrassment, "I...I...don't know how to use it."

"You said you too, why don't you borrow the camera?" Yan Jiekuang said angrily, brought the camera over again, and opened the leather case to teach her.

As soon as the leather case was opened, a few sheets of Great Unity fell out of it and fell directly to the ground.

"Uncle Xie Kuang, you still hide the money in the camera." Li Nuan thought to herself that she really came from Lao Yan's house, and hiding money is different from others.I had to give it directly to myself just now, so I didn't mean to test me on purpose.

Yan Jiekuang didn't have time to talk to her, so he quickly picked up the money on the ground.Looking at the name of his little niece Yan Ziwan written crookedly on it.

I was moved for a while, this must be the lucky money that his elder brother gave to Xiao Ziwan every year during the Chinese New Year.

There are exactly five cards here for one card a year, and I thought that Xiao Zi Wan put all the lucky money in it for him.

I didn't expect that a child who is usually so money-obsessed would be willing to give him so much money at a critical moment.

"Hey, Uncle Xie Kuang, don't stand still, let me practice how to use this camera first." Seeing that Yan Jiekuang was staring at Qian in a daze without speaking, Li Nuan reminded him aloud.

Hearing Li Nuan's voice, Yan Jiekuang woke up from his thoughts, quickly collected the money, and then taught Li Nuan how to use the camera.

In fact, this camera is easy to learn, and Li Nuan was able to take pictures with the camera in a short time.

"Okay, you can take it, but remember to use it sparingly, I didn't bring many handouts." Yan Jiekuang said, looking at Li Nuan who was already proficient in using the camera.

"Understood, thank you, Uncle Xie Kuang. How about we give you the money for submitting the test paper? After all, you bought it with money, so I can't let you suffer." Li Nuan thought that Yan Jiekuang was pointing at her, after all, the old courtyard The Yan family was well-known, and no one knew that his family would be calculating and stingy.It was a surprise to be able to lend her the camera. If he was using his test paper, I wouldn't feel at ease.

"It's okay, it's all bought by my brother and the others. You can use it. I still have some savings and it's enough." Yan Jiekuang said generously. The main reason is that Li Nuan looks good. If he is ugly Definitely not.

"How can this work? Besides, I don't use it myself. There is also Zhang Yan. When I get the camera back, I'll bring you the money for the paper." Li Nuan walked out after saying that, and asked Yan Jiekuang to let her Bai Yong handed in the paper, she was still a little worried, this was not like the old Yan family's style of doing things, she might have some kind of evil idea, she had better be careful.

Seeing that Li Nuan left without looking back, he seemed to be scared away by him.Yan Jiekuang was also speechless, he was so generous once, and it was misunderstood by others.


After breakfast the next day, listening to the sound of the captain beating the gong, Yan Jiekuang and the others followed those educated youths who came early to the field.

These male educated youths carried the shovel put down by the team leader and followed the villagers to dig the canal.Those female educated youths followed a group of old women in the village to weed the fields.

After digging all morning, I was not only exhausted, but also got blisters on my hands, which hurt when I tried hard. I heard from the old people that it was still the slack time for farming.

As far as they can only earn three centimeters for the work they do today, it is still the captain who takes care of them.Li Nuan and Zhang Yan were even worse. Although weeding was easy and effortless, their backs hurt. After bending over for a whole morning, both of them struggled to stand, and they earned one centimeter less than these male educated youths.

I don't know if the grain exchanged for this centimeter is enough for them to eat.

Back at the educated youth spot, Li Nuan and the others couldn't cook even when they were tired, and it hurt when they bent over.Yan Jiekuang couldn't do it either, so the three of them could only go hungry.Fortunately, today is their first day at work, and the team only allows them to work for half a day, and they can rest in the afternoon.

Yan Jiekuang thought that he couldn't go on like this, since he kept doing this with his body, he wouldn't be exhausted.

So he came to the captain's house again while others were eating, and wanted to urge the captain to quickly implement the school affairs.Although you can buy food with the family's money if you don't go to work, the people in the village are definitely not willing.If that's the case, why would the village want these educated youths to come? Anyway, they are all bought with money, so you can just stay in the city.

Besides, it's useless for people in the village to ask for money. They don't have a ticket, they don't have a ticket, they don't have an industrial certificate, and they can't buy any big items.

"Captain, have you mentioned the school matters to the villagers?" Yan Jiekuang said directly when he came in, regardless of the fact that the captain's house was having dinner.

"Hey, why are you so anxious about this matter, I'll hold a meeting to discuss it with the big guys when I get off work in the evening." The team leader replied to Yan Jiekuang's words while gnawing on the cornbread.

"By the way, Xiao Yan, have you eaten yet? Sit down and eat something without eating, anyway, there is nothing good at home, just don't be disgusted." The team leader saw that Yan Jiekuang probably didn't eat at this point, so he asked casually .

"My companions and the others are doing it. You can eat, and don't worry about me. I just feel that I can't work, and I'm afraid of causing trouble to the team. But I can't eat free rice in the team, so I just want to do what I can, You don’t need to give too many centimeters, if you really can’t do it, you don’t have to give centimeters, so that we can spend money to buy food in the village.” Yan Jiekuang came up and directly showed his hole card, he really didn’t want to work in the field, for a long time He doesn't even know how he got here. If he continues to do it, he will be designated as useless.

"That won't work, what will we do like this. Don't worry, I will talk to everyone about it tonight, and I will definitely give you the centimeters. Although our village is poor, we can't squeeze you children." The captain also said Yan Jiekuang felt that what he said was reasonable, those city people couldn't work well and sometimes made trouble, so it would be good to find some capable jobs for them.

(End of this chapter)

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